A lot of people have taken a breath. Is this still human? Under a knife, he even split the man in two. It felt like chopping a watermelon. But he was a man, a living man, a man of flesh and blood. Most importantly, this man is their boss and a big man level figure who has been in Kyoto for decades!

Chen Yufan, Tianmen's status is second only to Xiao Zhentian's existence. Now he has been cut in half by a knife. What kind of sensation will this cause?

At the thought of Chen Yufan's terrifying power of stomping his feet, he died so miserably that everyone was in awe!

Ye Xiao holds the throat sealing knife in one hand, and the bright red blood constantly drips from the sword. His eyes slowly sweep to the people. In the face of the sharp eyes, no one dares to look directly at so many people. Everyone who is fixed by Ye Xiao will feel as if he is being watched by a great beast of Honghuang. If he is careless, he will be torn into pieces in an instant!

"Da!" Ye Xiao suddenly took a step. In the direction of his right foot, at least more than dozens of people in black stepped back at the same time. They were oppressed by Ye Xiao's momentum and involuntarily withdrew from this step. Many people felt that the foot was not on the ground, but on their own heart!

"Da!" Ye Xiao stepped out again. The people in front of him continued to step back. Then ye Xiao didn't talk much nonsense any more. He twisted his throat sealing knife and walked forward step by step!

He was so lonely, with steady steps and step by step, hundreds of depressed people retreated one after another!

Yes, it's a kind of fear, a kind of fear of lower creatures to higher creatures, which comes from the deep soul or instinctive fear. At this moment, ye Xiao is no longer a person, but a God, a demon who can kill everything. No one is willing to send his own life up!

Even those guys with guns in their hands did not dare to point their guns at Ye Xiao or even dare to move them for fear that ye Xiao would be misunderstood and killed!

The crowd separated automatically, and ye Xiao walked all the way to Kanu. Although he was powerful, he suddenly faced the siege of so many people. He was hurt. He thought he might have to explain it here, but he saw the crowd suddenly stop and retreat back. When he saw Ye Xiao coming step by step with a throat sealing knife, he saw that he was walking forward Waiting, the heart of card Nu unexpectedly surged up a kind of inexplicable palpitation!

"Let's go!" Ye Xiao said lightly, as if to say a most common thing, like to go for a walk after dinner!

But in the face of such a bland sentence, there were more than a thousand people present, and no one dared to say more. Instead, they automatically backed out again, making way for ye Xiao!

And ye Xiao no longer said anything more and went straight ahead!

Seeing ye Xiao's back, which is much thinner than himself, and the throat sealing knife dripping with blood, carnou suddenly felt that it might be a good thing to follow such a powerful and incomparable boss.

He even had a burst of bravery in his heart. He was brave enough to be invincible!

Heart no longer hesitated, followed closely behind Ye Xiao and left in front of thousands of people!

All of them stood still until ye Xiao's figure disappeared into the night. All the people breathed a long sigh of relief. What's more, they sat down on the ground.

They can walk a road to the underworld, but they are all ruthless. Even if there are not a few lives in their hands, fighting is common. It can be said that the courage is great. But in the face of the fierce Ye Xiao, they still feel afraid. Until ye Xiao disappears, they feel that the big stone in their heart is lightened!

In the distance, on a rooftop, Sarna, who has been lurking in the dark, has never found any sign of Miyamoto Musashi. Seeing ye Xiao trapped in a tight encirclement and preparing to help Ye Xiao clear the road, she suddenly sees Ye Xiao explode and kill the leader of the other party. The last one is even called Tiandao. The power of one knife actually suppresses thousands of people on the other side Such a scene startled her, and even made her forget to shoot. She just looked at Ye Xiao's lonely back. For a moment, she was a bit crazy!

Chen Yufan's death, the first time spread all over the Kyoto underworld. After all, he is the elder of Tianmen and one of the most important figures in the Kyoto underworld. His death, however, is several times more sensational than his son's death!

Kyoto, the courtyard where Xiao Zhentian lives, Xiao Zhentian, who has not yet fallen asleep, suddenly hears the sound of rapid footsteps, and then sees a man in black rushing in!

"How about it? Is Chen Yufan defeated? " Seeing Huo Shiyu in a hurry, Xiao Zhentian said with a smile!

He had already known that Chen Yufan had made it clear that several other elders had launched an attack on the purple house. Chen Yufan went there in person. However, he knew that ye Xiao was not a simple character, and Chen Yufan could hardly get any benefits from him. Maybe now Chen Yufan was defeated!

"Chen Yufan is dead!" Who expected Huo Shiyu did not nod, but exclaimed!"What? Dead? " Xiao Zhentian was stunned, and his face flashed with fright. Although he thought that Chen Yufan was not ye Xiao's opponent, it was easy to defeat him, but it was not easy to kill him. Chen Yufan can be said to be the most cautious of all the elders of Tianmen. Besides, he was protected by Liu Yidao. How could he die?

"Well, Liu Yidao is dead, too!" It seems that he saw his brother's surprise, Huo Shiyu added another sentence!

"How many men did they send out?" Xiao Zhentian quickly asked. As far as he knew, Chen Yufan privately mobilized more than a thousand people. This is not what Chu batian's manpower could have been compared with. If ye Xiao really wanted to deal with Chen Yufan, there must have been a lot of people lurking in ambush. What he didn't understand was that a large part of Ye Xiao's staff had withdrawn from Kyoto?

He paid close attention to all these things. Did ye Xiao ambush other people?

"Two!" Who expected Huo Shiyu to cry out again, it seems that even he feels incredible!

"Two?" This time, Xiao Zhentian almost jumped up. Even though he had been overestimating Ye Xiao, when he heard that the other party only sent out two people to kill Chen Yufan, he still showed an expression of seeing aliens. How could this be possible?

"Well, besides him, there is only one man named Kanu!" Although Huo Shiyu felt incredible, he still reported it truthfully!

"Kanu? Polar bear Kanu He didn't know the details of Ye Xiao's killing Chu batian. He only said that ye Xiao recruited the members of the Longyao society, and with the help of Bai choufei, he killed Chu batian in one fell swoop. However, it seems that things are not so simple. Even the famous polar bear in the world of the world is working for him. How powerful is he?

"Well, big brother, I think we have to make preparations. This man is not in the pool. We have to guard against it." Before, Xiao Zhentian had always been optimistic about ye Xiao, but Huo Shiyu didn't care about it. However, he made two big moves in succession, which made Huo Shiyu look at him with great admiration. If such a strong man could really develop, would he really limit the site of ZiZhai?

Naturally, he knew that Xiao Zhentian wanted to borrow money to kill people, but the knife was too sharp, and he would hurt himself

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