When the seventh Master Zhang Xuelong was found by the enchanting woman, Han Xinlong, who was the third elder of Tianmen, was also found. However, he was not a beautiful woman, but a strange man in black. He felt the strong breath from the strange man. When he saw some information he handed over, Han Xinlong swallowed his mouth.

He never believed that there was a free lunch in the world, and he didn't believe that a pie would fall from the spot. But now, such a piece of pie fell down and hit him on the head, which made him want to accept it or not.

This is the villa where he lives, surrounded by secret whistles, but the man who comes in is just like visiting his own back garden. If he doesn't accept his request!

Thinking of this, Han Xinlong looked at the headless body not far away in the pool of blood. His eyes were full of fear. Who were these people and how could they have such terrible skills?

"Well, I will do what you ask, but you will really make me the master of Tianmen?" Although he knew that there was a great risk in doing so, he did not dare to be careless in the face of the existence of being able to enter the place where he lived at any time and take away his head.

"Of course, if you don't die!" The man in black chuckled, his voice was not emotional.

How can I die if you don't kill me! Han Xinlong almost wanted to curse, but thought of the man's terrible skills, or forced to suppress such ideas, just gently nodded.

The man was very satisfied with Han Xinlong's attitude. He got up and ran to the window. He jumped out of the window directly. Several ups and downs had disappeared in the night. Until the man's figure completely disappeared, Han Xinlong often breathed a sigh of relief.

In the eyes is flashing all kinds of evil light!

At this time, on a big tree outside Han Xinlong villa, two figures clearly saw a black figure jumping out of Han Xinlong's window.

"It seems that someone has come a step ahead of us. Do you want to go in?" It's a woman's voice.

"Don't you think it's more interesting to follow that shadow?" It's a man's voice.

"You're right. Let's go." The woman should a, the body jumped from the tree, quickly followed up.

After running out of Han Xinlong's villa, the man in Black got on a black public car and drove away at a high speed. The two figures also ran in front of an ordinary frightful sack and got into it.

But in front of the car, there is a monitor. There are a lot of black spots on the display. One of the black spots is constantly moving forward. It seems that it is the moving route of the Volkswagen.

"It seems that Guyun professional research and development of electronic equipment, is indeed a wise choice, this satellite tracker is more and more advanced!" The man in black saw the clear moving light spot on the screen, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This man is no one else, it is Ye Xiao, and the blonde woman beside him is salna. In addition, there is a man in black in the back seat of the car. However, no matter whether they come in or go out, he doesn't make any movement. Like a corpse, he sits there coldly with his eyes closed. It seems that neither ye Xiao nor sharna has seen him Like.

The black fearing Sark quickly drove out, followed the Volkswagen to an abandoned parking lot on the outskirts of Kyoto. However, ye Xiao and others did not park the car in the parking lot, but parked the car in a forest.

Several people did not get out of the car. They just looked at the black Volkswagen through the window. At this time, a black spot appeared on the screen of the car. Obviously, another car was coming. After a while, a black Mercedes Benz had driven to the side of the Volkswagen and stopped.

The people in the car didn't get out of the car, they just opened the windows of each other.

"How about it?" In the Mercedes Benz, there was a burst of sounds of nature. Ye Xiao's ears were very good. Even if he was far away, he could hear such a sound. When he heard such a sound, his face changed slightly, because he had heard such a sound.

"He should not dare to resist!" Said the man in black in the Volkswagen.

"Ha ha, that would be the best!" The woman gave a faint smile.

"Yu Chen, chi chen, where are they?" The man seemed to think of something and asked softly.

"I haven't come yet. I think it's another result!" The woman murmured, as if she didn't care!

"Will that affect the final result?" The man asked!

"No, Zhang Xuelong and Han Xinlong have been under control. With a generation of top 9, there should be no more variables. You just need to be prepared to deal with him!" Said the woman in a soft voice.

"Don't worry, this time he's hard to fly with wings!" The man sneered, and then started the Volkswagen and left!

As for the woman, she also started the Mercedes Benz and drove to the front, but when passing by the woods where ye Xiao and ye Xiao were, she seemed to feel something, and turned her head and looked at this side.Originally Ye Xiao did not feel anything, but when saw a woman blond hair that beautiful face, the face changed dramatically.

Sharna also noticed the beautiful face, but she didn't know the man at all. Now she asked, seeing ye Xiao's face changing dramatically.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing!" Ye xiaoshook his head, but his eyebrows did not stretch. He did not expect her to come. Although her hair turned golden yellow, ye Xiao would never admit wrong. The beautiful face still has a fresh memory.

"What do we need to do now?" Seeing ye Xiao without explanation, sharna asked not much!

"It's not necessary for the moment!" Ye xiaoshook his head, started the car, and also went.

The next morning, ye Xiao received a text message. There was only one word in the message. The second and fourth elders of Tianmen died and died in their villa.

Seeing such a sentence, ye Xiao's eyebrows were tightly folded together. He did want to kill these people, but he had not started, and they were dead. They were the elders of Tianmen society. How could ordinary people have such strength?

Almost no guess, ye Xiao has understood that it must be her who killed them!

Such news naturally caused the unrest of the whole Tianmen. Everyone thought that this was yexiaogan, three elders, seven elders and nine elders. At the same time, when Xiao Zhentian could not handle the matter, he should first choose a substitute leader to exercise the post of the Lord. Of course, the main purpose is to target Ye Xiao.

For such a decision, the first of the five elders expressed support. The other two elders, even the eight elders, had defaulted on such a decision. Although he understood that the selection of a generation leader actually directly overhead Xiao Zhentian and became the new leader of the gate.

But now the two elder elders are killed in the same evening, they should not notice. If they continue to maintain such a group of sand, who knows if the next one will die will be themselves!

The three elders proposed that the six elders agreed that even when the nine elders were present, such a meeting would be held smoothly, not to mention the present.

Xiao fei'er, the only successor to xiaozhentian, was naturally informed that he would participate in the Tianmen meeting of the highest level of Tianmen. His father was not dead. These old guys even wanted to compete for the position of the door owner. Xiao Feier was furious. But xiaozhentian smiled and told her that it would be good to go to the meeting

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