Facing this overwhelming blow, Leng lechen raised his arms instinctively without hesitation

"Hiss!" Cold lechen's body fell heavily on the ground, looking at his chest in shock.

There, there was a small knife about the size of a thumb. The blade almost completely disappeared into the heart. The blood was constantly flowing from the wound. It looked so shocking.

Isn't he a big punch? So powerful a punch, you actually get a knife? In the face of such a terrible blow, he just instinctively raised his arm to resist it, which also blocked his sight. Who knows Ye Xiao took this opportunity to insert a knife with his left hand, which did not enter Leng lechen's heart.

In lenglechen's fright, a big fist of casserole smashed directly over!

"Click!" With a crisp sound, the fist directly hit the bridge of his nose. Rao's nose bone was extremely hard. At this time, he was smashed to pieces. His whole head was smashed to the ground. It was a "bang" sound. The back of his head hit the ground heavily, but his eyes rolled and he fainted directly.

He knocked Leng lechen unconscious. Ye Xiao didn't mean to keep his hand at all. When his wrist turned over, he saw a knife in his hand and inserted it into Leng lechen's neck. Leng lechen woke up in pain and wanted to cover his neck and chest, but he snorted and fell down again, completely losing consciousness.

Killing Leng lechen in one fell swoop, ye Xiao's body quickly stood up. At this time, Leng Zhichen, who could escape a blow, stood up straight. When he looked at the bodies of two brothers under the ground, his eyes were full of horror.

They are not the strongest people in the dark moon League, but they are definitely one of the strongest forces in the dark moon League. The three people join hands, even if they are the top experts in the sky list, they dare to fight. But now, they are killed by him in a blink of an eye.

How could that be possible?

Let's not say Leng lechen is unbelievable. Even the woman wearing a black professional suit and ready to find out the sniper is also shocked. This time, they seem to deal with Xiao Zhentian, but their real target is Ye Xiao. No one would have thought that ye Xiao would kill two people in a fight.

Seeing that his brother who grew up in his childhood died like this, Leng Zhichen didn't care about other things. He roared at him and rushed directly towards Ye Xiao.

A lunge, Leng Zhichen has come to Ye Xiao's, raise his hand is a punch hit Ye Xiao's heart, in the face of this swift and violent blow, ye Xiao did not continue to resist, although he killed Leng lechen easily, in fact, all his energy was included, especially the four inch strength of one shot, which almost consumed his physical strength. Up to now, there are still some right fists Numbness, or the seemingly fierce blow just now would not have turned into a knife.

Now see cold hold Chen full speed attack come over, nature is urgent retreat.

Seeing that ye Xiao didn't fight, Leng Zhichen was even more furious. He stepped forward again and pressed his body towards Ye Xiao. As soon as his wrist turned over, a dagger appeared in his hand. He raised his hand and stabbed at Ye Xiao.

This knife is extremely sharp. Ye Xiao has no choice but to retreat. But when he withdraws three steps in a row, he has already retreated to the wall and has no way to retreat.

Cold holding Chen's body, however, followed closely. Seeing that ye Xiao had no way to retreat, he was furious in his eyes. Once again, he held a dagger and stabbed at Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao's eyes were sharp, and his right arm had regained some consciousness. Seeing lenglechen stabbing at him, he was about to dodge to one side. However, he suddenly felt a cold chill coming from behind, and his whole body's hair stood up in an instant.

Almost no time to think about it, ye Xiao took a step forward, and his body deviated with it, almost wiping the knife of Leng Zhichen.

The dagger left a long bloodstain on his chest, and the bright red flesh rolled out. However, a sharp sword stretched out from the wall, directly on his shoulder, and there was a flower of blood blooming on the spot. If he had not taken a step forward and shifted his body, the sword would have penetrated his heart.

At that time, the whole wall collapsed, and a figure came out. It was a man in Samurai uniform and clogs under his feet.

Seeing a figure suddenly sprang out, Leng Zhichen instinctively wanted to stab out the dagger in his hand. But when he saw that it was Miyamoto Musashi, his eyelids leaped. At the beginning, it was the dark moon alliance that issued the blood reward order. Naturally, he knew that Miyamoto Musashi had come to Kyoto and launched an attack on Ye Xiao, but he didn't expect that one time he even failed.

At that time, they also knew Ye Xiao's terror, so they sent out the three of them to give ye Xiao a fatal blow. However, no one thought that ye Xiao was so powerful that he killed his two brothers in a blink of an eye.

Now he has avoided the fatal sword of Miyamoto Musashi.

Without hesitation, the dagger in his hand shook and turned to hit Ye Xiao. Miyamoto Musashi did not like the last time. When he failed to hit, he immediately left. Instead, he took a step forward and chopped at Ye Xiao with a sword.His swordsmanship is very fast. After Leng lechen is still waving the dagger, the blade of that sword has come to Ye Xiao's head.

Feeling the cool feeling coming from ye Xiao's head, ye Xiao's mouth burst into a bitter smile. When he saw the enchanting beautiful face that night, he knew that the people of the dark moon alliance had come, and was more accurate that they would target themselves. This time, Lenghun and Sarna were arranged around Tianmen building to prevent falling into their trap.

In order to prevent the appearance of Miyamoto Musashi, who knows Miyamoto Musashi will hide himself in the wall. Even Lenghun and sharna can't detect it?

How do you know he's just waiting for himself? Or is it?

Thinking that the blood reward order was issued by the dark moon League, ye Xiao was relieved. Since they had brought themselves here, it's not surprising that Miyamoto Musashi had been waiting here earlier. However, they were killed by themselves. I guess they didn't even know that?

At this critical time of life and death, many thoughts flashed through Ye Xiao's mind. Facing the lightning fast sword, the cells in Ye Xiao's body trembled again, and his eyes became blood red in an instant. All of a sudden, he stepped heavily on the ground, and then he saw his body bounce back like a shell. The floor under his feet was actually hit by this one The feet were crushed.

Miyamoto Musashi's sword almost wiped the tip of Ye Xiao's nose, which made Ye Xiao in a cold sweat. However, Miyamoto Musashi was also surprised. Obviously, he did not expect that ye Xiao's explosive power would be so strong that he could still avoid his fatal sword under such circumstances.

However, this time he was determined to kill Ye Xiao. How could he escape easily? He stepped forward and stabbed Ye Xiao's heart with a sword. This sword was faster than the one just before, and it was silent. It can be said that ye Xiao's legs have just landed, and that sword has come to his heart.

Facing this sword which is faster than lightning, ye Xiao's eyebrows are tightly wrinkled together. His muscles are tense and his eyelids are jumping. Obviously, he has never met such a sharp sword. He has not even seen the sword body of Miyamoto Musashi

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