The blood task of the dark moon alliance to attack and kill Ye Xiao was released from here. When this task appeared, it once attracted many people's attention. After all, the blood task has not appeared for several years. When the task was released, many people were very puzzled. They just killed a small gang leader, and offered a reward of one billion dollars? However, those who can come here are not fools. Since they are defined as bloody tasks by the owners here, it is not only the reason for the high reward.

They're just curious about what this goal is.

Later, karnu the polar bear, Dongfang Yi, the scorpion shooter, and Miyamoto Musashi, the Japanese swordsman, successively took the task. Many people immediately took a wait-and-see attitude. In their opinion, polar bear and Scorpio shooter are not considered. With their strength, they may be able to accept the task of blood color, but that is to fight with their lives.

On the contrary, Miyamoto Musashi, a famous swordsman in the dark underground world, does not need to accept such a reward at all. Taking on this task is nothing more than a challenge.

Of course, at that time, many people thought that Miyamoto Musashi had made a move, and the target must have died. But who knows that in the past so long, the Scorpio shooter was killed, and the polar bear became the man's subordinates, which made many people despise the incompetence and timidity of the polar bear, but they were also secretly shocked by the strength of the target character, especially Miyamoto Musashi When they didn't succeed in one shot, many people were shocked.

In recent years, Miyamoto Musashi has rarely made a move, but every time he made a move, he didn't leave any alive. Even few people could avoid his sword. Who would have expected that there was no one to kill him this time.

But even more to everyone's surprise, Musashi Miyamoto died the second time!

Miyamoto Musashi died, which caused a strong sensation in the whole underground world. A top strong man who could kill tianbang master in seconds died!

No one thought that Miyamoto Musashi would die. After all, ye Xiao's name is not loud in the underground world, and even many people don't know who he is?

But now, ye Xiao's name has been heard throughout the underground world. At least, no one dares to underestimate this man. Everyone thinks that killing him as a bloody task is not too much!

Of course, many people also believe that it is impossible for ye Xiao to kill Miyamoto Musashi alone, but in any case, for a master like Miyamoto Musashi, if he is besieged and makes it possible to retreat and want to kill him, it is no doubt that a fool talks in his dream, and there is no strong person to restrain him. Even if he sends out an army, he may not be able to take him down.

At this time, in a room in the castle's high-rise building, a figure covered in black robes is quietly sitting on a huge single sofa. In front of him, there is a huge screen, which is displaying some information, which is all about ye Xiao.

Seeing the dense information, the corners of the figure's mouth flicked gently.

"I didn't expect that even Miyamoto Musashi was dead. No wonder those old guys offered a reward of one billion..." Human images are talking to themselves, and it seems to be telling to whom!

"Boss, this time they are obviously using the knife to kill people. Do we want to..." With the shadow falling, an old voice sounded in the room. Then, an old man in a black tuxedo came out of the dark and said respectfully. But before he finished his words, he was interrupted by the figure!

"Hades, don't forget our purpose. All we have to do is to provide a platform. What do these old guys want to do? That's their business. As for killing people with a knife? Hehe, it's true that he used the knife to kill people. It's just Ye Xiao who is the Dao, but they are the people... " A sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of the figure's mouth.

The old man called Hades nodded gently, didn't he? The dark moon alliance wants to help the people looking for the underground world with a reward to help detect Ye Xiao's identity or strength. How is it now? Not only has the task not been completed, but the people they sent themselves are also dead!

But for those who have been dead for three months, even if they have been dead for a few months, they are still sad!

"Boss, what do we need to do now?" At the thought of this, the old man's mouth also appeared a smile.

"Can you inform the two disciples of Miyamoto Musashi?" The figure pondered for a moment and said.

"The flash spirit has been sent back according to your order. Now they should know the news of Miyamoto Musashi's death!" Said Hades.

"Very good. It's said that there is a talented disciple in Miyamoto Musashi, whose strength is even higher than that of Miyamoto Musashi. If their strength is really good, you may as well recruit them under his command!" Shadow soft voice said, but the tone can not be refused!

"I see, boss!" Hades replied respectfully!

"Well, step back and see who else accepts the order!" The figure waved his hand gently, while Hades retreated respectfully. Seeing Hades's figure disappearing in the dark, the figure murmured: "Dragon Emperor, is he arranged by you?"Ye Xiao doesn't know that in distant Europe, a big man who runs through the dark world has noticed him, let alone whether anyone else will accept this bloody task. He only knows that he has become a famous person, or a famous one. Fortunately, not many people know these things on campus, at least he becomes the chief elder of Tianmen, Even Ouyang Qianqian and others don't know.

As always, he went to school with Xiao Feng and others to attend classes, attend classes, and leave school, as if nothing had happened. Even Xiao Feng's attitude towards him had not changed in the past, which made Ye Xiao very happy. What he was most afraid of was that Xiao Feng was gradually alienated from him because of his identity!

Xiao Zhentian is not dead yet. Ye Xiao still has time to gradually control Tianmen Association. Whether it is threats or inducements, he will always gather the remaining big men in Tianmen under his command. His idea is the same as Xiao Zhentian. Tianmen only needs one voice!

Originally, I thought that with Xiao Zhentian's help, we could close these people as soon as possible. But who knows, after half a month, Xiao Zhentian's condition deteriorated extremely, and he died three days later!

Ye Xiao, who got the news, was helpless. Xiao Feng was sad. Although Xiao Zhentian didn't recognize him until the end, he was his father. How could he not be sad?

As for Xiao fei'er, although she had known the ending, she was still very sad at the moment when Xiao Zhentian was out of breath. She even cried so much that she fainted!

It was also at that moment that ye Xiaocai realized the status of Xiao Zhentian in Xiao fei'er's mind. Think about it, Xiao Feier's mother didn't die when she was eight years old. Over the years, Xiao Zhentian has been raising her. To her, Xiao Zhentian is the closest person in the world. Now that her close relatives are gone, how can she not be sad? How to say, she is just a girl in her early twenties!

Ye Xiao has no pain, some are only regret, but at the same time, it is more worry. Don't look at his control of Tiandao, Xiao Zhentian has given him great power, regardless of other elders escape, death, but he knows that he is an outsider after all, want to completely control Tianmen in such a short time, it is impossible!

At this time, in an apartment building in Kyoto, Yuan Shijie, in his nightgown, stares at the news about Xiao Zhentian's death on the TV screen. He knows that his opportunity has come, which is the biggest and last opportunity for him

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