The seventh master's face changed dramatically, but he had not recovered. He felt his heart ache. A sharp dagger came out from his front chest. A stream of bright red blood flowed down the blade. Looking back, he found Huo Shiyu in black was standing behind him, and the dagger was in his hand.

"Huo Shiyu, you..." Seven elders want to say something, but the words have not finished, Huo Shiyu has directly pulled out the dagger, seven elder a pain, completely lost consciousness!

Only a few breathing time, three elders, seven elders and eight elders have been killed. Such a strange scene has made the remaining group of people in the hall fresh and scared. Now, they do not know who is behind the scenes and arranged all this.

Seeing that Huo Shiyu killed seven elders cleanly, nine elder's face was plain, but Xiao Zhentian's mouth was puffing. However, he didn't say anything more. Dai Jiuqiang pushed himself to the outside.

Yuan Shijie not far away saw such a scene, and his heart was even colder. What happened was too strange. Now, the scene is even more chaotic. He is not a fool. He knows that this is a trap, but who arranged all this? Xiao Zhentian? Or?

Cold in his heart, he didn't dare to stay here any longer. He also ran out at full speed. He didn't want to leave his life here. As for the position of the sect leader, let's wait for his life!

On this side, Huo Shiyu killed the seven elders. Instead of staying in the same place, Huo Shiyu took a look at the two beauties brought by the seven elders, turned around and ran in the direction of Xiao Zhentian.

The cheongsam beauty who killed eight elders turned and threw herself at Xiao fei'er. This woman has two sons. Her partner couldn't take it down for a moment.

Driven by Dai Jiuqiang, Xiao Zhentian quickly came to a door and rushed out to a corridor. However, a sexy beauty in a black suit appeared on the corridor, blocking the way of Xiao Zhentian and others.

Seeing the beautiful woman in black, Xiao Zhentian's eyebrows were raised, while Xiao Feng's eyebrows were slightly wrinkled. It was Dai Jiuqiang's eyes that flashed a touch of color.

"Elder nine, take the master of the gate first, and give this woman to me!" At this time, Huo Shiyu had already rushed past Xiao Zhentian, and the brave and fearless rushed to the beautiful woman. However, all the people present felt the powerful breath of the woman, and no one dared to underestimate it.

"Well!" Dai Jiuqiang responded, but suddenly pulled out a dagger and went straight to Xiao Zhentian's head.

This time, some of the big men who followed him were shocked. Isn't the nine elder's loyalty? How can you suddenly take the initiative on the door? Does he even want to sit on the seat of the Lord?

But when Dai Jiuqiang thought that he could easily kill Xiao Zhentian, a chill came from behind him. Dai Jiuqiang was surprised. How did Xiao Feng know he wanted to do it himself?

At this most critical juncture, Dai Jiuqiang turned back to block the sword, and the dagger in his hand met Xiao Feng's stab.

At this moment, Huo Shiyu, who had been rushing to the woman, suddenly turned around and chopped Xiao Zhentian with a backhand.

"Dad, be careful!" Xiao Zhentian had long expected that Dai Jiuqiang was unreliable, which made Xiao Feng follow him all the time. So when there was a change in Dai Jiuqiang, Xiao Feng mercilessly attacked Dai Jiuqiang. But what he didn't know was that even Huo Shiyu, the most loyal assistant around Xiao Zhentian, would turn against the tide at this time. Is he also with Dai Jiuqiang?

"Jingle!" When Xiao Feng exclaimed, the dagger in his hand had already collided with the dagger in Dai Jiuqiang's hand. Their bodies trembled at the same time, and Dai Jiuqiang's eyes flashed a trace of horror. How could Xiao Feng's strength improve so much?

However, his body still rushed to Xiao Feng for the first time. If Huo Shiyu made a move, Xiao Zhentian would surely die!

In the face of Huo Shiyu who suddenly rushed at him, Xiao Zhentian, who had been sitting in the wheelchair, showed a trace of sarcasm. Seeing the sarcasm, Huo Shiyu didn't know what to do. But now he has already made a move, and there is no room for maneuver. Now he speeds up the speed of stabbing again.

Seeing that the dagger was about to hit Xiao Zhentian's heart, Xiao Zhentian, who was still dying, suddenly flashed a light in his eyes. However, his body was still motionless. It seemed that he didn't care about the knife coming.

Seeing that Xiao Zhentian's eyes were shining, but seeing that his body did not evade, Huo Shiyu was determined. It seemed that even if he had an ambush, his body was not as good as before. As long as he was killed, no matter how big the ambush was!

"When..." Huo Shiyu stabbed Xiao Zhentian's chest with all his strength. However, he didn't imagine the sound of the knife cutting into the flesh and blood. Instead, it seemed to stab on the steel plate. Huo Shiyu was shocked. What kind of heart guard?

He's wearing a heart guard? Could he have guessed the scene?

After all, Huo Shiyu is the first expert under Xiao Zhentian. When he fails to hit the target, he turns his wrist, and raises his hand to scratch Xiao Zhentian's neck.It was at this time that Xiao Zhentian made a move.

He did not see any movement, just gently patted out a palm, seemingly casual and slow one, but suddenly came to Huo Shiyu's chest!

"Pa!" Xiao Zhentian's palm was printed on Huo Shiyu's chest. Then Huo Shiyu's body was reflected like a shell, and hit the back wall heavily. On the spot, a mouthful of blood was ejected, and the blood was mixed with broken visceral fragments!

Seeing that Xiao Zhentian easily slapped Huo Shiyu with one hand, a group of people who came out with him were very happy. I really didn't expect that after so many years, the strength of the sect leader was not backward, but even better than before. How strong is the power of this seemingly careless palm?

As for Huo Shiyu, Dai Jiuqiang, including the woman in the black suit, turned pale. Apparently, they did not expect that Xiao Zhentian had such strength!

Seeing that Xiao Zhentian slapped Huo Shiyu, the scene became quiet. Huo Shiyu struggled to stand up. Dai Jiuqiang didn't continue to attack Xiao Feng, but took a step backward. The woman in the professional suit was also standing in the same place. The three of them formed a triangle and surrounded Xiao Zhentian in the center!

"I don't think of you, but I don't think of you as a treacherous poet, but I don't know how to treat me as a traitor." Seeing the three people around him, Xiao Zhentian said faintly, and Xiao Feng had come to his back and grasped the handle of the wheelchair.

"You already know that?" As soon as Xiao Zhentian knew that he would rebel, Huo Shiyu's face changed. When he said that he was the identity of the dark moon alliance, including the woman in black, his face changed dramatically.

"Lao Jiu, he is a member of the dark moon alliance. How about you? Why don't you want to sit in my present position Xiao Zhentian did not pay attention to Huo Shiyu, whose face had changed dramatically. Instead, he turned his head and looked at Dai Jiuqiang.

"You're right. In those years, we all went through life and death together to lay down this foundation, but what about you? What have you done over the years? We are gangsters, but now Tianmen feels like a charity. Xiao Zhentian, you should have abdicated! " Nine elder sneered

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