Walking on the road, ye Wuwei thinks carefully. In fact, what Xiong Xue said just now is not unreasonable. Because he thinks it's strange. All this is very strange. The situation seems to be very wrong. It shouldn't be. It's getting worse.

The next day, he came again to look for Xiong Xue.

"What form is it now?" Ye Wuwei looks at Xiong Xue and asks.

"I don't know. Recently, the gang has been recruiting people, more and more civilians have joined in, and they have been making chaos everywhere. As a result, the originally peaceful Kyoto City has become chaotic." Said Xiong Xue.

She didn't understand that even though the lightning gang used to do all kinds of evil, it hasn't been so far. It seems that the lightning gang has to be rectified. If we do not rectify it, we may have trouble in the future.

Ye Wuxiang also thinks that Xiong Xue, as the first killer of the lightning Gang, should attend these meetings. Why does the lightning Gang exclude her? Did they find out about my cooperation with Xiong Xue?

"You are the first expert of the lightning Gang, and you don't know what happened?" Ye Wuwu asks Xiong Xue.

"I'm not used to it. They're guarding me."

Xiong Xue knows herself well. It's because she is usually rebellious. Although her ability is outstanding and she can be better than others, the people above have a lot of precautions against her, which makes her more or less excluded from the game. This situation is not what she wants to see!

Ye Wumian also knows that it can't be blamed on Xiong Xue. It's because Xiong Xue is rebellious that she is willing to cooperate with her. But now the question comes. What should they do next? He must go inside the lightning Gang first, know what their plan is, and then destroy the plan. Only in this way can we completely disintegrate the lightning gang. This is what he wants to see.

"What shall we do now?" Ye Wuwu asks Xiong Xue.

"The people inside the lightning gang are planning to attack you recently. First of all, we have to destroy the intelligence bureau!" Xiong Xue looks at Ye Wuqian and says.

"Well, let's go in the evening." Ye Wuwei said.

It's night, standing against the window. The dim light shines on the dense rain feet, the glass windows are cold and cold, and the heat from the leaves is a mist. He could see very little, but he seemed to see far away. When the wind is not strong, a slight gust of wind immediately changes into the sound of rain gradually, into the denser ripples in the river, and the thicker mud on the road.

At this moment, there is nothing between heaven and earth that will interfere with this laissez faire wind and rain. Ye Wuqian used his warm fingers to scratch off the fog on the window and saw countless crystal clear raindrops on the outer layer of the window. The new fog comes up again. In fact, ye Wuxiang doesn't like rainy days. He always thinks that going out on rainy days is very irritating and will dirty his clothes. He is a person who has a habit of cleanliness. Alas, it's really annoying.

Ye Wuque used his fingers to draw the water mist on the window. He seemed to be thinking about something. In fact, he didn't want to. He suddenly remembered the days when he was in the army. Although the days were hard, boring and boring, they were much better than now. He missed that time very much, and his comrades in arms. Did they miss him.

At this time, bear snow disturbed the peace.

"Well, eat something. It's time to go." Said Xiong Xue.

"Good." Ye answered.

"Tut Tut, even though I know you are good at it, I still have to say, I really didn't expect that my partner is not only good at Kung Fu, but also good at cooking." Ye Wuwei said, praising Xiong Xue!

"What's the use of bull force? It's not that nobody wants it!" Bear Xue rolled his eyes at the leaves.

What Xiong Xue said is true. She is 25-6 years old and still single. Although she is a killer, she has never thought of not marrying and having children all her life. But now, she doesn't even have a partner. It's terrible.

"Oh, don't worry, you are so virtuous. If I were you, I would have it!" Ye Wuwei said.

"Fuck you, don't talk nonsense!" Xiong Xue was stunned first, and then dissatisfied don't face.

In fact, after this period of time together, she also has a certain favor for ye Wuxiang. She doesn't deny what will happen between her and this guy, but she is embarrassed to hear him say so occasionally.

After all, the relationship between them had not reached that level. She didn't like to joke.

"Hahaha, I'm joking!" Ye Wuque has a face of immorality.

Xiong Xue glared at him discontentedly, saying that with the other side's such a wretched appearance, she knew that ye Wuwu's liking on the mouth might be easily exported.

In fact, Xiong Xue is a good woman. After getting along with her for so long, she is fearless in the face of danger, which is different from other women. Ye Wuxiang thought in his heart. And the figure is also very good, convex back, this is really the best of women oh.

It's midnight. I am a gorgeous dividing line ~

the sky is very dark, and dark clouds seem to be about to come down. There are also deafening thunder and dazzling lightning from time to time, It gives people a feeling of terror.

Hua Hua Hua, it rains, and the rain hits his face a little bit. Ye Wuqian quickly takes off his clothes and gives it to Xiong Xue, who is afraid that she is frozen. Then he pulls Xiong Xue to run. If he gets wet, he will catch a cold.Ye Wuqi didn't pay attention to his feet for a moment, and stepped into the small puddle. Suddenly, the water went into the shoe. Ye Wuqian thought that his shoes were wet anyway. All the way, he went to find a place where there was water to run. He stepped on the water vigorously and splashed the flowers with water. It was so happy. At this time, a gust of cold wind blows, ye Wuqi can't help but fight a cold war.

Xiong Xue looks at ye Wuque's childish performance. It's really full of black lines. Where did this goods come from? Hurry to drag him away. It's eye blocking.

"Ye Wuwei, that's enough. My pants are all wet." Xiong Xue pulls his pants and looks at the leaves.

"Oh, I forgot that I was still holding you." Ye Wuque has just finished and stepped on a puddle.

"You OK, you wait for me.

Xiong Xue is not polite, but also looks for the place with puddles. It seems that two people forget all the unpleasant things and enjoy playing. You come and go like a pair of little lovers who have not been seen for a long time. You are really envious of others. A heavy rain brought the distance between two people infinitely closer. In the process of drawing closer, there was a sprout in my heart.

"All right, don't make a fuss. Let's go." Xiong Xue said to the leaves.

"All right, let's go. We'll finish and go back early."

The rain, more and more heavy, seems to never stop, trees in the wind and the whip of the rainstorm swaying, leaves flying, the strength of the rain is very big, the sand on the ground beat up. The water in the ditch suddenly rose. Ye Wuwu and Xiong Xue were not afraid. They felt that everything was just beginning. This is just the first step for them to destroy the lightning gang. They will destroy the lightning gang in their own way. Ye Wuqian and Xiong xuejianxin will be sunny tomorrow!

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