But later, his mother died of a terminal illness. He thought he would be like other orphans on the street. Xiao Bo appeared. He told himself that he had an uncle in Kyoto. He came to pick him up!

At that time, he was still very young and muddleheaded to Kyoto, came to the four corners of the city of Crouching Tiger, hidden dragon, and saw the man who now claimed to be his father!

But at that time, he just looked at himself, and then let Xiao Bo take good care of himself, and he never took care of himself again!

Can such a man be his own father?

Xiao Feng didn't want to believe it, but his reason told him that it was true. Otherwise, how could Xiao Zhentian arrange an expert like Xiao Bo to protect himself secretly? Pull yourself back from the edge of death again and again!

But since he is his son, why does he not recognize himself?

"Why?" This sentence, Xiao Feng almost roared out, or roared out, roared out years of grievances, roared out years of dissatisfaction!

If you don't talk to Xiao Zhentian so often, even if he speaks normally, he will be full of fear. After all, the man in front of him is the godfather of the Kyoto underworld, and he is the most powerful hero in the north. His subordinates are numerous. At his command, a street can flow into a river of blood. Who dares to shout at him, but Xiao at this moment Feng did not care so much, or he completely forgot the identity of this person in front of him!

"Why?" Xiao Zhentian was surprisingly not angry, but asked himself in a low voice. His words were full of ridicule and self mockery!

"I say it's all for your safety, do you believe it?" After a moment, Xiao Zhentian also asked in a sarcastic tone!

For your own safety? Do you believe it? What do you believe in yourself?

"Don't say that you don't believe it. Even I won't believe it myself. In my status as Xiao Zhentian today, you are my son. Who dares to move you and who can move you?" Not waiting for Xiao Feng to speak, Xiao Zhentian has already said to himself that his words are full of endless domineering power. However, there is a deep desolation in his hegemonic spirit, and there is a deep helplessness in the desolation, which is the helplessness of the hero, that is the helplessness of fate!

Xiao Feng quietly immersed in Xiao Zhentian's endless domineering spirit, he listened silently, listening to why he didn't want to recognize himself, so that he had no mother or father for so many years!

"Do you know why I am where I am today? That's because of a woman Seeing the silent Xiao Feng, Xiao Zhentian pointed to his nose and said to himself. When he said this, his face was full of pain. Thinking about it, Xiao Zhentian, who was the hero of a generation, who let countless Mafia magnates lose their lives, was able to obtain the status of today only because of a woman, which is more or less an insult to him, a person with extremely strong self-confidence Speaking of, it is a kind of torture, a kind of lingering, indelible torture!

Xiao Feng suddenly, how much do he know about the history of Xiao Zhentian's founding!

At that time, Xiao Zhentian came to Kyoto alone. Although he was brilliant and capable, in China, he was not only able to go out of the country with outstanding ability. Especially in this era, there are many capable and ambitious people!

But many dream of Beipiao people, but again and again by the cruel reality of defeat, finally had to accept the fate of the arrangement, flat light life!

Xiao Zhentian was no exception. When he came to Kyoto, he wanted to make a career of his own. However, when he first arrived in Kyoto, he had no personal connections. He failed to start a business and was fired. Finally, he was so frustrated that he didn't even have a place to live in!

Finally, Xiao Zhentian, who was not reconciled to Xiao Zhentian, resolutely embarked on the underworld road. Who knows he was arrested for his first crime!

However, it was a turning point for him, a turning point of fate, because he met the most important woman in his life and the woman who changed his life, Longjia!

At that time, no one knew what attracted Xiao Zhentian to Longjia. Anyway, everyone knew that long Jia, who was only in her twenties, was already the leader of the serious crime team in Dongcheng District of Kyoto, and she released Xiao Zhentian without permission!

A group leader of a serious case group, especially a group leader with a strong background, released a gangster who just robbed something. It was not a big event, and it did not cause a big stir at that time!

In the following time, Long Jia continued to help Xiao Zhentian. In a short period of one year, Xiao Zhentian became the handlebar of the most prosperous street in Dongcheng District from a street thug who had nothing. He also set up his own company and became a successful man in his career!

And in that year, Long Jia gave birth to a daughter for him, Xiao fei'er!

Xiao fei'er's birth also announced the exposure of their love affair, which at that time also caused a great sensation!

The dragon family name is the most secret family in China, especially the Kyoto dragon family. Although it does not belong to the four big families, its hidden strength is no less than that of the four families!Even today, the dragon family is one of the top families in Kyoto. According to legend, the dragon family was founded by the founder of the dragon family, as suggested by the great chairman!

At that time, when the people of the dragon family knew that long Jia, known as the genius of the generation of the dragon family, fell in love with a gang leader. Naturally, they were all against it. Even with Xiao fei'er's crystallization, no one agreed to their marriage. However, long Yuxuan, the family at that time, called Xiao Zhentian once. They didn't know what they were talking about. Anyway, when Xiao Zhentian came from longyuxuan After the event, the people of the dragon family understood that the owner of the family agreed to their marriage!

Many people were shocked by such a decision. Many people thought that the owner of the family was too fond of Longjia, so they agreed to this marriage which almost discredited the dragon family. However, no one dared to say anything about the decision of the owner!

You know, at that time, longyuxuan was not only the owner of the dragon family, but also the leader of the dragon family, the Dragon Emperor!

But later, Xiao Zhentian, relying on his own strength, proved his strength to all the people of the dragon family. In a few years, the gangs he controlled grew bigger and bigger. In just a few years, Tianmen has become the most powerful gang in Kyoto except for the overlord club!

At that time, the chairman of the overlord society was Chu batian, who had passed away!

For a while, Xiao Zhentian's reputation was incomparable. Especially in the war with the overlord society ten years ago, Xiao Zhentian won the victory and unified the underworld in Kyoto. He became the real godfather of the underworld in Kyoto. Even the top-level bigwigs also put their eyes on him!

Everyone has seen Xiao Zhentian's talent, but it is undeniable that without the secret support of the dragon family, even if Xiao Zhentian is more powerful and capable, he will not become the most powerful gang in Kyoto within a few decades. At least, without the son-in-law of the dragon family, he can not enter the real upper class society!

For Kyoto, the underworld, after all, is not on the table, did not see Chu batian such an owl hero has been unable to enter the upper class of Kyoto society? His skill is not under Xiao Zhentian!

What makes Xiao Feng feel puzzled is, what does it have to do with his denial of his son? Does the dragon family not allow him to look for women outside? But over the years, there are many women around him?

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