Of course, it is precisely because he is very satisfied with Shen Sicheng's performance, and Shen Sicheng just admires himself, so it is not impossible to accept him as an apprentice.

"Oh, I promise! In the future, I will not bully Yang Ying in school. My master's sister is my sister. I will take care of her. " In order to make ye Wuque feel more at ease, Shen Sicheng immediately guaranteed it.

In other words, Shen Sicheng was very happy. Unexpectedly, ye Wuqian agreed to be his apprentice so soon. It was a surprise, but he would do well no matter what.

"Well, it's not so easy to be my apprentice. I'll tell you... " Ye Wuwei said.

"Oh, master, don't worry. Even if you don't teach me Kung Fu, I will adore you very much, and I will take good care of your sister."

Shen Sicheng also adores Ye Wuqian, saying that as long as he is willing to be his own master, even if he doesn't teach him Kung Fu, he will feel very proud. He also says that Yang Ying's affairs need not be worried. If someone in the school dares to bully his master's sister, he will certainly make the other party look good.

Ye Wuqian is very satisfied with this, and thinks it's a good thing to accept Shen Sicheng as an apprentice.

After talking to Shen Sicheng, ye Wuque hangs up and goes to find Xiong Xue. He thinks there are still some things that need to be discussed with Xiong Xue.

Although Xiong Xue was originally a killer of the lightning gang and an expert nicknamed Leng Yan rose, she is now working with himself to destroy the huge Mafia that disturbs people's order in Kyoto, but after all, the lightning Gang is not easy to provoke, so we should discuss it with her.

In the midsummer of July, the weather was so hot that the ground was so hot that it was smoking like a fire. The leaves felt that they were about to melt away. There were few people on the road, only cars were running back and forth. There is no cloud in the tile blue sky. Some gray gas, which looks like cloud but not cloud or fog, floats low in the air, making people feel uncomfortable. The flowers and trees outside were too hot to wake up and drooped their heads.

In the clear sky, the sun scorched the ground, and a southerly wind brought a heat wave from the ground, which made people feel suffocating. In the afternoon, people always feel tired easily, just as if they just wake up. They are drowsy and don't want to move. Ye Wumian looks up at the sky and around me. My day, tut, it's too hot. I don't want to chase after my daughter-in-law in this weather, let alone not! Oh.

When ye Wuqi finds Xiong Xue, Xiong Xue is just ready to prepare the meal and prepare to eat.

"Well, it's not as early as it's a coincidence to come. Come and have a taste?"

Xiong Xue invites ye Wumian to sit down with her and eat with her. Seriously, I don't know she can cook with Xiong Xue for such a long time! This has to be tasted!

"Yes." With that, Xiong Xue went into the kitchen to prepare the dishes.

"Well, it's delicious."

Unexpectedly, the first killer of the lightning gang can also cook, and the taste is really good. It seems that people can't be judged by their appearance.

"I think so."

Although Xiong Xue is a killer, she likes to cook some food and so on. She thinks that her own cooking is more delicious than that of the outside. She can't help but learn by herself.

"By the way, is there any big trend of the lightning Gang recently?"

Haiquantian won't find his own trouble for no reason. He doesn't dare. Why is this?

"There's no big news, but I hear it's going to be a big boss." Xiong Xue took a mouthful of rice and said, "and this boss is more ferocious and hateful than before."

Ye Wuqian said that haiquantian didn't dare to find his own trouble for no reason. That's why. It seems that he can't take it lightly any more. This leader is not simple.

"Yes, I know. Last time lightning Gang took a group of people to Liu Yue's bar to make trouble."


Xiong Xue thinks it's strange that she should be the first to know this kind of thing. Why doesn't she know? Strange.

"However, it's OK. Shen Sicheng's bodyguard drove him away." Ye Wuwei said.

"Shen Sicheng? Is Shen Qi's son? Isn't he a bully? How can I help you? "

Xiong Xue doesn't understand what happened and why Shen Sicheng was involved.

"Well, he's my apprentice now." Ye Wuqi said again.

My God, what's the matter? After a few days, Shen Si Chengdu has become Ye Wuqian's Apprentice. It seems that she chose to cooperate with Ye Wuqian. He has this ability.

"Don't worry, I'll tell you slowly..."

Ye Wumian told Xiong Xue the whole story of the matter, and Xiong Xue completely understood how it happened. It turned out that the matter was like this! It seems that ye Wuxiang's ability is really great. Bear snow in the heart of silence and leaves without lack of a point.

"By the way, the lightning Gang seems to be planning something big this time." Xiong Xue's expression became serious.

"What are you planning?" Ye asked.

"I don't know exactly what they are planning. It seems to be related to this big boss, and they hold important meetings every day."Xiong Xue feels that the matter is not so simple, she seems to have felt the crisis, which is for her and ye Wuqi. Her goal is to disintegrate the lightning gang. It is a good thing and a bad thing for them to replace the leader of the lightning gang. They can take this opportunity to completely disintegrate the lightning gang. But if it can't collapse, it is possible that she will be hunted down.

"Well, I see. It's important that you ask what they're planning." Ye Wuwei said.

This matter, ye Wuqian thinks that the new boss is a person who can't be peeped at, and may be their biggest enemy in the future.

"Let's discuss in detail what to do." Ye Wuqian said to Xiong Xue.

In this way, the two people began to discuss the future plan. After a discussion, they had a complete plan in the evening. The leaf does not lack hammer back, stretched waist.

"Would you like to stay for dinner?" Bear snow asked the leaves.

"Oh, no, I have something else to do. I'll go first."

"All right, then." Xiong Xue sent Ye Wuqi to the door.

Out of Xiong Xue's house, ye Wuque walks on the road. He kept thinking about these things. sequence of events.

The dark night, as if boundless thick ink heavily daubed in the sky, even the faint light of the stars. The street is like a river with smooth waves, winding in the thick shadow of trees. Only the leaves rustling with wind and rain seem to recall the bustle and busyness of the day.

the sky is like a black curtain, and the night of the city will never be lonely. The city will never be lonely at night, and the city will be full of the charm of the city when it is singing and dancing, and the lights are dim.

Kyoto at night is much more beautiful, just like a modern beauty with heavy make-up, fashionable and dazzling. The bright neon lights of all colors make the whole city bright and radiant.

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