Yes, he didn't see the body of the sword, but saw a sword light stabbing at his heart. When there was no hiding, no avoiding and no stopping, ye Xiao's hands closed to his heart.

"Hi..." With a sound, the tip of the sword smoothly pierced Ye Xiao's clothes and didn't enter his chest. However, it only penetrated half an inch, but it was difficult to enter any more because ye Xiao's hands had already clamped the sharp sword body.

and ye Xiao as like as two peas, he clearly saw this sword, which was very similar to the Japanese Knights of the East, but it was somewhat different. It was very similar to his weapon's seal. At least the knife was almost the same. It was not a modified Tang Dao. However, unlike the laryngeal knife, the knife was bloody red, and the knife showed translucency. It's very strange to go up. I don't know what the material of this sword is.

Seeing ye Xiao holding his sword in his hands, Miyamoto Musashi's eyes flashed a look of surprise. Obviously, he didn't expect that there would be someone in the world who could block his sword with empty hands.

After all, he is a top-notch swordsman. Although the sword doesn't go into Ye Xiao's heart, it turns over his wrist, and the body of the sword moves towards Ye Xiao's hands. Since you want to resist with both hands, you should cut your palm first!

At the same time, cold holding Chen's figure has already rushed over, holding a dagger, the same stab to Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao suddenly let go at this time, but before he let go, his right foot had been severely trampled on the ground, and the floor under his feet was trampled to pieces again, and his body was also shot back rapidly.

Avoiding the attack of Miyamoto Musashi and Leng Jichen, Miyamoto Musashi is about to launch another attack. However, ye Xiao's right hand has already shaken, and a cold light shoots out, forcing him to block with his flashing spirit.

With this moment's breath, ye Xiao's body has continued to withdraw for several steps, and then stopped to stabilize her body. Either Miyamoto Musashi or Leng lechen, including the woman wearing a professional suit, did not continue to move at this time. Instead, he looked at Ye Xiao or his back.

"Mr. Miyamoto's strength has never been raised to such a level." Behind Ye Xiao, came a burst of sounds of nature.

Ye Xiao doesn't have to look back. He already knows who is coming, but Miyamoto Musashi's face is red. Since he came out of the world, almost all of them have only one sword. Few people can escape his sword. However, this guy not only evades his own sword, but also holds his own sword in both hands, which has greatly damaged his face.

Now when I heard the woman say this, in addition to anger, the biggest thing in Miyamoto Musashi's heart is shame, and his intention to kill Ye Xiao is unprecedented.

He has made up his mind to kill Ye Xiao today!

Enchanting came quickly. Originally, she thought Ye Xiao would be in a bitter battle. When she arrived, she would directly capture her alive. But who knows that after a while, two people have already laid down on the ground, which are the strongest three of the younger generation of dark moon League. If they join hands, they can fight with Shura, but in such a short period of time, they were killed twice in a row People.

Although one was killed by a sniper, all this is still in Ye Xiao's calculation.

The most terrifying thing is that ye Xiao has been able to avoid the flash of Miyamoto Musashi again and again. Up to now, he is just a sword in his shoulder, a knife in his chest and a blood hole in his heart.

This kind of injury, for others, may be a serious injury related to life, but for ye Xiao, it is not worth mentioning. Such an injury can not even affect his combat effectiveness.

Especially when ye Xiao took out a medicine bottle and sprinkled some light yellow powder on the wound, enchanting said again: "is it useful to deal with the wound now? Do you think you can escape this time? " When saying this, enchanting corners of the mouth even with a trace of disdain.

Even if ye Xiao killed two people, he was seriously injured. Miyamoto Musashi, Leng Shichen, and Miao were still left on the scene. In addition, even if ye Xiao's strength improved, he would die this time.

As for the hidden sniper, she has sent someone to deal with it. If they don't want to die, they should be running for their lives now.

Ye Xiao didn't speak. He just stood still and sprinkled the powder on his wound. This is the best medicine to stop bleeding. For him, every second of rest is more likely to win.

"Do it!" Seeing ye Xiaosi ignored her meaning, enchanting already knew that he was procrastinating, and then she snorted coldly.

In fact, without waiting for her to speak, Miyamoto Musashi's body has already rushed out, rushing towards Ye Xiao. Leng lechen is also following. Even Miao also follows. Now is the best chance to kill Ye Xiao.

But ye Xiao didn't mean to fight with Miyamoto Musashi. In the moment of Miyamoto's action, he had already turned and ran back. The goal was to dress sexy and enchanting.

Even if Xiaoye doesn't know why she will be in endless trouble this time, even if she doesn't know why she will be in endless trouble this time.Blood red eyes full of the breath of killing, his body faster and faster, a few steps, has come to enchanting body.

Seeing ye Xiao come to her, she is enchanting and not retreating. A slight smile appears at the corner of her mouth. She reaches out and grabs Ye Xiao's shoulder.

But at this time, the whole side of the wall collapsed, and then saw a huge body came out, it was the card Nu who was advised to leave.

At this time, the card Nu clenched a huge iron bar in both hands, and then smashed it in the air towards enchanting. The iron bar was two meters long. If enchanting didn't go back, this stick would only smash her to pieces.

Enchanting is still very young. She doesn't want to die.

Without any hesitation, enchanting directly gave up the plan of catching Ye Xiao's shoulder and retreated back at full speed.

But at this time, a cold star shot out from behind Kanu, attacking enchanting heart. Enchanting was shocked. She had already seen that it was a gun, a silver shining silver gun. In this era, who would have such a superb shooting skill? The figure, which had been rapidly retreating back, accelerated again. In her hand, there was a slender soft sword, which met the deadly silver gun.

At this time, ye Xiao, who was originally aiming at enchanting, suddenly turned around, and his speed increased by three times. He grasped it easily. A battle knife came from behind karnu, and it was the bloody sword that sealed his throat.

Ye Xiao catches the sword and paddles his backhand to the back.

However, the speed of the sword in front of him was no longer as fast as that of the sword in front of him Up, already felt a pain in his neck, a blood arrow darted out, cold holding Chen's eyes full of panic, how could his speed be so fast? Even fast catch up with Miyamoto Musashi's flash spirit.

Even Miyamoto Musashi's pupils contract at this moment, but ye Xiao doesn't care. She runs out at full speed and cuts at Miyamoto Musashi directly

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