In fact, ye Wuqian has not been recuperated for a long time. Since he has such a good opportunity, he feels that he should cherish and cherish it. Thinking of this, ye Wuwei controls the airflow in his body and begins to haunt the whole room.

In the next moment, he sat down with his legs crossed. The whole person felt the breath coming out of his surroundings. He sat firmly in place and began to recuperate his body.

At this time, in Xiangyuan group's general manager's office, ye Yiqin, the assistant manager, ran in in in a hurry and came to Li Xinyi.

"How's it going?" When Li Xinyi saw Ye Yiqin, she asked her about ye Wuwei.

Ye Yiqin shakes her head.

"I just learned the news. Ye Wuqian was not only put into the police station, but also seemed to be locked up!"

"No, I'm going to see him!" One breath from Li Xinyi's mouth said, appears to be so decisive.

Ye Yiqin was stunned.

"Mr. Li, in fact, it's nothing. Let's spend more money and rely on some relationship. I believe Ye Wuqian will come out soon!"

Hearing what she said, Li Xinyi nodded.

"He helped me a lot. I can't watch him go in like this!" In a word, she quickly said to Ye Yiqin with a serious face: "you can help me arrange the business negotiations today, and there are some meeting schedules and so on, which will be discussed tomorrow."

"Good, yes, Mr. Li!"

Two people got on the car and drove quickly to the first branch of qianning city. With Li Xinyi stepping on the gas pedal, the cool Mercedes Benz suddenly looks like an offline arrow, speeding towards the front.

About half an hour later, they came to the gate of the sub Bureau.

"Mr. Li, is it a bit inappropriate for us to go in like this?" Standing at the door, ye Yiqin asked Li Xinyi with a solicitation tone.

In fact, she is worried about her own, such a name is not right to go in to find Ye wubu, will not be very good.

"Why not?" Li Xinyi obviously didn't understand what she was talking about. Especially to see that ye Yiqin looking at himself, a pair of desire to talk but stop appearance, Li Xinyi immediately feel puzzled.

But ye Yiqin quickly waved.

"No, I'll just ask, just casually!" A word said here, she immediately said to Li Xinyi: "general manager Li, since it's OK, let's go in quickly, or I really don't know what the group of people in the police station will do to Ye Wuqian!"

Li Xinyi nodded.

"What, leaves without defect? "Perhaps he didn't have any impression of the name. Lin Zhiming, director of the Bureau, looked through the files on the table and shook his head:" Miss Li, are you in the wrong place? "

"No, he was caught here!" See the other side of Ye Yiqin also stood out: "just before a few hours ago!"

"A few hours ago?" After hearing this, Lin Zhiming began to ponder. After a while, he said politely to Li Xinyi and ye Yiqin: "the two ladies will wait outside first. I'll find someone to ask me."

Sure enough, three or five minutes later, Tang Zhou came.

"Tang Zhou, what do you mean? You didn't even put on record and didn't tell me at all. You are very brave now!" After saying so much at one breath, Lin Zhiming immediately looked at the Tang Zhou in front of him, hoping to hear his explanation.

"Director, I'm thinking about you!"

"For my sake?" Lin Zhiming obviously did not understand the meaning of the Tang and Zhou dynasties. He waved to Tang Zhou to continue.

Tang Zhou nodded.

"It's not only Peng Shao's meaning, but also the axe gang and Shuiyue Taoist hall."

"Shuiyue Taoist hall?" At first, it was ok, but after hearing about the organization, Lin Zhiming was stunned for a while. In the next moment, he looked at Tang Zhou in front of him in a puzzled way: "so you arrested people without authorization?"

Tang Zhou quickly defended himself.

"Director, where am I to arrest people without authorization? Ye Wuqian openly gathered people to fight. We are doing things according to law!"

Lin Zhiming was helpless at that time.

"All right, all right, don't talk nonsense here. Hurry up and take the two young ladies just now to see him!"

"Miss?" Looking out, Tang Zhou looked at Lin Zhiming with pride: "it's just two women. Why does the director value them so much?"

Lin Zhiming glared at him.

"What do you know? They are famous beauties and celebrities in qianning. How much face do you have to give them on the ground?"

Tang Zhou nodded.

"Haha, the director is considerate

"There's so much bullshit. Don't you show me the way!"

"Yes, hehe!"

Tang Zhou came out of the director's office and walked to the two beauties in a few steps."You guys, you're looking for ye Wumian, right? Come with me!" With a triumphant smile, he led the two of them directly towards the cell.

Two minutes later, they arrived at the door of the cell.

"What, Mr. Ye is locked up here?" After seeing the words above, Li Xinyi looked at Tang Zhou in front of her.

However, Tang Zhou had a proud smile on his face.

"I can't help it. Even if he is in prison, he still fights with others. I can only let him be quiet and quiet."

"You Li Xinyi was obviously very angry, but she still resisted.

Because ye Yiqin held her in one side.

Li Xinyi was sulking. In the next moment, she quickly to the side of Ye Yiqin said: "Mr. Ye, this is no problem?"

Ye Yiqin nods.

"It's all right. Ye Wuqian can protect himself. Don't worry too much."

Li Xinyi nodded with satisfaction.

"That Officer, please open the door for us Li Xinyi looked at Tang Zhou nearby and said to him, "we're going to visit Mr. Ye."

I didn't expect Tang Zhou to shake his head.

"I'm sorry, ladies. This boy surnamed Ye is very disobedient and likes to use violence. It is in order to prevent him from hurting others that we put him here!"

Li Xinyi was so angry.

"Officer, what do you mean, Mr. Ye even likes fighting, but we are his friends. Can't he even fight us?"

Tang Zhou's proud smile.

"I don't know about it!"


Perhaps because he likes to see Li Xinye's pale appearance, Tang Zhou even more complacently smiles: "I said that this beautiful woman, such as you two beautiful beauties, where can't find a good man? It's just for this little boy who makes trouble. I advise you to forget it, otherwise, the consequences are not within my control Yes

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