Feeling that the situation is not good, he Ming's whole body began to shake.

"You, you..." He seemed to think of something, and immediately stood up, but ye Wuqi cheated him and directly pushed him down on the stool.

With only one hand, he could not fight back.

"I said, you are the famous bodyguard, brother he Minghe?"

"You, what are you going to do?" Maybe he had heard of Ye Wuqian's name for a long time. Now he is obviously very worried. His hands are shaking. He wants to struggle, but he finds that he is totally helpless.

Because ye Wuqian's arm is thick and powerful, which directly makes him have no power to resist.

"Don't worry, I just want to come and find out about the situation with you!" Ye Wuqi let him go and sat opposite him.

It is not easy to escape from the leaves without lack of hands, he Ming constantly use his hands to grind his ears. Maybe it's because ye Wuwu had rubbed his ears badly before, and he is still in pain.

"What do you want to know?" It seems that he is obviously still afraid of Ye Wuqian, which can be seen from his eyes.

In the next moment, ye Wuwei noticed that his hand was gradually moved to a red button position, where was the emergency notice button.

Directly reached out his hand, leaf no lack helped him press.

With a shrill siren, nothing happened.

"You, you..." He clearly wanted to say something, but he was interrupted by Ye Wuwei.

"Can't I help you?" Ye Wuqi looks at him with a face of indifference.

He Ming was scared to death.

Because it has been more than ten or twenty seconds since the siren sounded, but no one came in and there was no movement. This is strange.

"I'm sorry, brother he. I think your bodyguards are very hard. I'll let them have a rest first." In a word, ye Wuque looks at him with a smile.

He Ming's body began to shake.

Since the Yang Xiong incident, he has been worried about his family and life, so he used a lot of money to build such a strong defense villa, and invited a lot of bodyguards to protect himself. But he did not expect that these things could not be attacked by Ye Wuliu.

It's pretty scary.

After all, the bodyguards, every one of them, was the elite selected from the international mercenary ranks that Zhou Ming, and also spent a lot of money for it. However, ye Wuqian didn't expect to be taken by Ye Wuqian so easily, which was totally unexpected to him.

But it's understandable.

After all, the people standing in front of him at this moment are not others, but the people of the dragon group.

"You, what do you want to do?" At this time, he Ming did not dare to say anything more. He just looked at ye Wuwu with an alert face, and his forehead was permeated with sweat.

Ye Wuqi clearly saw his nervousness.

"I just want to come over and find you to know something about Yang Xiong." In a word, ye Wuqian began to observe his expression carefully. Also found that now he was really shocked, the whole person's body can't stop shaking, and said not easy.

"What, Yang, boss Yang?" He fixed to look at ye Wuque: "what do you want to ask boss Yang?"

Ye Wuque "pa" a sound, a slap on the table, splashed a burst of dust.

"Naturally, I have my own ideas. I don't have to ask any more!" A word said here, ye Wuque is a cold look at him: "you just need to tell me the situation honestly!"

"Situation, situation, what situation?" Hearing ye Wuque's saying, he Ming's whole people are scared. Especially when he was staring at Ye Wuwei with embarrassment, his helpless and frightened eyes showed vividly in his eyes.

Ye Wuqian takes back his hand and looks at him calmly.

"You just need to tell me how he died."

"How, how did you die..." He Ming lowered his head, he did not dare to look at ye Wuque's eyes.

Ye is waiting for his answer.

"Sir, I have known you before!" He seems to have ignored Ye Wuqian's words: "you are a man who stands at the top of the killer world with his strong strength. I admire you very much!"

"So what?" Ye Wuqi looks at him with a sneer.

Ye Wuxiang has intuition, and his mind is not shallow.

"Well, so I often think, if one day, I can meet with you, a world-famous big man, what an exciting moment it would be!" As he spoke, he leaned in a little more.

"Well, go on!" All his words and deeds are seen in the eyes of Ye Wuque, but ye Wuque doesn't say, waiting for his next word.

He Ming nods.

"Sir, are you really the famous big man in the dragon group?" He actually repeated what he had said.Ye Wuque sneered.

"Sir, I'd like to try it out. Do you have the chance?" After a sentence, his eyes suddenly revealed a different kind of cold air.

Speaking late, then fast, ye Wuqian turned his head slightly to the left, and suddenly saw a knife slanting three centimeters in front of his mouth and stabbed him hard.

Not good!

He Ming was surprised when he saw that he had not succeeded. He directly stood up, a knife toward the leaf without lack of this side of the fierce stab.

But just to the midway position, was Ye Wuwei gently grasped his wrist.

Just a little pinch, a "click" sound sounded, his wrist bone was broken.

"Ah, my hand, my hand, ah, ah!" Now he was in agony, and his whole body was turning over and over on the ground. It was so miserable that it was difficult to describe it in words.

Ye wubu stepped up to him.

Looking at his look of pain, ye Wuwu has a smile on his face.

"Brother Ho, why are you so excited?" Ye Wuqi's voice was serious and calm: "you are not my opponent with your skill now!"

He Ming screamed and had no time to talk to Ye Wuqian.

Ye Wuqi smiles and reaches for his wrist. There was another "click" sound, and his bones were miraculously intact.

Lift him up from the ground.

"Ha ha, is there anything else you can do? Just do it!" A word said here, ye Wuque immediately to his proud smile.

However, the other side did not dare to say anything more, just kept his head down and kept silent.

"What's the matter, don't talk?" In a word, ye Wuqian continued to smile: "the bodyguard of the former boss of Shuiyue Taoist hall is not so good!"

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