Huo Shiyu was shot by Xiao Zhentian. He was very bloody and wanted to have a good sleep. However, he knew that he could not sleep, nor could he fall down. He must escape from here as soon as possible. At least, he must escape from this place. Some people who are loyal to him are downstairs. As long as they escape there, they will be OK. Maybe they will stay in Kyoto in the future Down, but at least he won't die.

As a peripheral member of the dark moon alliance, he believes that this time, the dark moon alliance will never blame itself. After all, all this was planned by the holy daughter herself. If it fails, it has nothing to do with itself. The organization will not persecute itself. On the contrary, with its own ability and the help of the dark moon alliance, it is not impossible for the dark moon alliance to achieve a career in a short time.

But he must live, live, which has almost become Huo Shiyu's only belief at the moment.

However, when his figure rushed through a stairway, he stopped because a man with snow-white hair was leaning against the wall, with a cigarette in his mouth and smoking happily. It seemed that he did not find his arrival at all.

But he knew that this man was waiting for himself here, and although he had not seen this man, he knew absolutely who he was.

Now, ye yubai, President of the Longyao Association in Jinghai city.

Why he appeared here is not what Huo Shiyu is thinking about. What he is thinking about now is how to live.

To be alive is the simplest requirement, but before he can figure out a solution, a figure has already come out from the side, and a cold light directly stabs him in his heart. Huo Shiyu is shocked, and his body quickly dodges the knife.

At this time, he finally saw the visitor clearly. It was a young boy who looked a little immature, but his face was full of excitement. It seemed that killing himself was a very happy and exciting thing.

Huo Shiyu knew that he was not the opponent of the two men. He turned around and was about to run away. But just as he turned around, he saw a handsome and shameless man coming step by step.

This is a man who makes Huo Shiyu very familiar. He has seen him on the screen more than once. This is the most popular movie idol in the mainland these days, Xiao Nan!

Of course, what he was most familiar with was the head of Xiao Nan, who was the head of Dai Jiuqiang. He escaped with himself, but how could he die?

How long has it been?

Huo Shiyu was shocked. He knew that if he resisted today, he would die. He would beg for mercy. However, ye yubai, who had been smoking in the back, threw away the cigarette end in his hand, and the whole person rushed over like a tiger.

"Die!" Ye Yu yelled in his mouth. Suddenly, the whole person jumped into the air and hit Huo Shiyu's head with a fist. Huo Shiyu's face changed greatly and he had to raise his hand instinctively to resist it. However, the boy who had been beside him suddenly stepped forward and stabbed him in the heart!

"Idiot!" Ye yubai's body stopped and looked at Xiao Nan who was coming. The corner of his mouth twitched and seemed to be laughing. Then he turned and walked outside.

"It's idiotic indeed!" Xiao Nan's voice came from behind. Then he saw that he threw the head directly in front of him. However, the boy who stabbed his heart with a knife drew out a dagger and followed them away.

Huo Shiyu's eyes were wide open. Obviously, he didn't think that the other party, as a big man, was bluffing. Seeing that he rolled to his feet and staring at his own daijiuqiang, Huo Shiyu's body slowly fell down.

Ye Xiao doesn't worry about the life and death of Huo Shiyu's daijiu Qiang. Xiaobai and Anan are both called by him from Jinghai city to help. If they run away, they don't have to mix up. His main goal is above the dark moon alliance.

No matter why these people appear here, and no matter why they interfere in Tianmen affairs, he doesn't want to let these people go again.

Leng Yuchen and others are also worthy of being masters. They are extremely quick to escape, but after a while they have already rushed out of Tianmen building, but instead of leaving by car, they run to an alley.

Naturally, ye Xiao would not give up. He raised his feet and ran after him. Kanu always followed him. Seeing him rushing into the lane, he naturally refused to fall behind and ran straight forward. However, when he turned a corner, he did not see ye Xiao and other people. Instead, he saw a beautiful and unreasonable woman blocking his way.

She was wearing a single black leather dress, all zipped up, but this one was tight and completely wrapped up her hot figure.

Her lower body is also a pair of tight leather pants, the slender thighs and plump buttocks are perfectly wrapped up, there is no place on the whole body exposed, but for men, this temptation is even greater.

However, Kanu did not feel the temptation, not to be fascinated by it. He only felt the cold chill, which was a cold feeling penetrating the bone marrow.

Just because the woman in front of him gave him an unprecedented pressure, even in Ye Xiao's body, he has never felt such a pressure."Polar bear Kanu?" The beautiful woman suddenly opened her mouth, even with a smile on her face.

"If you don't want to be a dead bear, get out of here!" Kanu is about to say that it is under me, but the words have not yet been exported, the woman has not been polite to continue to say.

Kanu's face changed, but thinking of what ye Xiao said, he turned around and left without looking back. It seemed that he was really afraid of women's words.

The woman was stunned by the reaction of Kanu. Obviously, she didn't expect that canu would be so ungrateful. She had been with Ye Xiao, but now she said she would go.

However, seeing Kanu go simply, the woman didn't mean to intercept him. Instead, she turned and ran towards the direction Ye Xiao left.

When the woman's figure disappeared, the card Nu who had left suddenly turned back, and a ferocious smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

At this time, ye Xiao ran all the way, turning one corner after another. When he turned the seventh corner, he suddenly came to a relatively wide area, and the cold whispered Chen three brothers and the beauty in the professional suit all stopped.

See ye Xiaochong come over, cold words Chen three people move, unexpectedly direct Ye Xiao surrounded!

Seeing the indifferent three people, and then seeing a beautiful woman who looks like a robot, ye Xiao's eyebrows wrinkled and then gradually unfolded!

"Your purpose is me?" Xiaoxiao saw three people around him.

"Now I understand, it's too late!" Talking about the beauty in a professional suit, her voice was still as cold as before.

"Is it?" Who expected that the corner of Ye Xiao's mouth was a sneering smile. Everyone was stunned. At this time, how could he still laugh?

Cold words Chen is suddenly felt a inexplicable chill hit, without any hesitation, full speed to the front!

"Bang!" At this time, there was a loud noise in the air, and then I saw that Leng Yuchen had just stood on the ground which had been blasted out of a huge pit. If he was still standing in the same place, he would definitely be directly hit in the head at this time.

In this instant, ye Xiao's figure moved and ran out of the room at full speed. His wrist turned and a Throwing Knife appeared in his hand

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