"Get out of here, or I'll fight with you!" I don't know where this Chengcheng city came from. He was totally reckless. He directly summoned the four bodyguards, surrounded Ye Wuxiang and began to fight against him.

"Go to the police, go!" Seeing that the current situation has developed to an uncontrollable situation, one of the administrators urged the other, and he did not know where to go in a hurry.

The next situation, for the leaves without missing, is simply easy. He quickly picked up the bricks on the ground, one brick at a time, and then fell to the ground. Oh, no, there is still Cheng Cheng standing alone, shivering.

"You are very hung up!" Ye Wumian didn't look at the people behind him, but walked up to him a few steps, and then glared at him fiercely and said, "I want to frighten us with a fake!"

"This..." Seems to have felt the other side's horror, Cheng Cheng City has been scared. He yelled at the four bodyguards on the ground and said, "you've fucked up. You're going to fall. Get up, get up!"

With a bang, a brick fell to the ground. Cheng Cheng was completely unable to hide, and fell directly on the ground, and his head began to bleed.

Ye Wuqi took the brick in his hand, approached his face, and asked in a joking tone: "manager, do you want to come again?"

"You, if you beat people in broad daylight, aren't you afraid to be arrested?" A word just finished, immediately by a brick, "plop" a sound, again fell on the ground.

"Ha ha, I like to beat you. Why?" Ye Wuqi held the brick in his hand and shook it in front of his eyes again and said, "how, do you want to have another one?"

"Don't, don't..." He felt that his head hurt badly, and the shadow of fear in his heart made him afraid. He was afraid of the man in front of him. What's the reason. And this time, the heart of regret, also began to slowly come up. He was thinking that it would be enough not to provoke that girl in the first place.

"Ye Wuwei, don't fight, don't fight!" See ye Wuke also ready to hit him, bear snow came to persuade him.

Ye Wumian looked at Lin Zixin. At the moment, he seemed to think of something. He threw the brick in his hand directly. Then he said to Lin Zixin, "sorry, Xinxin, I remember today is like your birthday!"

No longer in charge of a group of people on the ground, as if nothing had happened, ye Wuque took them both away.

"You, you boy, remember it for me!" Looking at their far away back, Cheng Cheng a mouthful of blood, spit out again.

"Brother ye, I think, I think we'd better not hang around here. It's dangerous!" All of a sudden, Lin Zixin was worried and said to Liu Ziyang, "if the police take you away at this time, my birthday..."

"Sorry, sister..." Ye Wuqi seems to make a very awkward appearance. Then he said to the girls for a second

"Well, where are you going?" Lin Zixin had just called out, and he could see that ye Wuwu ran very fast, and walked forward.

When I came to the original place, I saw Cheng Cheng and the four bodyguards struggling. They were all in a state of confusion, covered with dust and mud, except for blood on their faces.

Originally good end, one by one in slapping dust, or coughing, but when they saw the leaf is not flawless, immediately scared.

"You, how did you come back..." At the time of saying this, Cheng Cheng is really scared. Seeing the four bodyguards retreating to one side, he also rushed to get together with them, and then asked him in a trembling voice, "what are you doing?"

"Uncle, lend me some money!" Ye Wuqi suddenly smiles and reaches into his pocket directly to grope for it. He is frightened to scream.

"What are you doing, robbing, robbing!" Seeing ye Wuke's ferocious appearance, the four bodyguards beside him were silent, and no one dared to help. They have already understood the severity just now. What a terror it is. Some of them had some training in their family, and their own body was completely shaken for several blocks, but they couldn't even touch his body, so they all went out on the street, and only in a few seconds, how frightening!

"What happened to my robbery?" Ye Wuqi suddenly showed a terrible smile at him, which scared Cheng Cheng into a panic: "it was you who robbed it first!"

"You, you boy..." Just ready to scold him, suddenly saw the other party's gloomy and frightening face, Cheng Cheng dare not speak again.

In the next moment, ye Wuqian took out his wallet like a thief, and then threw all the bank cards and ID cards inside on the ground and took the whole wallet away.

"You are a crime!" Seeing that ye Wuque has gone a long way, Cheng Cheng suddenly pointed to his back and said, "I'll report you right away, you wait!"Before he had time to say the next sentence, he stood in his place and did not dare to say another word.

Because someone was poking his back with his finger. It's freezing. It's very uncomfortable.

"Who, who is it?" Chengcheng felt a burst of terror. In the next moment, he looked back with fear, and suddenly he cried out.

It's the leaves!

When seeing ye Wuwei, the four bodyguards were also frightened to stagger and retreated towards the back.

"Ha ha, manager, what are you afraid of?" Seeing the appearance of several of them scared to death, ye Wuxiang is simply not happy. After a little pause, he said with a smile, "I heard what you just said."

"You, how did you just do it?" Seeing that ye Wuque appeared in front of him at the speed of a ghost, Cheng Cheng was almost scared out of his own soul.

"I'm just warning you, if you don't want to be OK, you'll be fine! "After finishing such a sentence, ye Wuque suddenly burst into a smile and left.

"At last, at last Seeing that ye Wuwei's figure has completely disappeared in his own field of vision, Cheng Cheng suddenly takes a breath.

When he came back again, Lin Zixin asked him, "brother ye, where have you been?"

Ye Wuqi said with an embarrassed smile, "nothing, let's play!" A sentence just finished, he slightly smile.

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