"Goodbye, boy!" Chen Yufan's face appeared a cold smile, cold said a word, and then directly pulled the trigger, his eyes twinkled with the most burning light, it is a great Revenge of the light!

"Bang!" At this time, a cloud of blood mist burst out from the black muzzle of desert eagle, and then saw a blood mist blooming in front of his own eyes. It was the scene that his head was smashed. Seeing the blooming blood flower, the smile on Chen Yufan's face became more and more brilliant, but soon, such a brilliant smile froze on his face!

Only because he found that he hit one of his subordinates!

"Mr. Chen, quit!" At this time, Liu Yidao's voice of surprise came to his ears. Chen Yufan didn't hesitate, but he stepped back at full speed, just because he had already seen a bright light of knife from the night sky, which even covered him completely!

Back, crazy back, retreat at the same time, Chen Yufan also did not forget to pull a man beside him to his body, at this time, human selfishness reached the extreme, in the face of this bright knife, Chen Yufan felt unprecedented chill, all this is just because of instinct!

The man in black hasn't regained his mind, and his eyes are full of despair when he sees the bloody red blade!

"Hiss!" At the sound of the voice, the throat sealing knife cut directly on the man's forehead, cut down the whole of his forehead, directly cut a long cut in his face, not only cut the skin, even the bones were cut open, bright red flesh and white bones were exposed, and even white brain pulp flowed out from the cracks!

All the people in black took a breath. How sharp and powerful is the knife? You know, the skull is one of the hardest parts of the human body, but under this knife, it is like cutting tofu. How can it not be terrifying?

Of course, the most chilling thing for these Tianmen members is that at the most critical moment, Chen Yufan, as a great elder, should pull his brother on the back. This is absolutely the most shameful thing for the gangsters!

They can all die for Chen Yufan, but they are absolutely hard to accept that Chen Yufan doesn't treat them as human beings. Although the final results are the same, one is voluntary and the other is forced. This morality is completely different.

There is a trace of hesitation in everyone's eyes, that is, the hesitating Kung Fu. Ye Xiao's body has once again stepped forward to the back of Chen Yufan, and the throat sealing knife in his hand once again reaches Chen Yufan's neck!

Chen Yufan just desperately backward, but his body is still under his cover, and other people from his nearest also have a step away, this seemingly simple step, but at this time it is like the distance between heaven and earth!

"One knife, save me!" At this time, Chen Yufan, who really felt the threat of death, yelled at Chen Yufan who also came to Ye Xiao's back, because he knew that only Liu Yidao could save him at this time!

In fact, there was no need for him to say much. With the backing of the last member, Liu Yidao always rushed to Ye Xiao. Without any hesitation, the broken knife in his hand chopped at Ye Xiao at full speed. At this time, he was behind Ye Xiao and could not resist Ye Xiao's knife. The only thing he could do was to surround the Wei to save Zhao!

At this time, if ye Xiao wants to continue to kill Chen Yufan, he will certainly be cut in half by Liu Yidao's knife. If he wants to live, the only way is to save himself. Once he does, he will never have a chance to kill 5!

Liu Yidao, also known as liuyidao, decided not to keep a knife at this time. As long as ye Xiao turns around, he will definitely cut out the one he has been keeping. He believes that even the top experts in the underground world may not be able to resist his most powerful one!

Feeling the chill coming from behind, ye Xiao's body actually stopped for a moment, and his body began to rotate, which was a sign of turning around!

Both Liu Yidao and Chen Yufan are very happy in their hearts. Chen Yufan is happy that he has finally escaped a robbery, but Liu Yidao is glad that ye Xiao has fallen into his own calculation. He can directly kill him and make great achievements for Chen Yufan!

But at this time, ye Xiao's turning movement suddenly speeds up, and his left hand is more than a bright flying knife, a shudder, a cold light shot directly at Liu Yidao's neck. Such a swift and violent knife scared Liu Yidao's head and completely forgot what he was prepared to leave. At this time, ye Xiao has already rushed to his front and his hand In the throat sealing knife lightning stroke past!

In the face of this terrible knife, Liu Yidao did not dare to use his body to resist it. The broken knife in his hand appeared in front of his chest again, trying to stop Ye Xiao's fatal knife!

"Bang!" Liu Yidao is about to retreat, but he doesn't dare to retreat at all. Who knows if ye Xiao will directly turn to attack Chen Yufan. At that time, it will be too late for him to rescue him!

He can only force a foot on the ground, the whole body appears horse step, but the huge shock of his legs a pain!But this time, ye Xiao didn't mean to turn around. Instead, he stepped out again and directly came to Liu Yidao's body. Even his face was less than 30 cm away from Liu Yidao's face. How could he draw a knife so close? Didn't he know that as a swordsman, he had to open a certain distance?

When Liu Yidao is shocked, ye Xiao's foot has already stepped on Liu Yidao's knee!

"Click!" With a crisp sound, Liu Yidao's legs had already withstood the force of the shock. Now, when ye Xiao stepped on them with all his strength, where could they still bear it? Suddenly they broke apart!

However, the huge pain has not yet been transmitted to Liu Yidao's brain. Ye Xiao, with one foot on his knee, has already risen into the air, and then he puts his foot on Liu Yidao's heart. Suddenly, there is a dull sound. Liu Yidao's body completely loses its balance and leans back. Ye Xiao's body has taken advantage of this force to bounce high and pounce on Chen Yufan at full speed However, when he turned and jumped, he did not forget to throw a throwing knife. His body had completely lost his balance, and his knee was completely smashed. Liu Yidao, who was attacking his brain with severe pain, could not resist such a knife!

"Hiss!" Liu Yidao's flying knife fell directly into Liu Yidao's neck. His eyes were wide open, and his face was full of pain and unwilling. It seemed that he was unwilling to let Ye Xiao's speed become so fast, and how could his strength be so huge?

Compared with Liu Yidao's unwillingness and pain, Chen Yufan only had deep despair in his eyes. It was a hopeless hope that would be completely broken. Originally, he thought Liu Yidao would save himself, but he didn't expect that he would be killed in the blink of an eye, and ye Xiao's body came to the top of his head, looking at the bloody knife awn, his mind was one Blank!

"Hi..." At the sound of the sound, ye Xiao, who fell at full speed, chopped Chen Yufan's forehead with his sharp blade, and directly cut Chen Yufan's head and his body into two parts, spraying out bright red blood and colorful viscera

Ye Xiao's whole body was covered with spray. Ye Xiao's whole body fell on the ground like a bloody demon. His step was steady and powerful, and his figure was lonely and domineering. For a moment, there were hundreds of people in the audience, and none of them dared to step forward

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