Tianmen building, the 66th floor, has a huge conference hall with an area of more than 1000 square meters. This is the place where all high-rise Tianmen meetings are held. However, this conference hall has only been used a few times since it was built. After all, Tianmen is not a government organization. There are not so many meetings to be held all day long, unless it is a matter of vital importance to Tianmen's life and death Otherwise, you don't have to call all the senior officials of Tianmen to come here for a meeting!

But now Xiao Zhentian is seriously ill and hospitalized. Several of the elders of Tianmen have been killed one after another. People in Tianmen association are already in panic. It is inevitable to hold such a meeting.

There are nine elders, eighteen hall leaders and thirty-six helmsmen in Tianmen Association. Everyone who comes to attend the meeting brings two or three close brothers. These people are either responsible for their safety or help them with their daily affairs. As a result, the huge hall has been filled by them.

The conference hall is full of people for a long time, but unlike serious political meetings, the whole hall is smoky and smoky, just like those entertainment places. Think about it. Although many industries of Tianmen Association have been bleached, most of the people who can attend this conference are born in gangsters. It is impossible for them to sit there in a proper manner.

Now the meeting has not officially started, and there is no one on the front of the huge conference table, but the big men below are chatting with each other one by one? They never lower their voice, talking loudly, very heroic.

"Shhh, the three elders are coming!" At this time, a man who was closest to the exit and had a huge spider tattooed on his neck suddenly made a silent gesture to a helmsman at the same table.

Another man with a green dragon tattooed on his arm looked back and saw that the three elders with a gloomy face came in and went directly to the front table and sat down.

Seeing the arrival of the three elders, the voice of other people's conversation has gradually decreased a lot. How can we say that he is one of the most authoritative people in Tianmen association?

Although there is no death of the great elder Chen Yufan prestige, but for many people below, but dare not say anything.

Han Xinlong was gloomy on the surface, but happy in his heart. He never thought that the man in black had such a strong influence. He just mentioned holding the Tianmen meeting and selecting a new acting headmaster, but the other elders didn't oppose it?

Han Xin didn't know why he was blackmailed by others, but he didn't know why he was blackmailed by himself.

Of course, although he knows that if he becomes the master of the gate, he may be just a puppet, but Han Xinlong doesn't care at all. Xiao Zhentian is powerful. Even he is just a puppet. What is it to be a puppet himself?

And think of that person's skill, Han Xinlong does not think that the person with this skill will have nothing behind him, there must be an extremely huge background.

With such a backstage, what is he afraid of in the future?

Of course, for his own safety, Han Xinlong will not come alone. Behind him, he is also followed by two men in strong clothes. These are the two men with the strongest fighting power under him, one is ah Hao and the other is ah Peng.

At this time, five elders, six elders, eight elders and nine elders were also present. Each of them was followed by two people to protect their safety.

Although this is their base camp, although everyone has been checked before they come in and are not allowed to carry any weapons, it does not mean that they can rest assured of their own safety. At least no elder believes that their good brotherhoods are not interested in the position of the headmaster.

"And old seven?" Seeing that several elders in the world have arrived, only the figure of old seven is not seen. Han Xinlong's eyebrows are slightly picked.

"Third brother, I'm here!" At this time, Zhang Xuelong's voice sounded outside. Then he saw seven elders in a black coat come in. Different from other elders, behind him were two beautiful women in cheongsam. After seeing the two beautiful women behind him, many people's faces showed a knowing smile.

The seven elders are really in their forties. They are all in their forties. They are not changed. Even the bodyguards are two women. What kind of fighting power do these two delicate women look like? He didn't think the meeting would be really peaceful, would he?

However, for Lao Qi's hobby, all people understand, also did not say much!

"Well, everyone is here. I think the Tianmen meeting can officially start!" When the old seven sat down, the three elders sat up straight, beating the smooth table top and said lightly.

All of them can't help but sit up straight and look solemn. They all understand what this Tianmen meeting represents, which is related to the future of Tianmen.

For many forces in Tianmen, it is also an opportunity to reshuffle.

Those who have no strength want to keep their strength and those who have strength want to go further. The Tianmen society, which has no suppression by Xiao Zhentian, has been completely dispersed.

"We all know that the headmaster is seriously ill, and now he is still in Jiulong Mountain sanatorium for treatment. Originally, there is nothing wrong. Over the years, we all know what to do and what not to do. With the strength of our Tianmen Association, even if the headmaster is not there, there will be no problems. But now, a group of forces from Jinghai are trying to occupy our base Ye even killed the three elders of Tianmen Association, brothers. We can't help but revenge! " Han Xinlong said in a low voice.No one spoke, and everyone was waiting for his words.

"But the strength of the other side is also unexpected. If we still want to fight on our own, it may be difficult to win the final victory. However, the sect leader is seriously ill and can not lead us at all. Therefore, I personally suggest that we should select a person with prestige and ability to lead us temporarily. Only in this way can we unite the forces of Tianmen How do you feel about dealing with foreign enemies

"I don't mind!" The three elders had just finished, and several loyal hall leaders, helmsman, had raised their hands and said in a loud voice.

Seven elders and nine elders gave their eyes to the hall leader and helmsman who were loyal to them. These hall masters also raised their hands one by one and said loudly that they had no problem.

Seeing that there were seven or eight hall leaders and helmsmen expressing their opinions, the seven elders gave a smile and then said, "third brother, I don't have any personal opinions about this, but who should be the candidate of this acting headmaster?"

"Seven younger brothers, now the head of the gate is seriously ill, and the elder and the second elder brothers have been killed. Now the most prestigious one in Tianmen is the third elder brother. Naturally, the position of the acting head of the gate should be held by him!" Zhang Xuelong's voice has just dropped, and the six elders have already said.

The three elders had a warm smile on their faces. They were very satisfied with Lao Liu's words, but his eyes turned to Yuan Shijie, the fifth elder. Yuan Shijie only frowned slightly, but did not express his attitude.

He naturally understood the meaning of the representative of the acting headmaster. Although he didn't want to be a pioneer, he didn't want to watch Han Xinlong sit in this position.

Seeing that the five elders didn't make a statement, Han Xinlong turned his eyes to the seven elders. The seven elders just sneered and ignored. Han Xinlong's face sank and then turned his eyes to the eight elders.

Eight long old Ben didn't want to get involved in the dispute, but when he thought of the text message he received before the meeting, he felt a chill in his heart

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