In the whole dream world, ye Wuqian runs around for more than a day and solves four or five monsters. After solving the last monster, ye Wuque finally feels a special force, which is like a call from heaven. It seems to Tell ye Wuqian that you can go out. Then, he formulates a place called dadaojiu Let Ye Wuqian go to the old bar and find a waiter to meet. The waiter will know ye Wuqian and leave the dream world. Ye Wuqian is driving in Beichen District.

Looking for a while in Beichen District, I quickly found the old man's bar. After I got off the bus, I was just about to enter the old man's bar, but I was stopped by an old beggar standing at the door. The old beggar turned around smelly and messy, and I didn't know how many clothes he was wearing. Ye Wuqian took a look at the old beggar and immediately felt disgusted and stretched out Hand wanted to find some change for the old beggar. Who knows that the old beggar didn't want the money of Ye Wuwu at all, but said in a hoarse voice, are you going to leave? Ye Wuqi shivered all over and suddenly realized that something was wrong. Within one day, ye Wuqian met many people who were similar to NPC, but they were immersed in this world and did not know his real identity. The old beggar seemed to know ye Wuqian's real identity by opening his mouth,

"what do you mean? "Ye Wuwei asked cautiously,

I mean, are you going to leave here? The old beggar said with a smile. Ye Wuqian frowned. He looked at the old beggar and continued to reply cautiously. I don't understand what you mean?

The old beggar looked at Ye Wuwei with great interest. Continue to say, don't pretend for me, I know you are not from this world, you come from outside.

Ye Wuqi's eyes widened in an instant. Unexpectedly, as he guessed, the old beggar really knew his identity.

How do you know ye Wuwei asked.

"You may not believe it. I am a part of this system. What you are in is a special event constructed by a system. In this world, every action you produce and every person you meet is just a line of code. "

Ye Wuhu nods to indicate ye Wuwu knows. But now there is a problem in the whole system, or the system has been invaded by a special virus. People in the organization, that is, the people in Longhua society, do not know this.

Ah? Ye Wuwei immediately fell into a state of surprise.

It means that the beggar in front of him is an embodiment of the system center of the spherical instrument that ye Wuwei entered? Ye knows that similar systems have been made. For example, for a certain mobile phone, there is a mobile phone intelligent system called Siri.

This is only a civilian system. A real military system will be much more advanced than this one. Therefore, it is possible for ye Wuqian to see all these things, and this Mr. Han is indeed the embodiment of the center of the spherical instrument system. Since, the old Mr. Han said that this system was invaded by a mysterious virus, ye Wuque had it The reason for suspecting that this beggar may be that kind of virus. If the beggar asks Ye Wuqian to do something, maybe it is to let Ye Wuqian help the disease. To break into this system. Ye Wuqian kept a skeptical attitude all the time. He continued to look at the old beggar and asked, "you know this, which shows ye Wuqian's identity. What do you want from me?"?

Said the old beggar, shaking his head. "I don't want to get anything from you. I just want to borrow your body. I am the backup system of this system. This virus is very secret. But I expect that the virus will devour the system soon. This system, which connects all systems of the main base of Longhua club, can control the whole Longhua club through this system The system of Huahui is under control. The whole base is not just paralyzed. Do you understand? "

there was a burst of light in the eyes of the old beggar. Go on, I want to borrow your body as a kind of physiological copy, that is to say, my standby system will be injected into your body. I know that you are training skills, and I will help you to maximize the power. This is my reward for staying in your body temporarily. Do you think it is OK?

Ye Wuqi looked at the old beggar with a rather suspicious look, and continued to ask, since you all know that the virus is about to attack this system and will also pose a huge threat to the whole dragon flower base, why don't you resist and still want to escape?

Ye Wuwei thinks this is the biggest doubt.

The old beggar laughed, his face showed some regret, said, do you think I don't want to fight with him? The premise is that I have this ability. I also want to clear this virus with my ability. You know, I'm just a standby system. The real system is more advanced than me, two versions higher than me. The real system can't compete with this virus. Do you think my backup system can compete with this virus? I think there is no reason why you want to borrow the body.

