"Well, you go and prepare." Xiao Zhentian nodded, but did not say anything more!

"Well!" Huo Shiyu respectfully answered, turned and walked out!

"Shiyu, can't even wait for you?" In the eyes of Xiao Yu, the poem disappeared!

"Cough..." At this time, Xiao Zhentian suddenly coughed violently. He quickly took out a white handkerchief from his pocket and covered his lips. After coughing for a long time, he stopped. When he took the towel away, the white towel was covered with bright red blood. Looking at the pool of red blood, Xiao Zhentian murmured up his head and looked at the Jinghai sea The direction of the city, but also a sigh!

At this time, in the villa where yuan Shijie lived in Kyoto, Yuan Shijie, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly received a phone call. When he heard the news reported at the other end of the phone, he sat up from the bed with an unbelievable face!

"What's the matter?" At this time, Li Yuan was wearing a black low breasted silk nightdress, which showed a faint translucent color. She sat up on the bed with one hand, and half of the sling fell down. However, Yuan Shijie did not care about the spring glow at all, but said with horror on her face: "Chen Yufan is dead!"

"What?" This time, even Li Yuan, who has always been quite calm, is shocked. Chen Yufan has died. As the great elder of Tianmen, he has countless masters. Now he is dead? How could that be possible?

"It seems that we did not underestimate him!" After the shock, Li Yuan quickly recovered!

"Well, thanks to your reminding that day, otherwise I may not be the one who died this time!" Yuan Shijie is also full of fear. Although his power is no longer under Chen Yufan, the number of experts around him is not as good as that of timid Chen Yufan. But now even Chen Yufan has been killed. If he had rashly dealt with Ye Xiao, he might have died?

Once again, he was full of trust in the judgment of the women around him.

"That's not necessarily true. Chen Yufan was eager to lose his son, so he took the horse in person. If we started, we would not go there in person. But offending this person is obviously not a good omen." Li Yuan murmured!

"What shall we do now?" Hearing what Li Yuan said, Yuan Shijie nodded repeatedly, but immediately said.

On the one hand, he wants to win the trust of Lin heartless, become a member of the Lin family, and enter the real upper class society. On the other hand, he worries that ye Xiao, who can kill Chu batian and Chen Yufan overnight, can be a general character. If such a character is willing to fight with him, he will probably die in the end!

"We don't do anything, just wait!" Li Yuan thought about it for a while and said slowly!

"Do nothing?" Yuan Shijie is stunned and doesn't want to do anything. How can he explain to Lin?

"Well, don't forget that Chen Yufan is the great elder of Tianmen, and Chen Xiang's death can be counted on his personal head. However, Chen Yufan's death, no matter what he died for whatever reason, represents Tianmen. No matter what Xiao Zhentian thinks in his mind, he can't sit down at this time!"

Hearing Li Yuan's explanation, Yuan Shijie's eyes lit up. Isn't that right? Chen Yufan is also a big elder at least. Now he has been killed. As the leader of Tianmen sect, you can't ignore him, right? Once you accept it, you're going to have to fight that kid, right? At that time, no matter what the outcome, other people can make a profit. If you are not willing to deal with this matter, then what qualifications do you have to stay as the gate leader?

In this way, they don't even need to come forward. The whole Tianmen will be against Ye Xiao. All they need to do is wait quietly!

As a party, ye Xiao naturally knows what kind of sensation will be caused after killing Chen Yufan. He also understands that it is likely that the whole heaven gate is against each other, but he still chooses to kill Chen Yufan!

It has been some time since he came to Kyoto. Originally, he only wanted to live a peaceful life, but he was constantly involved in all kinds of disputes. Now there is a Miyamoto Musashi hidden in the dark, and there are people from the dark moon alliance eyeing fiercely. Under such circumstances, he really doesn't want to entangle with people like Chen Yufan all the time. Now that he wants to start, he just takes the initiative Attack.

Killing Chen Yufan in one fell swoop is also a shocking effect. As for what other people will think and what they will do for him, he has no idea!

If Tianmen people want to continue to trouble him, ye Xiao doesn't mind sending them to hell one by one!

The next morning, ye Xiao just woke up when his mobile phone ring rang. He picked it up and saw that it was Jinghai city calling, but it was a strange mobile phone number, which made him very curious. In Jinghai City, not many people knew his phone number.

"Hello?" Ye Xiao light should a, said not warm, also can not say cold, is a pair of strangers look!

"Ye Xiao, it's me, Xiao fei'er!" Xiao Fei Er's voice of anxiety came from the other end of the phone!"Oh, it was Phil. How did you remember to call me? Don't tell me you miss me so much? " Ye Xiao smiled, and in her mind, she can't help but show the enchanting woman who love to have blue eye shadow.

"You killed Chen Yufan?" Who expected that Xiao fei'er on the other end of the phone didn't have the meaning of joking with Ye Xiao, and said directly!

"Well!" Ye Xiao nodded, but was not too surprised. By now, he has known the identity of Xiao fei'er, which is Xiao Zhentian's daughter. It is not strange to know these news in her identity!

"Do you want to fight Tianmen?" On the other end of the phone continued to hear the anxious voice of Sophie!

"It's not that I want to fight Tianmen, I just don't want to be killed!" Ye Xiao's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, as if to Xiao Fei Er that interrogative tone very some cold!

He and Xiao Fei Er can be regarded as friends, but even if they are friends, they can't ask questions casually!

There was a short silence on the other end of the phone. Obviously, Xiao fei'er also knew that ye Xiao did not do anything. This is a world of the jungle. Chen Yufan wants to kill Ye Xiao. Should he wait for death?

He just launched a counterattack!

"Ye Xiao, Xiao Zhentian is my father!" There was silence on the other end of the phone for a long time. Xiao fei'er's voice came again. In the words, there was even some imploring meaning!

"I know!" Ye Xiao is not moved. Up to now, he still doesn't know where the relationship between Xiao Zhentian and Chen Yufan is, and whether there is a shadow of Xiao Zhentian in this matter. However, after all, the elder of Tianmen is dead, Xiao Zhentian, as the leader of Tianmen, can't be indifferent. He and he will inevitably go to the opposite position. For Xiao fei'er, he stands in the middle She must be very embarrassed, but ye Xiao herself has no other way, not that he wants criminals, but people want to offend him!

No matter what actions Tianmen takes against him, he will fight back strongly!

It seems that she heard the indifference in Ye Xiao's words. Xiao fei'er originally wanted to say something, but she stopped her topic. She also knew that ye Xiao could not be blamed for these things. But if ye Xiao really became enmity with Xiao Zhentian, or even what happened between them, what should she do? Watching two people die?

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