Seeing Xiao Feng's sudden look, Xiao Zhentian sighed softly!

"You should be clear about my story. It's not too glorious. Of course, this is not the main reason. Do you know why the dragon family leader agreed to my marriage with Jiajia?"

"Well?" Xiao Feng was stunned. Didn't you persuade the old man with your eloquence?

"They need a harmonious Kyoto, but the underworld industry has existed since ancient times, and no government can exterminate it..."

"So they adopted the policy of black to black? And you are their chosen spokesperson? " Not waiting for Xiao Zhentian to finish, Xiao Feng has already interface way!

"Yes, I am their spokesman, or puppet!" Xiao Zhentian gave a bitter smile, no matter he and Chu batian, although they were incomparable, in the eyes of those big people, they were just puppets after all!

Xiao Feng chose to be silent. He deeply understood that to be a puppet to a character like Xiao Zhentian, it was more difficult to be a puppet than to kill him!

"But over the years, the dragon family has ignored my business, but I can't break my promise to longyuxuan!" See Xiao Feng chose silence, Xiao Zhentian continued to speak!

"Promise?" Xiao Feng is another Leng!

"Well, no matter how far Tianmen develops in the future, it can only be handed over to fei'er!" Xiao Zhentian's face of distress!

"So you don't recognize my son? So even if I'm by your side every day, you don't care? " When he heard this, Xiao Feng understood completely that the dragon family didn't care how many women he had, but whether he had other children!

"Well!" Xiao Zhentian nodded bitterly. He could not care about everyone's views, and even with his real power, he could not be afraid of any Gang enemy in Kyoto, but he could not fail to face up to the attitude of the dragon family, or the promise of that year!

Tianmen can have a firm foothold in Kyoto and have close contact with high-level officials. If this line is broken, even if Xiao Zhen is a talented person every day, it is difficult to maintain the order of Tianmen!

No matter how the Tianmen develops, it is difficult to fight against the giant state. Once any force resists the giant, the only result is crushed to pieces!

"But you should know that I have never thought about being a headmaster. I have never thought about it before, nor have I thought about it now. I just hope to have a family member! A family member who can love me Xiao Feng almost roared out. Maybe because he was too excited, he even pulled the wound on his body and hurt the corner of his mouth!

"I know!" Xiao Zhentian nodded with grief on his face. Xiao Feng is his son. What he thinks and what kind of person he is, he naturally understands, "but they don't know!" Xiao Zhentian added that even if he believed that his son did not have such an idea, would the people of the dragon family think so? Not to mention the dragon family, even those big men, if they knew that Xiao Feng was really their son, what would they think?

Xiao Zhentian can not care about external enemies, but it is difficult to guard against internal hidden arrows. He is the only son of Xiao Feng. He really does not want him to have any mistakes. What he can do is to send someone to protect him secretly. When he really grows up, he will give him a lot of money to do his own things, get rid of such shackles, and no longer be a puppet of others!

Hearing Xiao Zhentian's sonorous and powerful speech, Xiao Feng once again chose to be silent. Maybe Xiao Zhentian is right. He really can't help it, but is this the reason why he forgives him?

"You don't have to forgive me. When I abandoned your mother and son and came to Kyoto alone, I was sorry enough for your mother and son. Later, even if your mother was terminally ill, I couldn't go back to see her. I'm sorry for her!" Seeing the silent Xiao Feng, Xiao Zhentian sighed and said with remorse on his face!

"Needless to say, when you go down and tell her, I have a question. Since you and my mother first fell in love with each other, why should I be younger than Sophie?" Feeling the desolation of Xiao Zhentian's words, Xiao Feng has gradually recovered from the shock, but after careful consideration, he feels that it is not right!

"Your actual age is older than Xiao fei'er. I only lied about the year of your birth just to hide the dragon family!" Xiao Zhentian said softly!

Hear Xiao Zhentian say so, Xiao Feng this just completely affirms, this man is really his father!

Thinking that the man who abandoned his wife for his career was his father, Xiao Feng's heart was full of mixed feelings, including anger, complaint and pain, but he didn't find the joy of his relatives!

"Ye Xiao killed Chen Yufan's son in order to avenge Xiao Bo. What are you going to do now?" For a while, it was hard for him to accept the fact that Xiao Zhentian had become his father. Xiao Feng simply did not want to think about it any more, but asked!

He knows that Chen Xiang is Chen Yufan's only son. If he dies, Chen Yufan will not give up. Although Ye Xiao has the strength to attack and kill chubatian, it does not mean that he can deal with the whole Tianmen. If Xiao Zhentian is on the side of Chen Yufan, ye Xiao will be in danger, and emotionally, he doesn't want Xiao Zhentian to be Xiao in order to maintain the unity of Tianmen Burke's killer compromised!"Do nothing!" Originally thought that no matter what kind of decision Xiao Zhentian made, he would have to explain, but he even shook his head gently!

"Nothing?" Xiao Feng is a face of doubt, is about to happen such a big thing, unexpectedly do nothing? What is this?

"No accident, the great Presbyterian will attack your friend. But don't forget that your friend can kill Chu batian, and he is the real master of the Longyao society in Jinghai city. Once those forces in Chen Yufan's hands offend your friend, the only result is death, not only him, but also those who he summoned Pay your friend's elder, the final result is the same! " Xiao Zhentian said sonorously and forcefully!

"Are you killing with a knife?" Seeing Xiao Zhentian's calm face, Xiao Feng's face changed. He understood that Xiao Zhentian was waiting for Chen Yufan and others to start, so as to use Ye Xiao's hand to eradicate them!

"Yes, I'm killing with a knife!" Xiao Zhentian said frankly!

"Don't you worry that ye Xiao will take advantage of this opportunity to rise and finally destroy Tianmen?" Xiao Feng can't say what's wrong in his heart, but it's hard to understand what's wrong with him!

"He won't!" Who expected that Xiao Zhentian didn't worry at all, murmured!

"Why?" Xiao Feng doesn't understand. If ye Xiao takes advantage of this opportunity to kill the great elder and others, the strength of Tianmen will be greatly damaged. At this time, if you attack Tianmen, only Xiao Zhentian and other elders will not be able to resist? To say something unpleasant, this is to raise tigers, but why does Xiao Zhentian think ye Xiao can't!

"Because of you and Phil!" In the face of Xiao Feng's problem, Xiao Zhentian still doesn't mean to avoid, staring at Xiao Feng's eyes and saying lightly!

But Xiao Feng's body is trembling for it. He naturally understands the meaning of Xiao Zhentian's words. Ye Xiao is a person who values love and righteousness. He can't do anything to Xiao Zhentian without talking about his relationship with Xiao fei'er, but if he doesn't, what about Xiao Zhentian?

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