I need you and me to upgrade my standby system. After upgrading, I will have the ability to fight against this virus. However, upgrading requires a lot of things that you can't obtain for the time being, but I will help you expand the ability. When you have the ability, you can help me get these things and come back to rescue. How about the general base of Longhua club?Ye Wuqian frowned and continued to ask, "are you just a system? Why are you so clear about all this, and the sense of mission to save the base of Longhua club? I think it's very strange, "

the beggar shrugged his shoulders and thought it's very strange. It's not just you. I've been waiting for a long time in Dad's bar. There are three people going out of the bar. The first one has the ability of swallowing. I believe you can eat it before you come in Having heard of his name, he was suspicious, so he had no choice. I. The second one just ignored me. You are the third person I went down to the south. Generally, I just came back. Of course, there are countless mediocre people going out from here. I don't look at those people, so I didn't stop him. But you are different. You have huge pre experience. Only you can really help. I know you There will be a lot of doubt, but this is the world. Many people choose to doubt in front of the opportunity, and they will lose the opportunity. isn't it?

The old beggar had stepped back and let the door of dad's bar out. He continued, "you can choose to enter the old street bar and leave here, just as if you haven't met me. You can also choose to follow me. I will let you see more different things. Ye Wuwei hesitated for a moment, and immediately said, I hope you won't let me down. "

with a smile, the old beggar immediately turned around and walked into the darkness. As the old beggar walks to a dark street next to his father's bar, the old beggar says as he walks, the bar is the exit, so it is also the place closest to the edge of this dream world. With these words, Dad's bar took Ye Wuqi into the darkness completely. In the dark, ye Wuqi could not even see everything, or even feel the ground or the sky. It was like walking in the void. The only thing he could see was the old beggar walking in front of him.

After walking for a while, the old beggar's feet suddenly stopped. He stretched out his hand in front of him, and immediately there was a golden light in front of him. That golden light expanded to the left and right like a crack, forming a door full of light. You can have a look at the old beggar and said, ye Wuqian came to the door full of light, looked inside, and was suddenly frightened The whole body trembled. Inside the door was an endless expanding world. In the outside world, there were countless insect like things flying, dense and dense, just like sand. Ye Wumian looked around and found that the dream world in which ye Wumian was located was a square space like a magic cube.

Outside this magic cube space, there are many other spaces. All these spaces are connected by a kind of black pipe, just like the neurons in the middle of human brain. The huge system is connected by these pipes and spaces and extends to a huge tree far away. And that number is also the place where insects are most concentrated, The dense insects lie on the tree, so that the leaves can not see clearly the original appearance of the tree. Only the white light burst out from the gap between insects and insects can be vaguely seen. That tree is the main system, which is originally a beam of light. Now he has been captured by those insects. The insect you see is actually the progeny of the virus. I haven't found the real mother of the virus. Of course, if we can find the mother, it will be much easier.

the old beggar closed the door with a cool smile and said, "do you believe me now? Is this the world of your systems? Ye Wuqi asked in surprise. Mr. Han, the beggar, nodded and said, "I'm going to send you out now. I'll send you out. Then I'll inject you into your body. Maybe the process is painful. I'll stay in your mind. "

" now, you can't talk to outsiders or to anyone from Longhua society, including Mr. Han and No. 7. "

Ye wumi looked at the beggars in surprise and said," why can't you tell them? Virus is not to attack, Longhua will be the main base of the system center? Shouldn't such dangerous things be told to them in advance, so that they can be prepared? "

the old beggar shook his head, looked at Ye Wuwei with an expression that looked like mentally retarded, and said," this will only frighten the snake. It will take at least three months for this system to be completely attacked. There are more and more systems outside that need this virus to attack. It will take about a year or two if we take this one too early If the news goes out, it will arrive. Will cause this virus to launch a crazy attack, at that time, directly lead to the entire dragon flower base paralysis, you understand? If we don't release the news, we still have at least one or two years to prepare and solve the virus before the system launches a general attack. Do you understand? "

Ye Wuqian nodded, so that I was ready to let you out. The old beggar stretched out his hand and immediately appeared a string of codes in front of Ye Wuqian. Then the old beggar stretched out his finger and put a little bit of code between Ye Wuqian's forehead. Ye Wuqian immediately poured into Ye Wuqian's forehead. Ye Wuqian's red dragon image was in his mind. The real feeling around him immediately poured into Ye Wuqian's six senses.

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