"This is not an order from the top, it just tells me to cooperate well with you. These are my personal ideas!" Seeing the doubt in Ye Xiao's eyes, Xiao Zhentian continued to speak!

Ye Xiao suddenly, but he is also puzzled, but he has not asked, Xiao Zhentian has continued: "according to the above requirements, is to train fei'er into a dragon warrior, and she will take over my position, but she is still a little worse, and I can't wait!"

"Why?" Ye Xiao also asked, aren't you living well? Why can't you wait? Is there any new order?

"I have lung cancer, advanced stage!" Xiao Zhentian slowly explained the reason, but even if it was such a serious disease, his face did not have the slightest uneasy color, as if he was talking about a common cold. However, this news made Ye Xiao's face change dramatically and his lung cancer was in the late stage

He doesn't know what to say. Xiao Zhentian is excellent in both ability and courage. Such a character, even when he was born in troubled times, can definitely become a hero in general. But now he has lung cancer!

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end, he didn't say anything. For a character like Xiao Zhentian, he didn't need any verbal consolation!

Next, Xiao Zhentian explained the situation of Tianmen again. When he heard that the elders did not really support Xiao Zhentian, ye Xiao frowned slightly. However, he was relieved that Tianmen organization had developed into a bottleneck state, and it was difficult to expand. At this time, as the most powerful group of people in Tianmen, they were not able to expand When we continue to make this cake bigger, we naturally think about how to get a bigger piece of cake!

These people used to fight side by side more than a decade ago, but now their lives are comfortable and dull, but they are calculating with each other. Thinking of this, ye Xiao can't help thinking about himself and ye yubai and others. Will several people in ten years' time be like this?

But then, he rejected the idea that the feelings between him and ye yubai could not be compared. Besides, no matter ye yubai, Xiao Nan, or Ye Canglang, their desire for power is not too great!

"But I'm just an outsider. How can I take over Tianmen even if the elders of Tianmen don't agree?" At the end of the day, ye Xiao, who already knew what happened, asked the biggest doubt in his heart.

He is not a member of Tianmen, but also killed the great elder of Tianmen. For Tianmen people, he is actually an enemy. Regardless of their feelings and reasons, those big elders have no possibility to become the head of the gate!

"Kill!" Originally thought that Xiao Zhentian would have any clever method, but who knew that his mouth actually vomited such a word, but then think about it, this is indeed the best way.

Today, Tianmen association seems to be powerful, but in fact, the great elders have been completely separated. This is just like the ancient Lords. No matter what method you want to persuade them, it is impossible. The best way is to kill them!

The underground is a world where the weak and the strong eat. When several elders die, the people under them will really revenge for them. At that time, as long as ye Xiao shows the most powerful power, it is enough to sweep away everything!

After saying goodbye to Xiao Zhentian, ye Xiao and Xiao Feng returned to school together. In the process, Xiao Feng did not ask what Xiao Zhentian and ye Xiao said.

On the contrary, ye Xiao moved her mouth. She tried to tell Xiao Feng that Xiao Zhentian had lung cancer several times, but in the end, she couldn't say it.

Since Xiao Zhentian didn't say so, naturally there are his reasons. Let them speak by themselves!

In Xiao Zhentian's plan, ye Xiao can behead those people who want his life. Ye Xiao is also preparing to do so, but before he starts, the news comes that Xiao Zhentian is seriously ill and hospitalized.

The news came so suddenly that almost the day after ye Xiao and Xiao Zhentian met, Xiao Zhentian was sent to Tianmen private hospital.

There was a surge of people in Tianmen. Many people didn't expect that Xiao Zhentian, who had always been strong, would suddenly vomit blood and faint.

Finally, the case was found out. When Xiao Zhentian had lung cancer, all the elders of Tianmen society were surprised. After being surprised, many people had different expressions, some were happy and some were worried. At this time, people did not pay attention to whether to use Tiandao again!

Xiao Zhentian is going to hang up. Naturally, the power of the sword should not be wasted easily. If anyone has mastered the Tiandao at this time, he will almost have mastered the whole Tianmen. At this time, who is willing to let Tiandao fight with Ye Xiao?

This is the biggest Assassin's mace that they use to shock the big men of Tianmen. When they lose their masters, everyone wants to have this sword!

At this moment, ye Xiao finally understands why Xiao Zhentian can't wait to ask himself to clean up the door for him. His illness has reached such a point, and his time is really short!

Xiao Feng was shocked when he got the news, followed by inexplicable grief. The trace of resentment to Xiao Zhentian had disappeared and replaced by deep pain.He has not had a father for many years, but now he finally has a father and has not had time to enjoy his father's love. The father should leave himself again, which does not make him sad?

Xiao fei'er is also the first time to come from Jinghai city. Her grief is obviously deeper than Xiao Feng's pain. After all, Xiao Zhentian has always loved her for years.

Jiulongshan private sanatorium is a private hospital affiliated to Tianmen. Xiao Zhentian, dressed in sick clothes, is quietly lying on the bed. Xiao fei'er and Xiao Feng sit by the bedside one by one. They have already known each other. Xiao Feng knows that since then, Xiao fei'er is his only relative in the world!

Two people's faces are hung with grief, but Xiao Zhentian's smile, it seems that lung cancer is really just a trivial disease!

At this time, the sound of knocking on the door sounded in the ward. Xiao Feng and Xiao fei'er looked at each other. Who will visit at this time?

"Feng'er, open the door!" Xiao Zhentian said to Xiao Feng near the door!

Xiao Feng got up and opened the door. Then he saw the beautiful woman in professional suit who had brought Xiao Feng and ye Xiao into the room. It's just different from the past. Today she is wearing a black leather dress.

The woman did not speak, went straight to the edge of the hospital bed, took out a large stack of photos from the folder that she carried with her, and handed it to Xiao Zhentian.

Xiao Zhentian didn't avoid the meaning of Xiao fei'er and Xiao Feng. He took the photo directly and saw the content of the photo. A cold smile appeared on the corner of Xiao Zhentian's mouth.

Xiao fei'er and Xiao Feng are both curious. Xiao Zhentian does not hide from them what is in the picture and directly hands it to them.

When they took it, their faces suddenly changed. They all knew the people in the picture. They were the most effective assistant Huo Shiyu around Xiao Zhentian. However, he met several elders in Tianmen successively. Among these elders, there were three elders, four elders, six elders and seven elders. The most incredible thing was that there were nine elder photos in them. You know, nine The elder has always supported Xiao Zhentian. Now Xiao Zhentian is only seriously ill. They have already thought about it?

It's Xiao Zhentian's mouth. There's a smile that's hard to detect. It's all that should be exposed. Ye Xiao looks at you

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