Xiao Zhentian coughed suddenly again, and covered his mouth with a towel. When he took it away, the towel was full of red blood. Seeing such a painful Xiao Zhentian, Xiao Feng and Xiao fei'er were worried. However, facing Xiao Zhentian's persistence, they could not persuade him to take a rest!

Feeling the worry in the eyes of his children, Xiao Zhentian is relieved a lot. He has not much to ask for when he is about to die. His greatest wish is that Xiao Feng can forgive him. Now it seems that he has not so much blame himself. For Xiao Zhentian himself, he has been very satisfied.

I tried to sit up straight and took a look at the terrified bosses below. Xiao Zhentian's mouth showed a bitter smile. There were so many people here just now, but now, there are only a few people left in the huge gate of heaven. Especially in front of the table where I am, there were ten people, but now? Now you're left with your own?

In addition to the five elders yuan Shijie escaped, all the other elders were killed. Thinking of this, the bitterness in his eyes became more intense.

Who could have thought that all the high-ranking Presbyterians would be killed in such a short time.

Xiao Zhentian is an owl hero, but he has his own helplessness in his heart. Anyway, these people are brothers who used to fight with him. Although he knew that these people were evil, what he didn't expect was that all the people were evil. Even the seventh elder and the eighth elder wanted to fight for their own position, the position of a sect leader. It is true Is it important? Can they really give up their brotherhood for years?

But now, except for yuan Shijie's escape, all the other elders are dead. It's quiet when they are dead. Before long, I can go to see them. With them, I won't be lonely.

"Ladies and gentlemen, do you have anything to say about what happened today?" Seeing all the big men below, Xiao Zhentian opened his mouth!

Everyone looked at each other in awe, and no one thought that Xiao Zhentian's first sentence turned out to be like this and threw the problem to them? They witnessed the death of all the elders, and also witnessed the elders fighting each other in order to fight for the position of the sect leader. Finally, Xiao Zhentian came forward in person, and arranged the Tiandao team to kill all the rebellious elders.

This is the real Mantis catching cicadas and yellow finches are in the rear. To say that Xiao Zhentian has no calculation, even a fool doesn't believe it. But can they say that at this time?

"Headmaster, what happened today is obvious to all of you. It's all the elders who were in a bad mood and tried to destroy the unity of Tianmen. Now that the treacherous person has died, please don't be sad, take care of your body, and continue to lead us!" Bad words can't be said, but it doesn't mean good words can't be said. Now someone will say it!

Other people joined in one after another. It was nothing more than how bad the elders were and how fierce Xiao Zhentian was. What's more, they swore allegiance to Xiao Zhentian one by one, and they had nothing to do with other elders. Even if Xiao Zhentian said a word, they could immediately take someone to wipe out the power of the elders.

Hearing these people's words, Xiao Zhentian gave a faint smile, but a bitter smile. For these people's words, he would not really believe that, in the end, how many of these people are loyal to him, how much he knows.

Now, some of Tianmen's elders have died, but a yuan Shijie has run away. If they are in good health, then these people naturally dare not say anything more and can't raise any storm. However, their own bodies know that once something happens to them, how many people will be loyal?

The elder Xiaoye sighed for at least a few days, but he would not have been killed for a few days.

"I understand everyone's feelings, but I think you also know my physical condition. My lung cancer is in advanced stage, and my time is not much!" Speaking of this, Xiao Zhentian sighed heavily.

"Master..." Everyone was stunned. When he saw Xiao Zhentian solve the rebellion of the elders, he thought that the lung cancer mentioned before was false, but now it seems that it is true?

One person was about to speak, but Xiao Zhentian interrupted him directly.

"As long as it's a person, who can't die, it's not terrible to die. I've already looked at it, but this gate of heaven..." Speaking of this, Xiao Zhentian looks at Xiao fei'er.

Xiao fei'er had tears in her eyes when she heard Xiao Zhentian say that she had not much time. She also clearly understood her father's situation and thought that her closest person in the world was about to die. Her heart was also a burst of grief.

"Phil, would you like to help your father manage the gate of heaven?" Seeing the tears in Xiao fei'er's eyes, Xiao Zhentian said softly.

"Dad..." Xiao fei'er wants to say something, but seeing Xiao Zhentian's encouraging eyes, she swallows all the words into her stomach and vomites out a sentence: "I will!"

Xiao Feng is a normal face, but other big men have raised their ears. They all know that Xiao Zhentian is giving way now!

In the past, if Xiao Zhentian had given up the position of the headmaster to Xiao fei'er, many people would have objected. After all, Xiao fei'er is a woman. How could they obey the orders of a woman? But under such circumstances, no matter what they think in their hearts, no one dares to stand up against it.The blood of some elders has not dried. Who dares to die!

"Very good, worthy of my Xiao Zhentian's daughter. From now on, you are the leader of Tianmen gate. Do you have any opinions Xiao Zhentian said, and looked at the people at the scene, facing the sharp eyes of Xiao Zhentian, where anyone dares to have an opinion!

Seeing the faces of the people, although they knew that they were not really loyal to Xiao fei'er, Xiao Zhentian's face still showed a light satisfied smile.

"But fei'er is a daughter after all, and she is inexperienced. She may not be able to take on this responsibility. So I decided to appoint another elder to assist fei'er!" Xiao Zhentian said again, but when all the people on the scene heard this sentence, they all sat up straight and looked at Xiao Zhentian one by one.

They all understood the meaning of this sentence. When it was larger, it was like the Regent in ancient times. Xiao fei'er knew nothing about the Tianmen affairs. If anyone could become the assistant elder, the power would be quite great, even greater than any previous elder.

If the other elders are not dead, such a position must belong to those elders, but now these elders are dead, and Tiandao, the master of Tiandao, does not pay attention to the affairs of Tianmen, then the position of this elder must have been born from them. It is boiling with blood when they think about it one by one.

After all, after all, after such a catastrophe, they are the highest ranking people in Tianmen. If they are not elected among them, will they still elect others?

"Mr. Ye, please come in!" Who expected that Xiao Zhentian didn't even look at them. Instead, he made a sound outside the door. Then he saw Ye Xiao, who was wearing a black Zhongshan suit, came in.

At the sight of this man, everyone's faces changed greatly. Did the headmaster appoint him an elder?

Is he an outsider?

"Tiandao, you will follow Mr. Ye in the future. His orders are my orders. You and he will help fei'er manage Tianmen together." Xiao Zhentian didn't pay any attention to the people's face, and said his decision directly.

As soon as he said this, everyone was shocked again. Even Tiandao was transferred to him. Isn't it that he is the real authority of Tianmen from now on?

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