When he looks back again, ye Wuqian stares at Chengcheng in front of him.

Because when he felt that the other side's eyes were full of cunning and disdain, he knew that he must be a fake. Because from what he looks like now, he is not a successful person at all, but he has to pretend to be very strange. He is really looking for death.

"What watch?" Ye Wuqi looks back at him.

His eyes again like eagle eyes, straight through the other side of the whole body. May also be frightened by his eyes, that middle-aged man Chengcheng actually back several steps, a look of panic.

"That, Rolex When the other side says such a sentence, the obvious eye is free, a kind of insincere appearance.

Ye Wuque smiles. In the next moment, he looked at the onlookers, and then said with a sneer: "so many of you look at such a big uncle bullying such a lovely girl, and no one actually stands up to say a word?"

"This..." After hearing this, those people all looked at each other and looked at each other.

Ye Wuqi sneers again and looks back. It may be felt that Lin Zixin's body can't stop shivering. Ye Wuqian gently pinched her hand, and then gently said to her, "sister, don't be afraid, I'm here!"

Lin Zixin nodded with gratitude. At this time, bear snow also quickly a few steps to leaf without missing side. She was very angry to see that middle-aged man into the city, and then said to him discontented: "what Rolex, bully our sister, do not understand these, that is only about 20000, you actually turn over ten times, want to rob!"

"You Seeing Xiong Xue say so, the middle-aged man Chengcheng is obviously a little flustered. He looked around and saw that the people around him began to talk. He was also very dissatisfied and yelled at Xiong Xue: "you, you little girl's film, what do you know? I'm an imported high-grade product, which is different from those of you lower class. Do you understand?"

"Don't talk nonsense, uncle!" See him also serious nonsense, ye Wuque seems to have been unable to see down. In the next moment, he would step forward, and then stare at each other's eyes. He was always in a panic and evasive.

"You, what are you doing?" Seeing ye Wuque like this, the middle-aged man was obviously impatient.

"Your eyes have betrayed you!" Ye Wuqian said at the same time and looked him up and down again. Although he is a famous brand from head to toe, but in fact are some high imitation fake, I can't help but feel funny from my heart.

"What?" At this time, the middle-aged man was defeated by Ye Wuqian from the momentum, but he was still unwilling to wave to the men in suits and sunglasses behind him and said, "this boy is restless. You should educate him well."

"Wipe, fight, go, go! "It doesn't seem to be right to see the situation. The people around me are not interested in watching the excitement. They shout directly and disperse.

Seeing that they did not win the race, ye Wuque saw the society thoroughly. In the next moment, he sneered coldly, then waved to the four suit men forced in front of him and said, "I don't like to fight. I have something to discuss!"

"Yes, you are always like this. Is there any royal law? "At this time, Lin Zixin was obviously not as timid as before. She directly stood up and said to the middle-aged man," I didn't move at that time. You came and bumped me! "

"You, what did you say, that I did it on purpose?" Seeing that Lin Zixin said so, the middle-aged man stopped the four people, and then angrily said to Lin Zixin: "I am a manager of sunset advertising company, I will find you these small role trouble, do I eat too much?"

"Oh? Sunset company? " Ye Wuque seemed to think of something and nodded at the moment. In the next moment, he said to each other with a mocking tone: "dare to ask your name?"

"What do you want?" Don't know why, see ye Wuque such a strange smile, always feel uncomfortable in the heart. To tell you the truth, he did see Lin Zixin beautiful, and wanted to chat up with her, but he didn't expect the other party to pay attention to her. In a fit of anger, he used this move. Although it's a fake, it's a pity to lose it like this.

"Well, I'll give you twenty thousand. I'll let it go." In front of Lin Zixin's face, ye Wuqian almost said in a casual tone, "now I don't have so much money. In the end, I'll send it to you!"

"Oh? Twenty thousand, you send the beggar In fact, he didn't put such a little money at ease. He just saw that the girl didn't seem to have much money and wanted to frighten her. He just didn't expect to kill such a Cheng Yaojin in the middle of the way, which disturbed his good deeds. He really hated his teeth.

"You're too few, I'm too many!" Ye Wuqi sneered and waved to Xiong Xue and Lin Zixin and told them to retreat.

The other party is obviously angry. He had been reported by his mistress a while ago. He was really in a panic. He wanted to have fun, but he was despised by such a boy. He was really angry and couldn't bear it at all."Boy, I'll ask you again. I'm going to fix the money. Will you give it?" Once he said that, he called the four bodyguards forward, and then said to him with a smile, "you have to think about it!"

"Well, I surrender!" I don't know why, ye Wuqi suddenly counsels. When Xiong Xue and Lin Zixin were both stunned, ye Wuqi suddenly reached into his pocket and took out a long time. He threw two coins on the ground and said, "here you are, don't forget it!"

"You're going to die See the other side actually dare to insult themselves, just also satisfied with Chengcheng, feel their own face was severely slapped. See ye Wuqian also a face of thuggish appearance, he immediately waved to those bodyguards and said: "dry him for me!"

"Yes They're going straight to Ye Wuwei.

"What are you doing? This is a public place. You can't fight, you can't fight!" It may be that there is too much noise on this side of the zoo, which has also caused the administrators in the zoo. There are two people in a hurry to come, far away to try to stop them.

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