After a slight sound, the door of the round instrument was opened, and in front of her was a lovely beauty No. 7 with a sad expression,

"what's the matter? "Ye Wumian slowly walked out of the round instrument and asked,

there was a little problem. It seems that you should have come out half an hour ago, but this round instrument suddenly has a fault. Our machinery has been busy for a long time before we can get you out. Ye Wuxiang walks out of the round instrument, and then we find that there are seven or eight people in the room All of them are. All kinds of tools, that group of people are so busy that they are obviously at a loss. Ye Wuxiang laughs in his heart. This system has been turned off from the inside. How can you people get it out from the outside? If it's not, the old beggar put ye Wumian out, and it's estimated that these engineers would not be able to send ye Wumian out when they took down the round instrument,

"OK, is everything ok now? "Ye Wuque asked

No.7, a lovely beauty, said with a smile," it will take about half an hour for your, um, a man's toilet will come out, and your powers will be wrong. After the ability is determined, I can start to arrange your ability training program by looking at the results. How do you feel now? "

Ye Wuqian took a few deep breaths and moved his limbs. Suddenly, he felt that his body was full of energy. Just as he was about to open his mouth, he heard the voice of the old beggar. Don't say you are very energetic now. You are very energetic now because I have entered your body and provided you with a lot of energy. After passing this system test, most people will be extremely tired They can't let them find out your abnormal situation, so they quickly pretend that you are very sleepy and go to have a rest.

Ye Wuqian immediately reached out and patted ye Wuque's mouth, yawned and said, "I feel very sleepy now. There's still coffee. I'd like to have some coffee. Lovely beauty No.7 shook her head immediately, pulled ye Wumian's arm and said," you don't need coffee any more. " You have been severely overdrawn now. If you go on like this, there will be sequelae. You'd better have a rest. You go to sleep for two hours, and then I'll call you. Next, I'll take you to the sleeping room.

The lovely beauty took ye Wumian and left the room. Whether other works start to repair that cabin.

Through almost half of space 18. Ye Wuqian and the lovely No. 7 beauty came to the rest area together. The rest area is built like a beehive, made up of countless capsules. Each capsule is a bed, which should be the so-called sleeping chamber,

the lovely beauty No.7 said, "the sleeping cabin is equipped with a special acoustic system under the influence of the sound waves of this system. Only two hours' rest is needed to achieve the effect of six hours' rest for normal people. "

then, No. 7 reached out and said," take your ID card.

Ye Wuque immediately took out his identity from his pocket. No. 7, a lovely beauty with leaves, went to this one on the left of the honeycomb rest cabin. The instrument said, where the ID card is swiped here, and your dormant cabin will open automatically.

When you come in to confirm and register your identity, you have planned all your areas. Wherever you go, just swipe your ID card and your area will be displayed automatically. Said that this issue is so cute, the beautiful woman took ye Wumian's ID card and swished it once. There was a door opened in the distance.

Then, an escalator came automatically from the side and got close to the door. Ye Wuqi took over the ID card with a little surprise, thinking that it was too high-tech! It seems that this Longhua club is not a simple organization, it has gathered almost all the high-tech things.

With the help of that lovely beauty, ye Wuqian enters the sleeping cabin. After lying down, a simple light music is heard all around. Ye Wuqian immediately feels sleepy. Before, he feels endless strength in his body. However, as soon as she hears the music, she begins to be hypnotized. Within a minute, ye Wuque falls into a sleep state.

Sleeping is just a matter of an instant. When ye Wuqian wakes up, music is still playing around. It's just that the countdown of two hours displayed next to the restaurant is over. As soon as ye Wuqian sat up, the door of the sleeping cabin opened automatically. Ye Wuque immediately went out and saw the lovely beauty No. 7 coming towards this side, holding a piece of colorful paper in her hand.

"What's the matter? Why do you look so weird? "Ye Wuqian looks at the little beauty with a strange expression. Immediately asked with a smile. "Your ability is a little more than we expected. After the result comes out, the Longhua meeting has held an emergency meeting to discuss your behavior, then approve it, vote and vote. After voting, it is decided to let you have two training at the same time, the appropriate training. The first is the routine of the ability. The second is the basic training. The ability will be your main ability, and the basic training of a monk is not to improve your physical quality, so that you can better control the power. In the future, there will be a special tutor to take over the training part of the ability, while the basic training of the nun, I will lead you to continue to complete. "

Ye Wufa nodded and said," what is the result? You didn't tell me! "The lovely little beauty No.7 was stunned, then she laughed and said, "yes, I forgot this. Here, I'll show you the result. "

the little beauty took the paper to Ye Wuqian. Ye Wuqian glanced at it, and her eyes stopped at the last line of words. That line is very simple. It can also fit the ability. Full marks.

