Li Ergou trembled not because of fear, but because of shock, shocked the beauty of women!

Li Ergou is not that he has never seen a beautiful woman. On the contrary, he often follows Qiye. He has seen quite a few beautiful women, such as movie stars, supermodels, flower queens of nightclubs, and even her sister Li Xiangyi, who gave her sister to Qiye at the beginning, which gave him the chance to become a driver of the seventh master Never thought that a woman would be beautiful to such a degree, in front of the woman's figure is not said, that is already the most perfect golden ratio, but her appearance is also a class one beautiful.

Red sexy flaming lips, straight but absolutely not big bridge of the nose, so that melon seed type face more type, and that long eyelashes, a shake move is actually all kinds of amorous feelings.

No wonder they will park for such a woman. No wonder they dare to say that they are afraid of delaying the business of the seventh master. If such a beautiful woman is given to the seventh master, he will like it!

"What's going on?" At this time, the seven masters of the car seemed to finally feel the car stopped, and then asked!

"Report back to the seventh master, they found a beautiful woman on the road, and ask him to make a decision!" Li Er Gou said respectfully.

"Beautiful woman?" The seventh master called in a low voice. He had already opened the curtain of the car. Through the bulletproof glass window, he saw the women supported by his two subordinates. When he saw such a woman, he was trembling all over his body. Suddenly, he grasped the head of the golden cheongsam woman, and his body kept shaking. He also didn't think that there were such beautiful women in the world who had already taken them The medicine can't help spraying!

"Have you searched yourself?" Seven masters is not a fool, know that the sky will not easily give himself a sister Lin down, especially in this most tense time.

"I've searched it. I don't have any sharp weapons on my body. Even the hairpin on my head has been thrown away by us. There should be no problem in judging the identity!" The man in black who first spoke to Li Ergou said respectfully.

On weekdays, seven masters like to let them look for all kinds of beautiful women. Every time they find one, they will be rewarded heavily. How high will the reward be when they find such a beautiful woman? If it was not for the identity of the seventh master, he was not willing to hand over such a beautiful woman.

"Tie her hand and help me in!" The seventh master thought for a while and thought that there should be no big problem. In other words, the desire in his body has overcome his reason. For such a beautiful woman, he has nothing to care about!

And in his opinion, a woman has no sharp weapon on her body. If her hands are tied, how can she still pose a threat to herself? If it was not inconvenient for him to tie his legs, he would like to tie her legs together.

"Seven masters, what about us?" See seven Ye unexpectedly let such a woman put on the car, that charming woman open a sentence.

"You get out of the car and I'll find someone else to see you off!" Now seven Ye's eyes are only the beautiful woman outside the car. Where are these two women? If it wasn't for thinking that they just let themselves have a little fun, he really wanted to kick them out of the car directly.

The two women saw that the seventh master directly focused their attention on the woman. Although they were very upset in their hearts, they did not dare to say more. They tidied up their messy clothes and got out of the car. However, the subordinates of the seventh master had bound the beautiful woman's hands and sent them to the carriage.

"Take these two women back with you. You can play by turns." Seeing that he had the chance to have an intimate relationship with such a unique person, the seventh master was so happy that he gave the two women who had just got off the bus to Li Ergou and others.

Li Ergou and others were overjoyed, saying thanks one after another, but the two women's faces changed greatly

But they are all dust women. How dare they disobey the seven masters?

Having said all this, the seventh master can't wait to close the door, even the loudspeaker, so that no matter what happens inside, it's impossible to hear outside!

This is his special car. When the two girls were shouting in it just now, people outside could not hear it?

If you don't want to die, the last seven masters turn on the loudspeakers, and the people outside don't know what they say!

Seeing the woman in front of her, especially her graceful figure, the seventh master only felt his mouth dry and his stomach was hot. However, it was a pity that something of his did not move. He was lying there, which made him very distressed. Is he really old? It's just a little bit of work, isn't it?

There is such a unique color around, if you don't take the opportunity to possess, this is not too sorry for yourself?

Seven Ye opened a cupboard in a hurry, took out a pink bottle from it, poured out a pill, saw the pink pill, seven Ye's eyes flashed hesitation.

Over the years, he had excessive desire. His body was not as good as before. Many times, he relied on drugs to maintain his health. However, even if the drug was used, he could swallow at most one pill a day. He had already taken one before. If he took another one now, it would do great harm to his body!But seeing such a beautiful woman, he is not patient to stay until tomorrow to enjoy it?

"Seven Ye is a grand move, why can't you stand up?" Just when the seventh master hesitated, there was a sound of nature in his ear. When he heard it, his soul was flying out. It was really fucking crisp bone. But soon, his soul almost flew out, but this time it was scared out!

Then he stared at the woman in the seat. At this time, the woman woke up and opened her eyes. This was a pair of black eyes, which was like a black whirlpool, and he wanted to pull the soul of the seventh master into it!

But the only reason of the seven masters tells herself that this woman wakes up very unusual at this time. Most importantly, she has no confused color in her eyes, and even knows her identity!

It seems that Lin Mei will not fall in the sky. Fortunately, she has the foresight, and let her hands be tied first


The eyes of the seventh master are almost staring out, only because he only sees the wrists of the woman being tied twisted, and the tough nylon rope above breaks like noodles. He hasn't waited for him to come back to God. The pair of white ones is tender to make all women jealous. All the men's crazy hands have reached the front of their neck. Once they catch their neck, they seem to mention it The chicken raised himself like that!

See the woman that blind look, seven Ye behind a cold sweat straight, this person actually came to kill themselves? Just a weak woman, how can she have such a great strength? Is this a master, is it sent by Ye Xiao? How can there be such a master around him?

But what he was shocked by was the courage of the woman. You know, this is in her car, surrounded by her own subordinates. If she really killed herself, could she escape?

"Give you two choices, surrender, or die!" Just when the seven masters were not clear, the voice of ice cooling and desperation came from the woman's mouth

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