When Dai Jiuqiang roared, his body had already rushed towards Xiao Zhentian. Although these elders were older, they still did not forget their roots. They deeply understood the importance of their own strength. Even in this case, they were vigorous and had a good fight.

Dai Jiuqiang several breaths have come to Xiao Zhentian's body, will want to kill Xiao Zhentian's younger brother to fly, and then came to the back of the wheelchair.

"Phil, let me do it!" Dai Jiuqiang said that he had reached out to take the armrest of the wheelchair. Xiao fei'er, dressed in a black leather suit and leather pants, said, "thank you." Uncle Jiu rushed to the front of Xiao Zhentian and protected Xiao Zhentian with his body.

She is Xiao Zhentian's daughter and the great granddaughter of long Yuxuan. She has been trained to be the leader of Tianmen since she was a child. Her skill is far above Xiao Feng. With her protection, it is hard for ordinary children to get close to her. But soon, a beautiful woman in a cheongsam has come to her. The man is wearing silver high-heeled shoes, but it seems that she has not worn them Foot, kick toward Xiao Fei Er's abdomen.

Xiao fei'er sneered and retreated backward with her left hand to block the opponent's foot. Then, with one hand, a hand knife cleaved towards the woman's lower leg. The woman was also a quick hand hand hand, blocking her rapid leg retraction. Then she took a step forward and smashed Xiao fei'er's nose.

Xiao fei'er is not willing to be outdone, and fight with him.

At this time, the meeting had already been in chaos. Several big men loyal to the three elders, the six elders and the seven elders rushed to Xiao Zhentian at the first time. Xiao Zhentian had already started with these elders just now. They are the lineage of several elders. If the elders died, they would never be better.

In addition, the other hall leaders and helmsmen kept retreating. They didn't expect things to develop like this.

If it is in normal times, these people will not hesitate to take up arms and stand on Xiao Zhentian's side. After all, Xiao Zhentian is their master. But now, five of the six elders on the scene are standing on Xiao Zhentian's side. Who knows if there is an ambush outside?

At this time, if you stand on the side of Xiao Zhentian, what if you are ambushed by their people?

As for those who stand on their side, did not see a group of elite led by Huo Shiyu in Xiao Zhentian's hands? This is one of the most powerful strengths of Tianmen. Even if the number is smaller now, it still has the upper hand. At this time, to help some elders is to seek death.

If there is no choice, these are just rapid backward. Anyway, there are so many people around. No matter who wins or loses in the end, they will not be against themselves. Isn't this the so-called law blaming public?

Of course, there are also some big men who are loyal to Xiao Zhentian. As soon as they grab the chairs they sit on, they rush to the elders. They are all the hall leaders and helmsmen promoted by Xiao Zhentian. They always follow Xiao Zhentian's lead. Now, seeing the internal strife, they naturally stand on Xiao Zhentian's side.

The conference hall, which was already smoky enough, was in chaos. There were shouts and shouts everywhere, as well as the sound of things being smashed.

Only for a short time, more than 20 people had fallen on the ground, almost all of them were missing arms and legs, some were still moaning in pain, some had fallen to the ground motionless, and did not know whether they were dizzy or dead.

In the chaos, Xiao Zhentian's body did not move, and even the expression on his face did not change a bit. Xiao fei'er was still fighting with the woman brought by the seven elders not far from him. Dai Jiuqiang pushed him to retreat. Xiao Feng always stood behind Dai Jiuqiang, seemingly without any intention of going forward.

"Lao Jiu, why do you think this is necessary?" Seeing that all the members of Tianmen are fighting together now, Xiao Zhentian murmured softly. It seems that he is talking to Dai Jiuqiang behind him and seems to be talking to himself.

"Headmaster, Han Xinlong, these bastards will bite the hand that feeds them. There is no need to sigh for them. You are not well. Let's get out of here first!" Dai Jiuqiang obviously heard Xiao Zhentian's story. Now he said that he was going to walk outside under the protection of several people in black!

However, no matter Han Xinlong, or yuan Shijie and others, where will let him leave easily, several people almost desperately rushed to Xiao Zhentian, blocking his way.

Three elders, seven elders, eight elders and three elders appeared in front of Xiao Zhentian at the same time. Beside them, they were accompanied by a bodyguard they had brought. Zhang Xuelong, the seventh elder, was naturally another cheongsam beauty. But now, no one dares to look down on her.

"Master, you have to leave first. I think you have to leave your life!" Seeing Xiao Zhentian who wants to escape, Han Xinlong sneers. Things have come to this point. Naturally, there is no need to be polite.

"Maybe you're dead, and I'm not going to die!" In the face of Han Xinlong's words, Xiao Zhentian just chuckled and did not put Han Xinlong in the eye.

"Xiao Zhentian, do you think you are still in your prime? Now that you can't even stand up, can you kill me? " If Xiao Xintian is suffering from lung cancer, he is afraid that he can do something like this?"Do I have to kill you?" Xiao Zhentian also sneers.

"Ah?" Han Xinlong was stunned, and then his heart trembled. A chill rose from his back, and his body instinctively rushed to the front. However, his speed was still slow. A one foot long dagger was directly inserted into his back heart.

Han Xinlong turned his head in disbelief, and saw that it was Ah Xiang who had been protecting himself all the time. As ugly as his face became, he was the talent he had discovered by himself. How could he attack himself?

"I'm sorry, Third Master. I've always been the head of the gate!" A Xiang's mouth spits out such a seemingly apology, but there is no sense of apology. He pulls out the dagger, turns and rushes to the eight elders nearest him.

Eight elder's face was startled. How could Xiao Zhentian arrange such an expert beside Han Xinlong? What about the bodyguard behind him?

However, let eight elders feel gratified that the bodyguard behind him didn't give him a knife in the back. Instead, when he was in danger, he rushed up and stopped him.

Eight elder was about to be excited, but suddenly he saw a figure from the corner of his eyes. His heart trembled and instinctively flashed to one side. However, a sharp knife flash past. Suddenly, eight elder felt his neck cool, and then a hot blood spurted out. His eyes were full of panic, and his hands covered his neck, trying to stop the blood Liu Liu, but his eyes saw a beautiful cheongsam beauty under the knife awn. His last thought was how this woman brought the knife in. Most importantly, isn't she from Lao Qi? How can you do it to yourself? Does Laoqi want to be the head of the gate? It's just what does he take as the head of the gate?

Seeing that the only beautiful woman around her no longer protects herself, she directly kills Lao BA with a knife. Her face and eyelids suddenly jump. How can they do this and kill without their own permission? What are they going to do? Do you want to kill yourself?

"Seven masters, the master of the gate has not taken you lightly, but you are plotting against the law. Let me give you a ride!" The cheongsam woman did not return to kill him, but a cold voice came from behind him, and the heart of the seven elders was cool

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