"Go on what do you mean? "Ye Wuwu points to the line and asks the little beauty.

No. 7 lovely beauty said, "the conjunction ability of a power refers to the ability to control and control the power. The higher your conjunction ability is, the more complex the ability you can control. On this, all kinds of powers you can use have been listed. You can make your ability to fit the power with full marks, which means you can put any of the above abilities into full play These powers work together. We can't see your performance in the dream world, but the machine has already. Machines have come up with behavioral structural measures. We found that you can use blink. Element manipulation. And telepathy. "

" these three abilities are very powerful, so we will arrange three courses for you for these three abilities. You must participate in the training of these three kinds of courses. If your qualification is good enough, you may be able to complete the three courses at the same time in a short time and become a member of our ability ahead of time. "

and the physical training of cultivation is very long. I can only give you some basic things. The later training can only let you finish Ye Wuwei slowly. From tomorrow, you will begin to receive training. This evening, you will follow me to carry out the revised basic training. Tomorrow, from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., there will be a discussion teacher Help you, the mental training of Qingxin No.3 middle school, 8:00 p.m. By 11:00 p.m., these three hours belong to me, and I will help you finish the basic practice in these three hours. Do you understand? This is the arrangement of your day. There are six days in a week. You need to arrange the course. You can freely arrange the time at the weekend. You can go out to the city for a visit, which is regarded as a rest. The Longhua Association will also give you certain funds, but you should not hope too much. You will not be able to support you to go out to eat, drink, whore or gamble with the telephone charges.

Ye Wuque laughs and says, I won't have such an idea, but I haven't gone out for a while. I want to go out and have a look at the outside world. The lovely little beauty nodded and her eyes turned and said, why don't you accompany me to play this weekend!

Ye Wuqi was stunned, a little puzzled to see the little beauty, "when it comes to the weekend, do you have a holiday?"

The little beauty rolled her eyes and said, "why do you have a holiday and I don't have a holiday?"

Ye Wuhua nodded awkwardly and said, "where do you want to go?"

"Me, I want to go to the playground."

Said the lovely little beauty with a sly wink.

Ye Wuque smiles bitterly and says, I can accompany you to the amusement park, but I don't want to play some of the items inside. I have acrophobia.

What do you want to do with me? You see, I'll help you with the treatment right away. You and I go out for a few roller coasters a week. After a month, you won't have acrophobia, ha ha ha!

Two people said, and then went to the practice place of 18 space.

As soon as you enter the practice place, ye Wuwu can clearly feel the abnormal warm and moist air here. This is a pseudo scene. As soon as you enter the room, there is a grassland. There is a flowing stream and mountains in front of it. It seems that the area is very large. As you may have noticed, there's a little bit of a difference here. That's because this space has passed the blessing of the array. In the words of our practitioners, the aura here is particularly strong. This is where all practitioners practice their skills. What I'm going to teach you is the internal skill, that is, the internal mental skill. The higher you practice this kind of internal mental skill, the more powerful your sense ability will be. The stronger your consciousness ability will be, that is to say, practice this mental method? It is of great help to your mind control ability, because the three powers you use are all based on willpower, so this mental method is specially selected.

Ye no fault nodded and said a good word.

The lovely little beauty No.7 immediately took ye Wumian to the river, pointed to the turbulent River and said, "OK, you can sit in it,

Ye Wuque looks at him in surprise and says what? You let me sit in,

the lovely little girl No. 7 nodded and said, yes, don't hesitate.

Ye Wuqian was stunned for a moment and walked slowly towards the river. The river looked very fast, but it was clear. You can clearly see the pebbles under the river. It seems that the river is not very deep. You can only enter the river after you take off your shoes. The river water is cold and piercing, which makes Ye Wuqian's spirit rise up at once.

Ye Wuque slowly sits down, pans up his feet and looks up Looking at little beauty No. 7, waiting for his next instruction,

little beauty No. 7 said with a smile that the river is very cold and can help you to gather your spirit. When practicing this skill, if you lose your spirit, you will be possessed by the devil. Therefore, practicing here is only good for you, not bad for you.Then, as soon as the little beauty raised her hand, a bright light flew out of her hand and fell into Ye Wuqian's forehead, and then a stream of heat diffused from ye Wuqian's mind

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