Ye Wuqi immediately took a deep breath and rushed to the elevator. Rush to the door of the elevator and stop immediately. The old beggar in his mind immediately sighs and says, "it took you 48 seconds, but you are still photographed. You need a faster speed, at least 18 seconds. Go back and try again.

Ye Wumian has already felt that the speed of Ye Wumian just now is a kind of limit, and it needs to be increased by 18 seconds, which is just like a dream.

When I was running just now, some people around me turned their heads and looked at ye Wumian. Fortunately, ye Wumian was not running in a straight line, but was constantly turning. Ordinary people looked at Ye Wuqian and thought Ye Wuqian was training, so no one paid attention to ye Wumian the second time.

The second time I rushed to the elevator door, the old beggar's voice rang again, 44 seconds, you have improved by 4 seconds, no way! Once more.

Ye Wuhuang gasped back to the original position and launched the third charge. After running four or five times, ye Wuwei finally pressed the time to 33 seconds. But 33 seconds is still far from enough. First of all, there is a vacancy of three seconds. Secondly, we have to open the elevator. When the elevator is opened, it will take at least 2 to 3 seconds, which means that there is still a gap of five or six seconds to be filled. What can I do? Time is running out. You don't have time to practice. Try again. If not, we'll have to wait for the next 15 minutes.

Said the old beggar. Ye Wuqi returns to his original position, listening to the old beggar, counting down in his mind, 987654321. Go!

Ye Wuqi immediately pulled out his legs and rushed to the familiar path.

28 seconds, open the elevator!

at the moment when ye Wuhai arrives at the elevator door. The old beggar's voice immediately rang up, ye Wuqi instinctively pressed the button to open the elevator, and immediately rushed into the elevator.

How did you get it? Looking at the elevator door closed slowly, ye Wuwu gasped and asked.

No ~

the old beggar also laughed.

All right, let's move on.

Ye Wuqian immediately put his finger on the button. In an instant, a sense of electric current ran from ye Wumian's finger. The whole elevator suddenly trembled, and the lights were dark. Ye Wuqian was stupid. He immediately took out the card, felt the card with another hand, and swiped the card position.

The old beggar didn't say that the elevator would be dark like this before. He asked him to swipe his card in the dark. He didn't know if he was right?

Low, suddenly, there was a light sound in the elevator, and the old beggar laughed and said, "it's successful

follow the old beggar's guide and get out of the elevator. He found the room where he had logged in and information before. Ye Wuqian put his ID card in it. Then the old beggar helped Ye Wuhuang reset his identity and authority level and quietly left this floor and entered the next level Within a meal. All the centers of the system are in this layer. There are few people coming here, so there are no cameras. You don't have to worry.

Said the old beggar. Soon, under the guidance of the old beggar, he found the room of the central system. The old beggar asked ye Wumian to press the handle on the button, and then the feeling of innumerable electric current penetrated Ye Wushi's body, which made him numb. It took several minutes for the old beggar to say that all the data had been backed up and you can go,

wait until ye Wumian leaves the elevator When I came out and went back to space 18, half an hour had passed. The old beggar kept saying something in his mind. Finally, he said a word. The system had landed and was preparing to start the system. The result of the power was reading.

Then, the old beggar fell into silence. In Ye Wuqian's mind, a 30-year-old middle-aged man, wearing a simple white dress, bald head, warm face, smiling at ye Wuque,

"Hey, is this you? Ye Wuqian immediately asked in surprise,

the old beggar laughs. Yes, this is what I should look like. Unfortunately, I was just a standby system, and I didn't have time to change the appearance of Ye Wumian. Now that my system has been upgraded and has complete system functions, I finally have free time to change the appearance of Ye Wumian.

Then you can also taste, actually chose an old man, ye Wuqian said with a smile,

the old beggar was stunned and said, what is an old man? It's only about 30, OK? Don't you like it? Change a beautiful woman for you?

Then the 30-year-old man turned into a big blonde in a bikini. He was so scared that he shivered and got goose bumps.

