Huo Shiyu has a lot of information about Xiao Zhentian in his hands. At such a sensitive time, these elders came to him with a clear intention. Even Xiao Feng, who never paid attention to Tianmen affairs, saw the mystery.

It's just incredible to them that Huo Shiyu is almost the spokesman of Xiao Zhentian in Tianmen. Unless he wants to inherit Tianmen master, there is no need to cooperate with other elders?

However, with his qualifications and abilities, he could not become the head of Tianmen. Even if he cooperated with other elders, his final position would not be much different from that at present? Why did he do it?

They don't understand, but when they see Xiao Zhentian's look a little depressed, they don't ask them any more. Since Xiao Zhentian has found Huo Shiyu's villain, he must have a second hand. They don't have to worry about anything!

Once Xiao Zhentian was hospitalized, the situation of Tianmen changed dramatically. Everyone's eyes fell on Jiulongshan sanatorium. Xiao Zhentian's condition became the most concerned thing of Tianmen elders. At this time, no one paid attention to Chen Yufan's death!

Xiao Zhentian is going to die. Don't say that a big elder has died. If they can, they really hope that other elders will die in this period of time. Then as long as Xiao Zhentian dies, or even does not need Xiao Zhentian's breath, they can be worthy of becoming the gate master of Tianmen.

After all, once Xiao Zhentian dies, neither Xiao fei'er nor Xiao Feng has enough qualifications to take charge of Tianmen. The hall leaders below are absolutely impossible to agree!

With the prestige of several elders, if there are no other competitors, it is almost effortless to fight for the position of sect head!

Soon, the wishes of these elders will come true

Tianshangren nightclub, the most famous nightclub in Kyoto, is more famous than ZiZhai on the surface. At this time, a middle-aged man in a coat walked out of heaven and earth with the help of two women in sexy cheongsam!

With the appearance of this man, immediately there are a group of men in black suits and black sunglasses at night. They surround the men in the center.

They walked towards a long Lincoln not far away. Soon, surrounded by people, the man got on the lengthened Lincoln, and the two women also followed

The man's name is Zhang Xuelong. He is the most lecherous one of the nine elders of Tianmen. He not only keeps a dozen lovers around him, but also often goes out and out of heaven and earth. It can be said that almost every new person in the world will try first. No, he bought the two gold and silver treasures around him with a lot of money, just accompany him this night!

Long Lincoln slowly started, surrounded by more than a dozen Mercedes Benz cars in the center, together ran to the place where Zhang Xuelong lived.

Although Zhang Xuelong, the seven elders, are lecherous, they are not careless at all. They know that this is a special period. They should not be careless. Even if they come out to hunt for beauty, they are full of hands. Not to mention the powerful Ye Xiao, the other elders will inevitably not do it themselves.

Xiao Zhentian will die if he gets lung cancer. Once he is dead, who should be the leader of Tianmen?

Although he is not the most powerful one in Tianmen, Zhang Xuelong doesn't have much thought of fighting for the position of the sect leader, but it doesn't mean that other elders will not attack him.

Tianmen is no longer the gate of heaven in those years, and they are no longer brothers who can go through life and death together. With the growth of power and the huge interests, everyone seems to have more power, more interests and more women to enjoy.

On the surface, they are friendly, but in private, they all want each other to die. Even if Zhang Xuelong doesn't want to be the head of the gate, he doesn't want to be a stepping stone for others.

The speed of the motorcade was not fast. Obviously, the driver also knew what the seventh master would do in the car. When he thought of the two beauties in the car, regardless of their body or appearance, Xiao Li couldn't help swallowing saliva. It was a special creature that could make any man crazy. However, he knew that he was not qualified to enjoy such a woman !

When Xiao Li envied the seventh master's Yanfu, the Mercedes Benz in front of him suddenly stopped. Xiao Li frowned, and the seventh master was still in a hurry to go home? What do you do when you park at this time? But he knew that there was no special situation, the car in front of him would not stop, and now he stepped on the brake!

"What's going on?" Although Xiao Li looks like a dog beside Zhang Xuelong, he still has a high status in front of these people in black. Even the leader of the bodyguard team, he has to call respectfully when he sees him.

"Brother Li, there is a woman lying in the middle of the road in front of her. She seems to be drunk!" A man in black jumped out of the Mercedes Benz and came back to report Li Ergou after seeing the situation in front of him!

"Shit, you don't know the detour? If you stop just for a broken woman, you will not be afraid to delay the business of the seventh master? " Li Er Gou was so angry that he threw a shudder at the man. Although he was better than Li Er Gou, he did not dare to dodge.

"Brother Li, it is because we are afraid of delaying the business of the seventh master that we dare not rush to drive there?" Naturally, the man in black also knew what the seventh master was doing. He showed an ambiguous smile and didn't care about Li Ergou's chestnut."Oh? What's the situation? " Li Ergou is interested. He doesn't know that these people will not shoot at random!

"You see..." The man in black pointed to the front. Two men in black helped a woman who looked drunk.

A woman has a golden curly hair, maybe because she is drunk, her head is drooping, her hair covers her face, she wears a tight T-shirt, her lower body is a pair of tight jeans, and her feet are a pair of high-heeled shoes with a height of seven or eight centimeters. Her figure is very good, and it is just the figure that makes Li Er Gou feel , which is dozens of times hotter than those western hot stars.

Such a figure, even if she has a dinosaur like face, is enough to make men's blood boil. At this time, he finally understood the purpose of the bodyguard. Everyone knows that the seventh master is beautiful. If this woman is really a beautiful woman, then it really can't delay the seventh master's business.

"Hold her head up!" Li Ergou gave an order, and one of the men in black immediately lifted the woman's head. At the sight of the woman's face, Li Ergou trembled

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