Xiao Zhentian had expected that ye Xiao would also target Ye Xiao when he said something about these Presbyterian organizations. However, he didn't expect that they should be so direct. But just at the beginning of the meeting, he jumped out to oppose directly. Is this too impatient?

"Well, you're right, but what do you think should be done?" Soon, Xiao Zhentian's eyebrows spread out and turned to light, which gave Han Xinlong positive support. Such a scene made other elders dumbfounded, but they clearly knew that over the years, the relationship between the elder and Xiao Zhentian was not good. It can be said that the elder Chen Yufan has been trying to make Xiao Zhentian's head up, of course, the most important one Who doesn't know the relationship between Xiao Zhentian's daughter Xiao fei'er and ye Xiao. Originally, he thought he would oppose it and prevent several people from retaliating. Who knows he is so sure?

On the contrary, it disrupted the plans of Han Xinlong and others

Originally, they wanted to take this opportunity to put pressure on Xiao Zhentian, or to establish a prestige. But now Xiao Zhentian directly follows his words. What can he say?

"I dare not make a decision on this kind of big event, the Lord Seeing Xiao Zhentian's smile, Han Xinlong didn't dare to go on. He kicked the ball to Xiao Zhentian again!

"Yufan, my brother, is also a brother here. Let's all express our opinions and see how to revenge Yufan. Xinlong, you and Yufan have the best relationship. You first say..." Xiao Zhentian is also an old man and a fine man. Where can he be cheated by Han Xinlong? Now he kicks the ball to Han Xinlong!

Han Xinlong a Leng, now see people again to their eyes on their own body, know that he can't get rid of it, after all, this matter is his own mention, isn't it?

Ye Xiao's advantage is not obvious. Although he took over the territory of Chu batian, he did not form his own power. This is not a threat to us. The biggest threat is his personal combat effectiveness. Yu fan has Liu Yidao and other experts who can't stop him. So I think it's useless to go to any number of people to deal with him, so I suggest using Tiandao! " Han Xinlong said slowly, seemingly suggesting the tone, but it can not be said firmly, it seems that if anyone against him, is against God!

On hearing that Tiandao was sent out, the faces of two elders, eight elders and nine elders changed slightly. Tiandao also represents the most elite strength of Tianmen. Everyone's combat effectiveness can compete with the national special forces. Just like the Ba Hu standing team in Chu batian's hands, it is also the strength that Tianmen uses to prevent the tyrant from standing in the army!

Of course, the most important point is that this power has always been in Xiao Zhentian's hands. It can be said that although Xiao Zhentian has not been a consultant on Tianmen affairs in recent years, his position in Tianmen is still unshakable. Even Chen Yufan, who has bribed many people, is respectful in the face of Xiao Zhentian Dao, it can cut off any terrorist force revealed by any of them. Who dares to be dissatisfied with Xiao Zhentian?

However, under normal circumstances, the Tiandao team will not easily move out, unless it is in the Tianmen life and death time, but now Han Xinlong even let Xiao Zhentian send out Tiandao team, the motive is not clear!

It's just hope that ye Xiao and Xiao Zhentian will fight for each other. If ye Xiaosheng wins, Xiao Zhentian's influence will be greatly reduced. If ye Xiaosheng does not have Tiandao, Xiao Zhentian's shock to them will be greatly reduced. At that time, they will have a great choice whether to choose another sect leader or to set up their own door. Even if Xiao Zhentian continues to be the leader of the sect, they can also discuss the conditions very well.

If Tiandao wins, there will be no loss for them. Moreover, with Ye Xiao's fighting power, Tiandao can't lose a little. Therefore, no matter what the result of this incident, it will be profitable for them!

Xiao Zhentian is not a fool. Of course, he knows what Han Xinlong thinks. However, he doesn't mean to be angry. Instead, he thinks about it for a while, and then says in a business like manner: "Ye Xiao's side is not his own. At the beginning, Chu batian sent out the deceptive tigers, but he has not killed him. So if he only uses some Tiandao, there is no ten If you want to kill him completely, you have to send out all the Tiandao. It's just that this matter is related to the prestige of Tianmen. I can't make a decision on it. So, according to the old rules, you can vote! "

On hearing Xiao Zhentian's remark, he originally wanted to say that Tiandao is the lifeblood of Tianmen and should not be moved lightly. At the beginning, when the elders wanted to fight ye Xiao, he was one of the three elders who chose to be silent. With the gradual rise of Ye Xiao, he did not think it was a wise choice to fight against Ye Xiao, but now Chen yufandu Dead, in the feeling in the reason, they all stand opposite Ye Xiao, they seem to have no choice!

However, he still didn't think that Tiandao should be used. Once Tiandao was launched, it would be a situation that would never die, and there was no room for easing up. Judging from the current situation of Tianmen Association, once the shock of Tiandao was lost, it would be scattered immediately. This is absolutely not what he would like to see!

But now that the headmaster has said so, what else can he say?

With the fall of Xiao Zhentian's voice, three elders, four elders, five elders and six elders all raised their right hands. Two elders and seven elders looked at each other, and finally raised their right hands. Finally, only eight elders and nine elders remained indifferent. Xiao Zhentian sighed softly."Since half of the people have agreed to send out Tiandao, it has been decided. That's all for today's meeting." Xiao Zhentian said faintly, the person has already stood up from the first place, turned to walk toward the outside!

Eight elder and nine elder looked at each other and sighed at the same time. They all thought that their elder brother was in high spirits this time. However, the other several elders had a strange light in their eyes. In particular, Han Xinlong, the third elder, could not hide the light in his eyes. On the contrary, Yuan Shijie, the fifth elder, only gave a puff at the corner of his mouth, and obviously he did not I thought things would go so well.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Zhentian even sent out Tiandao. With Tiandao, ye Xiao should be dead, right? Yuan Shijie doesn't believe that one person can resist the attack of Tiandao!

All the big men in Tianmen broke up one by one. Xiao Zhentian also went straight to the elevator, entered the elevator, came to his own parking lot, got into the completely closed Bentley, and then got into his own special electric elevator and went back to the 66th floor again. As for the Bentley, it was driving outside Go.

When Xiao Xiaofeng wants to leave Xiaotian, he doesn't want to leave Zhentian.

It is not confidence in his own strength, but his trust in Xiao Feng. He believes that Xiao Feng will not harm him!

Just then, the door of the room opened from the outside, and Xiao Zhentian, dressed in a black coat, came in.

Seeing Xiao Zhentian come in, Xiao Feng instinctively stood up. Although he had some resentment against him, he was his own father. Moreover, the fear developed over the years could not be changed for a while. That day was just because of the great grief of Xiao Bo's leaving that day that he summoned up the courage to question Xiao Zhentian. Now that matter has passed, he still has a moment and a half I can't turn a blind eye to Xiao Zhentian!

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