At that time, Zhang Xuelong was just a street thug who was fond of lust, but he had great courage. Every time he fought, he rushed to the front, which quickly attracted Xiao Zhentian's attention. Over the years, he has been following Xiao Zhentian and built a foundation with blood and tears.

Over the years, there are not many people who dare to threaten him like this. And now, those people are dead. But there is no woman among them. However, Zhang Xuelong feels different. At this moment, he can't even resist at all. He doesn't even have a hint of euphemism. It's because he feels an unprecedented chill The chill was deep in the bone marrow. The pressure from the woman in front of him was too great, even greater than that of Xiao Zhentian. In the face of such a terrible existence, he dare not have the slightest resistance!

"Surrender, surrender!" Zhang Xuelong's voice was hoarse, as if to say this sentence would consume all his physical strength!

"Ha ha, is that good?" The woman laughed with satisfaction. She even put Zhang Xuelong in the loose leather sofa like a chicken, and patted Zhang Xuelong's face with that delicate hand.

If this woman had touched his face like this a few minutes ago, he would have turned into a werewolf immediately. The whole body of animal blood would have burst out directly, and he would have pressed the woman on his body and kneaded it hard. But now he dare not, or even dare not raise any such idea.

It seems that the woman in front of him is no longer a woman, but a poisonous snake. He has been flirting with a woman for so many years, and now it is the first time that he has been molested by a woman. It is ridiculous that he dare not move.

"You You want to What do you want me to do? " Feeling a strong breath from the woman, Zhang Xuelong knows that it is meaningless to resist in a woman. He even suspects that even if the woman does not use this method and directly blocks her own motorcade, it is difficult for her to stop her pace with her own subordinates.

"I want you to be the gate master of Tianmen!" The woman whispered.

"What?" Zhang Xuelong almost jumped to his feet. Originally, he thought that the woman would come to him directly. There must be something inconvenient for him to do, such as looking for people, killing people, etc., but now he tells himself that he wants to be the leader of Tianmen? Is not only a sister Lin in the sky, but also a huge pie?

"What? No? " Seeing Zhang Xuelong's surprised expression, the woman snorted coldly.

"No It's not It's not that I don't want to, it's me... " Zhang Xuelong's hands and feet were cold with fear that the woman would take his life in a rage.

"Do you feel incompetent? You think those rivals are too strong, don't you? " Seeing Zhang Xuelong's panic, the woman is very satisfied with a smile.

"Well..." Zhang Xuelong nodded without any hesitation. He is the seven elders of Tianmen. It is absolutely impossible to say that he has no intention to fight for the sect leader. However, he knows his own strength. With his own strength, he can protect himself. When it comes to fighting for the sect leader, there is hardly any chance. What he is going to do now is to wait for Xiao Zhentian to die and choose Choose to take refuge in an elder who has the most strength to be the door Lord.

But now, the woman asked him to be the head of the gate. What would he fight for?

"Don't worry, if I say you have the ability, then you have the ability. I just want to ask you, do you want to?" Facing Zhang Xuelong's bluntness, the woman sneered.

"Yes At this moment, Zhang Xuelong almost agreed without hesitation. Since this woman has such terrible strength, there must be a huge backstage behind her. Since she has said so, she must have full assurance. As for why the other party should do this, it is not the scope of Zhang Xuelong's consideration.

He knows his energy. He has no choice at this time!

"Good!" The woman nodded gently, but did not speak any more. She just slowly lay down and leaned on the chair to keep her eyes closed. Zhang Xuelong did not dare to say anything. She just kept thinking about the identity of the woman in her mind. However, his brain was not very good. Now, where can we guess the identity of the woman until the motorcade came to the villa where Zhang Xuelong lived After that, Zhang Xuelong summoned up the courage to say to the woman: "to my home, I..."

"Help me up!" Originally, Zhang Xuelong didn't know how to open his mouth. After all, he didn't know what the woman was thinking. Now he suddenly heard the woman say this. The whole person was stunned and helped her up? Help her up there for what?

Seeing the woman's cold eyes, Zhang Xuelong didn't dare to say anything more. He quickly helped the woman up, but his body trembled slightly. Even his hands were unprecedented rules, and he didn't dare to take advantage of the woman's!

Seeing that the seventh master personally helped the beautiful and shameless woman out of the car, the woman was still in a coma, but her clothes were not damaged at all. Several people, including Li Ergou, were stunned. This is not like the style of the seventh master? Can the style of seven masters be impatient? How come it's been so long and you haven't started yet?

Does the seventh master also feel that such a unique color in the car is too bad scenery? Do you have to bring it back? When he saw the shaking body of the seventh master, Li Ergou and others showed a faint smile. It seems that the seventh master is nervous, but think about it, such a beautiful woman, no man can be indifferent!Seeing the seventh master entering the villa, it is impossible for other people to follow in. There are several villas here, which are bought by the seventh master. They are just for them to live in. Not only these people, but also many hidden decorations are lurking around. At this critical moment, the seventh master cares about his life very much!

Thinking of the last time of the seventh master, two dogs and others have been eager to pull Shuangjue towards a villa not far from here.

"Go to your room!" Entering the villa, the seventh master is about to ask the woman what to do now, but he hears the soft voice of the woman, and then his heart trembles and enters his room? Does she intend to satisfy herself once more? Is it a reward for joining in?

However, at the thought of the woman's terrible skills, the seventh master quickly gave up the idea. With a worried heart, the seventh master finally helped the woman to come to his room, where there was no secret sentry, and the woman pushed him in.

Seven masters still some wonder, the woman is so impatient to do what? But when he saw the three beauties standing in the room, the heart of seven ye had already mentioned his throat.

These are three equally beautiful women. One of them is wearing a black professional suit, and her full chest seems to be bursting out of her clothes. The two behind look like a pair of sisters. They even wear silver cheongsam and show their slender thighs. Although their looks are worse than those of the women behind them, they are definitely better than any other in the world Better than one.

But the seventh master was not startled by their appearance, but was shocked. How could they appear here? You know, this is the place where you live. There are countless secret sentries around. Without your permission, no one can enter here. But how did they get in?

"Seven masters, are you satisfied with the three of them?" At this time, behind came a woman's soft voice, Zhang Xuelong's heart is a burst of fierce jump? She sent them? If they want to take their own lives? Isn't it easy?

For the first time, Zhang Xuelong felt afraid

Real fear

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