No one thought Ye Xiao even arranged snipers nearby. But they chose the place they had only temporarily started to choose. Even before, they didn't even decide to be here, let alone Ye Xiao. But now there are snipers nearby. So only one problem can be explained. Ye Xiao has long expected that their goal is him. In this way, he naturally arranged for him With the hands around, the sniper is likely to be watching his actions all the time.

He also lost his life. He saved his life for the dangerous instinct. In the moment of feeling the danger, he rushed forward at full speed, which avoided such a shot. With their strength, only this gun had known the position of the sniper. This attack happened to be hiding in the sniper corner. He didn't want to open a second shot for the sniper.

The master who can fight tianbang is really extraordinary. However, when you see ye Xiaochao cold language Chen swooping past, lenglethen and Leng hold Chen look at each other, they all run towards Ye Xiao at full speed. Lengyuchen just avoided the sniper gun attack in a startling way. At this time, he did not stand up, where can still resist the attack of Ye Xiao.

They are three brothers, with a very tacit understanding, two people from different positions at the same time to Ye Xiao. Of course, their route is also sniper dead corner, and in their high-speed movement, they do not think which sniper can target them!

Cold music Chen has come to the front of the cold speech Chen, protecting the cold speech Chen, while cold holding Chen is holding two fists, and directly hit Ye Xiao.

They defend and attack, which is perfectly seamless. It not only ensures that the cold words are safe, but also can directly force Ye Xiao into the corner. As for another woman, she turns and runs towards the sniper. She doesn't want a sniper to stare at himself and others.

Even if it is cold, it is also a big decision in the heart. There are two brothers in his heart. How can this guy hurt himself, but just now, the person who is in full speed will climb up.

Three people join hands, ye Xiao will die undoubtedly!

"Bang!" But when everyone thought everything was right, there was a roar of gunfire in the void again. Then, I saw that the head of the cold speech Chen burst into a pool of blood fog, and the blood mist in the sky even sprayed behind the cold music Chen.

So amazing, everyone is a surprise, especially cold music Chen and cold holding Chen, only feel their head and heart pain, as if that bullet is shot on their head.

How could this be possible? Cold words, the night and the Ming Dynasty have entered the sniper corner? How could you be seen by snipers? How could this be possible?

Only the woman ready to rush to the sniper position suddenly stopped because she found that the sniper was fired in another opposite direction.

Snipers are no longer capable of rushing to the other side in such a short time. So it only shows one problem. They ambush two snipers.

What is more frightening is that both snipers are first-class masters, otherwise how can they snipe to such a strong man as cold words?

And from their calculations, this is the real kill!

That is, in this time, ye Xiao rushed to the body of cold lechen without any stop, the knife in his hand trembled, a cold light flashed by.

Cold happy Chen heart first surprised, but he is after all can enter the sky list of the master, in this life and death, can not care for the heart of grief, full speed to the side of the side.

And cold holding Chen also in the first time to return to God, will continue to go toward the leaves Xiaochong, but still feel a palpitation, no hesitation, body suddenly a meal, then a bullet to their nose tip flying, did not enter the ground, if they do not stop, this bullet will break their head.

A cold sweat came out of his cold forehead. Obviously he didn't expect the other side to shoot at such a fast speed. However, he was a master after all, but he only rolled over and hid in the sniper corner. However, there were two snipers. The range of the dead angle was much smaller.

But the cold lechen attacked by Ye Xiao has not such good luck. It is difficult to avoid Ye Xiao's knife, but he finds that ye Xiao has come to his own front, and a big fist of casserole directly smashed his face.

Cold lechen did not hesitate, directly clenched the right hand, full-strength a fist to meet up.

"Bang!" A loud noise, two people's fist hit together, then saw cold music Chen's mouth corner appeared a grim smile.

Among them, the fastest is cold speech Chen, the quickest is cold holding Chen. But if it comes to the hardest fist, it is absolutely him. Now this boy dare to fight his fist. Isn't it death seeking?

Cold lechen a fist can easily give a cow to shock death, he does not think ye Xiao's fist is better than a cow.

Thinking of the brother who died behind, the hard way inside the cold music Chen unexpectedly ran madly, and gathered towards the fist at full speed.

The first hard way just passed, a stronger force way rushed, which is the second hard way of cold lechen, but the hard way still did not break the fist of Ye Xiao, the face of cold lechen changed slightly, and then the third inch burst out.But what I didn't expect was that this hard way was also resisted by Ye Xiao. What's more, a stronger force came out of the other's fist.

Cold lechen's face changed dramatically, four heavy inch strength? This boy has already realized four great efforts?

How could this be possible? Can understand double inch strength already can step into the ranks of masters, to triple, that has been a rare existence, their three brothers also not long ago to understand the triple inch strength, this makes their own strength greatly increased, but did not expect that ye Xiao actually understood the four heavy inch strength?

A loud noise, cold music Chen only felt his fist a sharp pain, like a hammer hit the same, Rao is his bones are hard, at this time is a click, directly split.

The whole arm was also a click and click the sound of the sound, the body was also shocked back to retreat, but ye Xiao has a body rotation, directly kicked to his heart!

Cold music Chen heart is very terrible, but have to block with another hand.

"Bang!" A sound, ye Xiao kicked on the arm of cold lechen, originally the strength of the leg is bigger than the arm, but at this time, cold lechen actually felt that it was another force attack, but also the strength of the inch?


Cold music Chen did not know what to say, he did not really think that ye Xiao's understanding of the strength of the inch has reached the point of arbitrary, no matter any part of the body, can directly burst into a strong momentum.

Is this the legendary inch explosion?

There is such an idea in mind, cold music Chen body is kicked out directly, and ye Xiao does not have any intention of staying, full speed toward the cold music Chen rushed.

He understood the strength of these people deeply. Although they are not their rivals in a single fight, if they are united, even if they have some trouble, one has been killed by sharna and cold soul, one has been defeated by himself, and if he kills them by the way, the rest will not be taken into consideration.

Between steps, ye Xiao has crossed a few meters, waiting for the cold lechen body to stop stable, has hit down a blow from the top down

A mountain like strong pressure came, cold music Chen eyes unexpectedly appeared a shock, it seems that it is hard to imagine that after continuous use of the inch strength, ye Xiao can also swing such a heavy punch.

This boxing is called landslide!

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