When Xiao Zhentian said that Xiao fei'er would take over his position and become the second leader of Tianmen, to tell the truth, many people were surprised, but they didn't feel anything.

As the daughter of the sect leader, it's nothing to assume the position of the headmaster. Even many people don't take it as one thing. No matter who planned the rebellion, in the end, they all died. Except for yuan Shijie, who escaped, all the elders in Tianmen died. Now, Xiao Zhentian is the only one in the family. What he says is whatever Xiao Fei It doesn't matter whether you are a woman or something else.

What they fear is Xiao Zhentian, and what they fear is Xiao Zhentian. Xiao Zhentian said so and just do it. Anyway, Xiao Zhentian's time is not much. After he dies, he should not do what he should do!

They don't think that a Xiao fei'er can really control the big gate of heaven.

However, what they didn't expect was that Xiao Zhentian appointed Ye Xiao as the elder of Tianmen, or the only one. Such a decision made everyone in the audience can't believe it.

As for ye Xiao's identity, all the people present were on the road. There was almost no one who didn't understand. It was the president of Longyao Association, the biggest gang in Jinghai city. He personally killed Chu batian, the rival of Tianmen, and entered the capital at one stroke. Finally, he killed Chen Yufan's beloved son. Later, the elder was killed by him in order to avenge his son!

This pushed him to the opposite side of Tianmen, but who knew that this time he stood beside Xiao Zhentian and helped Xiao Zhentian kill all the rebels in one fell swoop. Now Xiao Zhentian has appointed him an elder. What does it mean? Does it mean that Xiao Zhentian has already started layout?

If not, how could they come together? At the thought of this, everyone felt cold. Especially when Xiao Zhentian handed over the Tiandao team to Ye Xiao, everyone knew that although Xiao fei'er was the leader of Tianmen, in fact, the huge Tianmen had already fallen into Ye Xiao's hands.

Although Ye Xiao is young and about the same age as Xiao fei'er, his skill and prestige are absolutely beyond Xiao fei'er's ability. In addition, it is not easy for him to raise Xiao fei'er with the combat power of Tiandao in his hand?

With Xiao Zhentian's intelligence, how could he not have thought of this, but since he had thought of it, why did he still do so? Does he mean to let Ye Xiao accept Tianmen? Just because he is an outsider after all, this set up such a position?

Such a doubt flashed in the minds of all the people with good brains, but no matter what they think, facing the powerful Xiao Zhentian, they have no choice at all.

Ye Xiao became the chief elder of Tianmen and monitored the whole gate of heaven. But Xiao fei'er, the new leader of the gate, didn't say much!

Xiao Zhentian returned to Jiulong sanatorium to continue to recuperate, but anyone can see that his time is really short!

Although Xiao fei'er has become the leader of Tianmen, she has been staying with Xiao Zhentian, hoping to accompany him through the last days.

As for the Tianmen affairs, ye Xiao was given full responsibility to take care of it, which was expected by many people. However, the Tianmen uprising also attracted the attention of the whole Kyoto. However, compared with such a storm, the death of Miyamoto Musashi obviously aroused the shock of the whole underground world.

Japan, Musashi mountain, originally just a nameless hill, but because of the strong rise of Miyamoto Musashi, this mountain has become the holy mountain in the eyes of many swordsmen.

A palace garden was built on the top of the mountain. At this time, in a hall in the center of the palace, the hall with a width of hundreds of square meters was empty. Only a sword, a translucent sword, was placed in front of the hall. This sword was the sword of Miyamoto Musashi In front of the sword, a man and a woman kneel down!

The man is quite handsome, with long hair, just like Miyamoto Musashi, tied behind his head. He is wearing a white Samurai uniform. He kneels quietly, but his whole body is filled with a cold and murderous air!

The woman is also quite beautiful, especially the pair of eyes, very charming, even if there is no smile on her face, it still gives a charming and amazing feeling. She is wearing a white kimono, a long black hair on the back of her head, and even fell to the floor, looking very soft, without any murderous feeling on her body, just like a weak woman I don't know why, even if the man next to him occasionally looks at the woman, his eyes are respectful and afraid.

Miyamoto Musashi was a sword all his life. He never married and had no children. Instead, he took two apprentices. One was Abe banzang and the other was Matsushima Fengzi. However, they lived in Musashi mountain since childhood. They only received training from Miyamoto Musashi, but they never went out of Musashi mountain. Most people don't know what their skills are, but they think they are after all Miyamoto Musashi Apprentice, this sword skill certainly can't be too bad!

"Banzang, do you really want to go to China?" After a long time, the maple son of Pine Island that kneels on the right side suddenly opens a way!

"Well, master was killed, this revenge can not be ignored!" He said coldly!

"Well, I'll go with you." Maple Matsushima sighed softly!"Elder martial sister, what you said is true?" When he heard that the woman was going to China, Abe half hid his face.

He clearly understood that although he and his elder martial sister were master's apprentices, but he only learned half of the master's swordsmanship, so he claimed to be half Tibetan. However, his elder martial sister got the master's true biography. If she could go to China with herself, his great revenge would surely be rewarded!

"Master died, I always want to see who killed master is not dead?" Hearing his younger brother's voice of surprise, maple Matsushima murmured a sigh.

Miyamoto Musashi has fought countless battles in his life, and has never been defeated. This time, he received a bloody reward order in the underground world. He originally intended to challenge the first master Shura in tianbang after completing this task. However, he never thought that this time would never return!

For them, if the mission fails, it is normal to lose their lives. According to the law, they should not retaliate. However, as Miyamoto Musashi's disciples, they can't watch their master's reputation being hit. Even if they know that the trip is dangerous, they can't sit back and ignore it.

And for Abe banzang, he also wants to take this opportunity to make his name known. They can't stay on the Musashi mountain all their lives, can they?

Just as Abe banzang and Matsushima maple are preparing to take revenge on Miyamoto Musashi, there is a lonely island far west of Europe. The island is surrounded by reefs, so it is difficult for ordinary ships to get ashore. However, in the middle of the island, a huge castle is built. To the world, this castle is unknown. After all, compared with those luxury castles in Europe, the castle is not famous, The location of this castle is a little too remote, but for people who live in the underground world, no one does not know this castle. Even if they don't know where the castle is, they have definitely heard the name of the castle - blood paradise!

Yes, this is a paradise for people who live in the underground world. As long as you have money, you can do almost anything you want, even to assassinate the president of a country.

And you can also accept any high task, if you have enough strength

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