Ye Wuxiang ignored them completely. Step by step, slowly toward the front of the past.

Several bodyguards immediately grasped the control knives in their hands and were ready for battle.

"Bang bang bang" a few times, and then the sound of bone fragmentation, mixed with a burst of scream, the three bodyguards at the door suddenly fell to the ground, howling.

"What's going on, what's going on?"

"Not good. Go to the front door and have a look."

"All right, come on!"

Hearing the news, a group of people rushed to this side. When they saw that there was only one person, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Who are you A guy who takes the lead looks big and big. He came to ye Wuque several steps, pointed at ye Wuque with a sharp knife, and said in a gloomy tone: "what do you want to do?"

Ye Wuque took a cold look at him.

There was another click, and his wrist suddenly "cluttered". The knife fell directly from his hand and landed on the ground.

They quickly point their guns at Ye Wuxiang.

Ye Wumian looks at them.

"I'm here to talk to he Ming!" In a word, ye Wuqian took out a white sand cigarette from his pocket, lit it by himself, and puffed up at will.

They all face ferocious close to the leaves.

"Ha ha, where are you from? How much face do you have when you want to meet our brother Ming?"

"It's just a small one, but not a coward!"

"God knows who he is!"

Ye Wuqi listened to the voices of the people around him and could not help but smile indifferently.

"I repeat, I came here to talk to he Ming!"

People still turn a blind eye to Ye Wuqian's words.

"Hey, what did the boy just say? The labor didn't hear it! "

" cut it, whatever it is, who knows what he is going to do, just throw him out! "

"Yes, we Mingge can't have time to see such a small role. Isn't it self degradation"

they talked together for a long time, without paying any attention to Ye Wuxiang.

Ye Wuwu smiles coldly.


"You see, the boy actually began to count. How funny!"


"Ha ha ha, this boy, who cares about him, little vegetable bird!"


"If you're paralyzed, you're looking for death!"

While saying that, the strong man who took the lead directly used a knife in his own hand and took it to ye Wuque's chest.

Leaves without defect gently raise the hand.

Only the sound of "click" was heard. The sharp knife was cut into two sections in an instant. The scene was very dangerous.

"Well, what's going on?" The strong man looked at ye Wuque with a blank face, but he was raised his hand again by Ye Wuque, and the whole man fell to the ground directly. Ye Wuqi kicked him three meters away on the spot and knocked him to the ground.

"Cool brother, cool brother!"

Seeing Xiao Shuang lying on the ground, people rushed to help him up from the ground.

Ye Wuque stood in place, still staring at them coldly.

To be honest, ye Wuqian doesn't have any good feelings for those who help tyranny and make trouble for the tiger. Some of them are just angry at them.

"I said, I just came to look for he Ming. Tell him to come out to see me." In a word, ye Wuque goes directly to the bodyguards and stares at them with a smile.

The people were obviously frightened one by one.

Obviously, they haven't understood what just happened.

He didn't see ye Wuwei's move at all. He just raised his hand and directly let Xiao Shuang, the proudest of them, suddenly fell to the ground without any resistance. This strength is not what most people can achieve.

In the next moment, ye found a situation.

These people all looked at him coldly, one by one they showed a fierce look, but no one came up to deal with him, which was much more interesting.

They slowly put Xiao Shuang aside and sat down.

"Boy, do you know who we are? How dare you break into our villa?" Standing next to Xiao Shuang, a small minion is staring at Ye Wuwei in anger.

Ye no fault nods.

"Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be defeated in a hundred battles!"

"Boy, you!" Now they know that the one standing in front of them is not so simple as a little one.

But it was too late.

When ye Wuqian pats his hands and tidies up the dust on his clothes, these ten or twenty bodyguards who seem to be cruel all fall to the ground and are paralyzed.

"I didn't expect that the people in his villa are so unhappy!" In a word, ye Wuqian walked towards the inner room.In the next moment, ye Wuque walked quietly towards the corridor.

A lot of shooters came out on the way, but unfortunately, they had not yet had time to draw their guns. They were directly shot by Ye Wuque's throwing knife, which just stabbed them in their wrists. One by one, the guns were taken off by Ye Wuque, and they fell to the ground one by one.

It seems that they are not as powerful as they think.

However, a group of small men just let Ye Wuqian escape last time. It's really interesting.

He came to the door of the innermost room.

There are three characters on the pavilion. It seems that such a few words also waste a lot of money.

Ye Wuque stands at the door and knocks.

Five times in a row, the people inside made a sound.

"Who is it?"

"It's me!" Ye Wuqi answers in a deep voice.

"You, who are you?" It seems that the people inside did not react at all, he directly to the door and cried: "if you have something, come in directly!"

Ye Wuqi smiles and pushes the door in.

The people inside are looking at a document. And at the same time, his face also appeared a dirty smile. As if to see something good, the whole person a greedy expression.

"Are you?" When he saw that there was no lack of leaves, he asked blankly, "who are you?"

Ye Wuqian sat down and looked at him calmly.

"Have you heard of the battle dragon of the dragon group?" Ye Wuqian smiles at that guy. As if his words are not like that, a word from his mouth, suddenly let the other party feel shocked.

"What, dragon group?" At the time of hearing such a address, he was obviously shocked. At the same time, the whole person stood up and looked at the leaf in front of him in horror.

Ye no fault nods.

"Yes, it turns out that you are not old enough to know such an organization. It's not bad for you to know such an organization." A word said here, ye Wuque immediately to that guy proud smile said: "how, do you know my name?"

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