Forget it, forget it, you'd better change back. Ye Wuqian said with a bitter smile,

the old beggar, with a look of disapproval, said, I'd better change to a more comfortable one, and said,

with that, the blonde Dabo in bikini was shaking all over her body and turned into a little beauty No. 7 Her clothes were not the kind of training clothes that little beauty No. 7 wore, but turned into a maid's suit with black wavy hair and a round face. The eyes of big water are so lovely,Are you satisfied this time? Old beggars as like as two peas, and

, you can't speak for themselves. You can't change your mind. You still turn into an old beggar. I still look like that. I look more comfortable. The old beggar has no choice but to smile and say, "love, I didn't expect you to be so good. The old beggar turned back to the original look.

and Stephen Chow." In the movie, the old beggar who sold the Tathagata God's palm for ten yuan a copy,

ah, it looks much more comfortable. Ye Wuque said with a smile,

the old beggar rolled his eyes at ye Wuque and said, "later, you should send someone to give you a lesson. During the class, you will explain to you while listening to the class. In this system, all the The settings will help you better train your skills and control your powers.

After wandering around in space 18 for more than an hour, ye Wuqian had a little practice of the vitality in his body. After the consumption of the last night, the accumulated vitality actually dissipated by 1 / 3. Fortunately, ye Wuxiang practiced for a while and made up for a little, otherwise ye Wuqian felt that he would lose his life. He had only three hours to practice If you calculate it, if you practice for three hours a day, there are two hours of cultivation results to dissipate, and ye Wuxiang is crying to death. Fortunately, the results of the two hours of dissipation are not completely dissipated, and some of them are absorbed by the body. It is not too bad to think of this, and ye Wuqian's heart has a trace of reluctant psychological comfort.

The time soon arrived at eight o'clock. Ye Wuqian arrived at the place agreed with No. 7, the little beauty, and waited. The little beauty of No. 7, with a sandwich, came over with a lively skipping while eating. Looking at Ye Wuqi, he smiled and asked, "have you had breakfast?"?

Ye Wumian smiles and nods and replies, "I've already eaten it.

that's good. Then I can eat this sandwich. The little beauty laughs and picks up the sandwich that was meant to be brought to Ye Wuqian. Ye Wuque touches his stomach. He doesn't know why, and suddenly feels a little hungry. But he looks at the little girl's happy eating and can't bear to disturb him. After the beauty is finished, little beauty No. 7 continues to introduce ye Wuque. Originally, No. 7 plays not only the tutor of Ye Wuque Xiuzhen, but also a guide of Ye Wuque as a whole During this period of time, ye Wuque was responsible for all the things, not only for the cultivation of truth. The problems of powers are also very complicated. After class, all the problems are solved on the 7th. The ability teacher is only responsible for teaching Ye Wuqian the skills of using powers in class. However, for more detailed questions, only No. 7 is available to answer them.

The two chatted for a while. At 8:30, they took Ye Wuqian to the tutor's office on the 7th. Before class, they must let the power tutor and ye Wuqian in advance to introduce them to each other. When they got to the tutor's office, they knocked on the door gently, and the door opened automatically with a click. There were three or four people sitting inside There is one, more than 1.7 meters tall. With long brown wavy hair, a black leather tights, plus clothes and black sunglasses, a cool looking woman, ye Wumian stares at him with one eye. I don't know why. Ye Wuque has an instinct to tell him that this is his future teacher.

No. 7 waved and yelled, "Sister Mary, I haven't seen you for a long time!

The woman in the black tights, smile, cancel the sunglasses, look, 7 said, so long no see you are still so naughty, how come the man behind you is my new student?

No.7 nodded. This guy knows that he is very good. Elder sister, you should teach him well,

No.7 puts the extra weight on the two words, which seems to have a special meaning,

Ye Wumian smiles bitterly. You don't have to see that this woman named Mary is not so easy to be provoked. With her hot figure and extreme face, I'm afraid there are many pursuers. He is a power person. How can ordinary pursuers look up to her?

Ye Wuxiang seems to have predicted the future life of Ye Wuqian, which is nothing more than being abused and abused.

the woman named Mary stands up and reaches out her hand with Ye Wuqian gently. My name is Margaret, from Germany. Others call me Mary, you can call me Mary, but I prefer you to call me teacher Mary. My classmates nodded immediately. Mary's hands were extremely cold, not as warm as those of little beauty No. 7. Obviously, the temperament of these two people is also two extremes, one is high cold, the other is gentle,

"I have read your timetable, and told me your situation on the 7th Yes, since you are very qualified. Then we will not waste your qualification, that is to say, in the next period of time, your training will be very strict, what kind of difficulties will you encounter? What kind of pain will you have? I hope you can stick to it, understand Before the class started, Mary gave Ye Wuqian a piece of advice

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