Li Xinyi is on fire again.

When she was ready to say something, she was stopped by Ye Yiqin. It seems that compared with Li Xinyi, she is quite a rational woman.

"Officer, we see. Would you please open the door outside and we can talk to him through each other?" A word from ye Yiqin's mouth, immediately let that Tang Zhou nod.

"Well, since the two beauties have said so, I don't seem to be like that if I'm unkind again!" In a word, Tang Zhou immediately went to the iron door, opened the iron door outside, and made a "please" sign to the inside.

"Please feel free, gentlemen." After a word, he left quickly.

In the next moment, Li Xinyi and ye Yiqin quickly came in from the outside. But because there was a door inside, they could only stand at the door and look inside.

"Mr. Ye, are you there?" It's Li Xinyi's voice.

After hearing this, ye Wuqi stood up from the ground.

"Mr. Li, it's good. What kind of wind brings you here?" Speaking of this, ye Wuqi immediately said to Lin Qing at the door, "I don't have any good things to entertain you here."

Li Xinyi smiles helplessly.

"Mr. Ye, when is it? You are still joking here!" After a sentence, she looked at Ye Yiqin: "Mr. Ye, Yiqin has told me all about you!"

Ye Wumian spread out his hands and made an indifferent expression.

"What can be done then?"

Li Xinyi looks embarrassed.

"Mr. Ye, I have asked my secretary to prepare funds and lawyers. They will rescue you as soon as possible." A word said here, Li Xinyi immediately to leaf without lack of a face calm said: "because of my things to let you like this, it is really hard for you!"

Ye Wumei shakes his head.

"It seems that I'm a little hard-working girl, but I'm just a little girl!"

Li Xinyi nodded.

I can't help it. Maybe it's because ye Wuxiang was too helpful to her before. Now she is grateful to Ye Wuqian. Especially when facing Ye Wuqian, ye Wuqian can feel it. Her tone is full of a different flavor.

"Ye Wuwei, are you ok?" Inside the light is not very clear, ye Yiqin can not see my present situation, can not help some hesitation to ask him.

Ye Wumei shakes his head.

"I really have nothing to worry about." In a word, he got up from the ground.

Come to the door, ye Wuque smiles at them.

"I'm a good man, isn't it?"

The two beauties looked at each other and looked at each other.

"Ye Wuxiang, how do you feel strange today? Are you ok?" Ye Yiqin was the first to say a word. She looked at Ye Wuwei with a puzzled look, and then said with embarrassment: "how did you get into the police station, and the whole person has changed?"

Ye no fault nods.

"Because some things, though they seem small, are enough to change one's mind!" In a word, ye Wuqian looked at them with a calm expression.

The two looked at each other.

"Didi Di Di" sounds, Li Xinye's mobile phone rings.

"Hello, yes, are you here?"

"Oh, well, come here as soon as possible!"


After a conversation, Li Xinyi looks at Ye Wuwei and turns to face Ye Yiqin behind her.

"Mr. Ye, my men are coming. I think we can help Mr. Ye out immediately. Let's go first!" A word said here, she did not forget to look back at ye Wuque, to ye Wuque a face calmly said: "Mr. Ye, this is not your fault, we will save you out!"

Looking at their two turned to leave the back, leaf without lack of indifferent smile.

To be honest, he appreciates women like Li Xinye. It's not because she's beautiful and elegant, but because she exudes a sense of loyalty that many men can't do.

Sure enough, because of Li Xinyi's efforts, ye Wuqian was successfully released from prison an hour later.

Because Li Xinyi and her lawyer went directly to the director's office, threatening director Lin Zhiming and Tang Zhou, forcing them to release them. At the time of leaving the police station, ye Wuque can clearly see a bit of discomfort and hatred from the eyes of Tang Zhou.

It seems that his hatred for himself has reached a new stage.

It has to be said that Li Xinyi shocked ye Wuhuo in this incident. Although she is just a small woman, but in the treatment of friends, she did very manly.This is a lot of people can't compare!

"How are you, Mr. Ye?" In the car, Li Xinyi looked back more than once to see ye Wuwei.

Ye Wumei shakes his head.

"Thank you for your concern. I'm fine!" Maybe Ye Wuwei was embarrassed by her frequent concern. At that time, he asked Ye Yiqin, who was sitting next to him, "I didn't expect that your news was very smart. You found it in such a short time. It's not bad."

Ye Yiqin nods.

"That's right. After all, you belong to Mr. Li. Besides us, no one can touch you easily."

Ye no fault nods.

"In that case, thank you very much."

Before that, she felt that she had nothing to do. Now that the matter has come to an end, he thinks it is time to go to he Ming's house to find out the situation as soon as possible. After all, this man is a clue figure. If he wants to connect with the people in Shuiyue Taoist hall, he must be the one who can't.

Thinking of this, ye Wuque immediately walked in a certain direction.

He knew that not far in front of him was his villa. For the place that once came, ye Wuwei is very confident and takes it down in one fell swoop.

The night was deep and the street lights were dim. Only a few loose passers-by were walking in front of them. The whole path seemed lonely and long. But the leaf does not lack, then walks lightly in this above, does not have a trace mood fluctuation.

Because this operation is a piece of cake for ye Wuqian.

"Who are you?"

See ye Wuque from the front, several bodyguards standing at the door suddenly wake up. They were just joking with each other, and suddenly saw a figure appear in front of he family villa. They were naturally anxious and immediately roared at ye Wuque one by one.

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