However, he knew that it was not the time to fight with Han Xinlong, otherwise he might never see his son again!

"I also think that the third brother's prestige should be temporarily held by him as the head of the sect!"

Hearing the eight elder's reply, the other people's faces were in a daze. The six elder had already made friends with the three elders. No one knew what kind of deal they had made in private. Everyone thought it was normal for the six elders to support the three elders. But how could Lao Ba, who was the most reluctant to get involved in the dispute, suddenly support the three elders?

Don't say these people are stunned. Even Han Xinlong, the third elder, is surprised. The relationship between him and Lao Ba is not good enough?

However, in any case, two elders proposed him to be the head of the sect on such an occasion, which is very good.

Han Xinlong smiles at Lao Ba, and then turns his eyes to the nine elder, daijiu Qiang!

"Lao Jiu, what's your opinion?" Seeing that Lao Jiu did not speak, the three elders took the initiative to ask.

"Han Xinlong, do you really want me to talk?" Who expected that Dai Jiuqiang even sneered and didn't give Han Xinlong face at all.

Han Xin was stunned. Although he knew that Dai Jiuqiang was the loyal of Xiao Zhentian, he also proposed to hold this meeting before?

How can you be so dissatisfied with yourself now? Do you think Xiao Zhentian has a later move? At the thought of this, he felt a little uneasy, but he didn't press to return. Han Xinlong still said with a smile: "ha ha, Lao Jiu, everyone is brothers. If you have anything to say, just say it!"

"What? Say you want to sit in my place, buy killers, assassinate your brother? " At this time, the door of the conference hall suddenly opened from the outside, and then I saw Xiao Zhentian, pale and pale, sitting in a wheelchair, pushed in by Xiao fei'er, and followed Xiao Feng with his head hanging behind them.

Seeing Xiao Zhentian appear here, many big men were shocked, especially Han Xinlong and other elders. Even yuan Shijie's face changed dramatically. Isn't this guy supposed to be in the sanatorium? Why did he get out of bed?

"Master!" Seeing Xiao Zhentian come in, other big men, no matter which faction they belong to, stand up one by one and ask Xiao Zhentian respectfully. His position in Tianmen is not comparable to that of others!

"Master, you What do you mean, how can I assassinate my brother? " Although a little uneasy, but the three elders still forced calm way.

He had never assassinated anyone, and of course he didn't have to be afraid of anything.

"You should know this man?" Xiao Zhentian didn't pay attention to others. He went down to the conference table at the front desk with Xiao fei'er's help. Then he took out a photo and fell on the table with a bang.

Han Xinlong picked up a look, and his face suddenly changed. Isn't this the man who came to his villa that night? What's more, the background of the photo is his villa, and the man is coming out of the villa?

Is Xiao Zhentian always monitoring himself, but with a photo, he knows his plot?

Impossible, even if he knew there was such a person, but only two of himself were there that night, and no one else could know what he was talking about.

"Headmaster, I know him. He is a friend of mine, but what does it have to do with assassinating my brother?"

"What's the relationship? Ha ha, Han Xinlong, do you still refuse to admit it? That's the man who killed the second elder and the fourth elder after he left you that night. Don't tell me this is his good advice? " Xiao Zhentian gave a sneer. Then he took out a large stack of photos and threw them on the table.

Han Xinlong's face changed again. He felt more and more ominous in his heart. He picked up the photos on the table. It was not taken by the camera, but the video screenshots. These are the photos of the second elder and the fourth elder when they were killed. In particular, the fourth elder, who was originally watching football league matches in his living room, was killed by the man in black in the photo.

Seeing such a large number of photos, Han Xinlong's face turned pale. He didn't expect that the man in black went to the second elder and the fourth elder.

Although I don't know what they talked about, no matter what, he killed the second elder and the fourth elder. From the time point of view, it is completely consistent. How can this be possible?

"Old six, eight, you also let me down No longer pay attention to Han Xinlong's miserable face, Xiao Zhentian turns his head and says to the same pale old six and eight.

"Master, listen to me!" No one expected that such a situation would happen. Both the six elders and the eight elders changed their faces dramatically. In particular, the eight elders had to explain, but Xiao Zhentian interrupted them directly.

"Don't say anything. You collude with the old three and deal with everything according to the rules. Shiyu will take them down!" Xiao Zhentian snorted coldly.

"Yes Huo Shiyu, who has been standing in the corner, respectfully answered, and rushed up with seven or eight elite younger brothers.

"Ha ha ha ha, Xiao Zhentian, good means, good means. Don't you worry about your headmaster being robbed? You deliberately arrange such a person to approach me, and then send him to kill the second and the fourth. Don't you want to kill us all? Old five, seven, nine are his dog legs. Are you also his dog legs? Do you really think he'll let you go if he kills me? No, he will never let you go. Let's do it together. As long as we kill the old thief, I Han Xinlong swear that I will never spy on the position of the sect leader in the future! The position of headmaster is yours! " Seeing that Xiao Zhentian even directly asked people to take down himself, Han Xinlong laughed.He really wanted to succeed as the sect leader. He did have connections with the man in black, but he never wanted to assassinate the second and the fourth. Now Xiao Zhentian even directly said that he was a murderer. When did he suffer this kind of grievance, he did not care about other things at the moment, and he directly killed him.

And now, he has finally realized that he has fallen into a trap. Even the trap was arranged by Xiao Zhentian. Otherwise, how could he have those photos in his hand.

Yuan Shijie and Zhang Xuelong looked at each other. They both saw the hesitation in their eyes. No one knew that things would develop like this. Han Xinlong was the murderer of the second elder and the fourth elder?

Is this really the case?

Suddenly, Zhang Xuelong saw that a woman behind him had already rushed out, and the target was Xiao Zhentian. As soon as he saw this posture, Zhang Xuelong's mouth appeared a wry smile. He brought people. Anyway, he is now on the same front with Han Xinlong.

Behind Han Xinlong's cry, the bodyguard behind the six elders has rushed out at the first time. Naturally, the target is Xiao Zhentian. He and Sanchang always wear the same pair of trousers. Now that the Dongchuang incident happened, Xiao Zhentian wants to attack them directly. How can he stand still.

Even the eight elders, after hesitating for a moment, ordered his men to rush to Xiao Zhentian. No matter whether Han Xinlong's story is true or not, and no matter who kidnapped his child, Xiao Zhentian will not wait to die.

The best time to do it is to blink the eyes of Xiao Shijie!

Seeing that even yuan Shijie also joined the battle, nine elder's mouth appeared a sneer smile, but his mouth is a roar: "quick, protect the master!"

The scene was in chaos

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