Ye Xiao didn't get up from the sofa, and he didn't hold him up. Instead, he felt that since Xiao Zhentian had called him here and watched such a meeting with his own eyes, he must have something to discuss with him. Since it is to discuss things, it is natural to stand on an equal footing!

"Feng'er, you go out first. I want to have a chat with Ye Xiao alone." Xiao Zhentian didn't care. After entering the door, he directly said to Xiao Feng, and then he sat directly opposite Ye Xiao!

Xiao Feng Leng Leng Leng, looked at Ye Xiao, finally or obedient to go out, and ye Xiao's eyebrows is more wrinkled, what does Xiao Zhentian want to say to himself? Why don't you let your son know?

However, seeing that Xiao Zhentian came in alone, he was more relieved. He knew that Xiao Zhentian didn't really mean to take his life. Otherwise, how could he come in alone? He didn't think Xiao Zhentian could kill himself alone. Even if he was really hidden and his real strength was above himself, he didn't have to take such a big risk!

Seeing Xiao Zhentian sitting opposite him, ye Xiao didn't take the initiative to say some polite words. In their status, there was no need to say those polite words. He knew that Xiao Zhentian had spent so much energy to invite him here, which was not nonsense!

"Did you see all the meetings just now?" Sure enough, Xiao Zhentian didn't even mean to make a cup of tea for himself, and said directly to the point!

"Well!" Ye Xiao nodded and didn't say anything more. He was waiting for Xiao Zhentian's following!

"How do you feel?" Xiao Zhentian continues to ask!

"Feeling? Hehe, your brothers are going to kill me. What do you think I will feel Ye Xiao sneered. Up to now, he can't figure out what Xiao Zhentian thinks. Although Xiao Zhentian's actions are beyond his expectation, he still doesn't think Xiao Zhentian will stand on his side. After all, he doesn't know the situation in Tianmen, even Xiao Feier and Xiao Feng don't know. Otherwise, how could Xiao fei'er call ye Xiao like that Xiao Zhentian will take revenge on Ye Xiao for his brother!

What's more, Xiao fei'er, not to mention Ye Xiao!

"They can't kill you!" Who would have expected that Xiao Zhentian didn't care about the sarcasm in Ye Xiao's mouth at all, but said so lightly!

"But didn't you use some Tiandao?" Ye Xiao continued to sneer, but the color of doubt in his eyes was more and more thick!

To tell the truth, because of the relationship between him and Xiao Zhentian, there is no reason to let him know all this. Although they didn't say much about Tiandao, even the sect leader couldn't make decisions. It must be an extremely terrible force. It should be the strongest means of Tianmen Association. However, he told himself face to face, which was a big surprise to Ye Xiao.

"Tiandao? Even if you have a life, can you take it all day? " Xiao Zhentian gave a bitter smile, but his exquisite eyes were staring at Ye Xiao all the time.

Ye Xiao chooses to be silent. He doesn't know how powerful Tiandao is. However, for such a huge organization as Tianmen, those who can be praised as the most elite force are certainly not too weak. However, ye Xiao's confident expression tells Xiao Zhentian that even if Tiandao moves all the time, he may not be able to take his life.

Seeing ye Xiao's confident expression, Xiao Zhentian shook his head, and the bitter smile on his face became stronger. This guy is not modest at all.

"If you don't send out the dragon spirit, then your chances of escaping are not more than 10%." Even if ye Xiao is not modest, Xiao Zhentian also says frankly that Tiandao is the painstaking effort of his life. Naturally, he doesn't want to be despised by Ye Xiao!

"Even if there is not a 10% chance, it is possible to come out of nowhere!" But ye Xiao is still ungrateful, still coldly way!

Hearing that ye Xiao refused to let him go, Xiao Zhentian shook his head helplessly. Knowing that it would be fruitless to continue to discuss this issue, he immediately opened the topic!

"I didn't come here to demonstrate to you. In fact, as I said just now, if you don't send out the dragon spirit, you have a 10% chance. But if you send out the dragon soul, unless I do it myself, Tiandao will not have a chance to fight you!"

"What do you mean..." Ye Xiao is puzzled. Xiao Zhentian finds him and let him know so much. It is not a demonstration. What does that mean?

As for Xiao Zhentian's knowledge of the dragon soul, which is the core force of the Dragon Yao Association, he doesn't care at all. He also has some scruples about Xiao Zhentian's skills. He knows that he is not a big supporter!

How can a person who has been able to shock the underworld in Kyoto for decades have no real chapter under his hand?

"I came to beg you!" Xiao Zhentian suddenly said sincerely.

"Well?" This time ye Xiao is completely shocked. Xiao Zhentian, who is the godfather of the Kyoto underworld? Even if he is wearing the brand of Jinghai city's Mafia godfather, he is equal in front of him, and his strength in Kyoto is far inferior to him. Now he even asks himself? How could that be possible? How can you believe that?

He thought that there were many reasons why Xiao Zhentian came to him, but he didn't think that he came to ask for himself!He really can't understand where Xiao Zhentian needs to ask him!

"I hope you can take my place in the face of Phil and feng'er!" Seeing ye Xiao's puzzled look, Xiao Zhentian deeply breathed out these words!

"What?" This time, ye Xiao is completely shocked to take over his position? He is now the leader of Tianmen gate. How many people want to sit in this position? He killed Chu batian and occupied the foundation of Chu batian. He was already his opponent. Instead of defending himself, he took the initiative to send out the position of the headmaster. How could he not be shocked?

It can be said that the degree of horror of this matter is no less than seeing aliens!

If it wasn't for the pain from the wound, he really thought he was dreaming!

"Feng'er is free and easy and likes to live a free and easy life. The underworld road is not suitable for him. Fei'er is decisive and skillful. However, he is a daughter who is hard to convince the public. He can't control Tianmen in a short time. Only you can control Tianmen in the shortest time and keep it from going wrong!" Facing Ye Xiao's startled eyes, Xiao Zhentian still said sincerely!

"Mr. Xiao, with all due respect, I don't share the same position with you. Even now, I still stand on the opposite side. I really can't understand why you made such a decision!" Xiao Zhentian's surprise wave after wave, Rao is Ye Xiao's determined, at this time it is difficult to stabilize!

"Because of this!" Xiao Zhentian did not explain, but took out a black iron card from his arms and handed it to Ye Xiao!

Ye Xiao's eyes flashed some hesitation, but still took the black iron card, felt the heavy feeling from the iron card, and then saw a lifelike dragon head carved on the iron card. Ye Xiao was completely shocked!

The dragon clan is the unique token of the dragon warrior. It is absolutely hard for outsiders to copy it. Xiao Zhentian, the godfather of the underworld who has been in Kyoto for more than ten years, is actually the same as himself and a member of the dragon clan. Does he accept the same order as himself?

But if it's really the same, how come after so many years, his sphere of influence is still in Kyoto, the most important point, how could he suddenly abdicate? Is this the order from above? But why didn't he receive a little notice?

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