Ye Wuqi immediately stood up straight, a chest said, there is no hardship in the world can overwhelm me, if you think you can, then come on!

Ye Wumian is not afraid of the big deal of Mary. She is abused by Mary at ordinary times. There is nothing terrible about it. She has survived the three painful months. I'm afraid it's nothing compared with those three months.

Mary's eyes showed a little surprise, and then she said with satisfaction, "after the murder group It's very rare that you can still have such a strong heart after several months of training. I have to say, from this point, I appreciate you very much. "

Although Mary's speech is very sharp, but also very direct, appreciate, is appreciate, hate is hate, Mary will not have any turning. There will be no room for change.

No.7 left the tutor's office with Mary and ye Wuqian. Each of the talents will be provided with a special training room. The ordinary training will be completed in space 18. Special training will provide special space, and even be completed outside. While walking on No.7, she says that Mary is a very powerful mind controller. The initial training for you is for the purpose How to control the mind, how to control the idea, how to use the idea to attack and defend, these are all the courses that ye Wuxiang has to complete next.

after the two people were sent to the room, they left on the 7th, and left the rest of the time to ye and Mary. The room used to train the mind power is very special. It is surrounded by walls made of a soft magnetic material. The mental force can not be penetrated, so it can not affect the surrounding room. In this room, all kinds of things are put in the cabinet. In order to prevent the mind from losing control, all the cabinets are made of special materials. Unless you have a power, the mind power is very strong, Otherwise, you can't break these rules.

Ye Wuque stands at one end of the room and Mary stands at the other end of the room. The two people look at each other like this, for a full minute, where can they speak.

"Mind power, what is it? Mind power, what is it? What can I do? I believe you don't know all this yet, but next, I'll show it to you. "

with that, Mary's hand was put behind her back, and her figure was extremely concave and convex. Then Mary's body floated so simply, just like a superwoman. Her mind power means controlling everything, and this is the middle of it There is no lack of leaves. What you see and what you can't see can be controlled as long as it can be penetrated by the power of mind. This classroom uses a special soft magnetic material, which can't be penetrated by the mind force. Therefore, only this kind of material can not be controlled by the mind force. If you want to kill a strong mind power person, you must use this material to make a bullet to hurt the mind power person itself.

then Mary raised her hand, and ye Wuxiang felt herself There is more power on, and then ye Wuwu's body floats up. I can use this power to hold you up. But what I control is not your body, but the air around you. You feel the air drag you up, not me,

"if I directly penetrate your body with the force of my mind, I can embrace your body and make your blood boil. This is the power of mind. It is omnipresent and omnipotent. There is nothing we can't do but me Do you understand what you can't think of? "

Ye Wuqi immediately nodded. He thought that mind power was just a simple way to control things, but he didn't expect that control was just a way, and there were many ways to play control.

As soon as Mary waved her hand, the cupboard opened immediately. A scalpel flew to ye Wuque's side immediately. Mary said, "you take a scalpel and throw it to me with your greatest strength. Ye Wuque does not have any hesitation. She pinches the scalpel with both hands and holds the scalpel with two fingers. As soon as she turns around, she throws it at Mali with the greatest strength There was a buzz. The scalpel stopped in front of Mary. It seemed that time had stopped. Did you see where it went? The hand on the whole wall said, do you think I am? How do I achieve this effect?

Ye Wuqian said, "I can throw the scalpel out, so you can also control the scalpel. You can control the car, you can control it and stop it. Mary shakes her head. You throw the scalpel out. His speed is very fast, which means that the energy attached to it is very strong. The more energy it carries, the stronger I control what he needs to pay One car, the greater the power of mind, of course, I can control him to stop directly, or even switch to attack you.

"But have you ever thought about how much mental power I will waste in the middle of attack or defense. We must consider clearly in the middle of attack or defense, and use the simplest method to achieve the goal. Any power has limits, including the power of mind. If you use a large amount of mental power in a short time, you will only make ye Wuqian fall into a coma, do you understand?" Ye Wufa nods,

you continue to guess how I do this? Mary continued to ask,

Ye Wuque frowned and looked at the blade. He found that the blade was in an absolute state of stillness. If it was controlled by the power of mind, he would surely tremble. No matter how fierce he was, he couldn't guarantee that ye Wumian's mind controlled things to be completely still,In other words, Mary did not control the blade. She controlled something else. Was it air?

Ye Wumian immediately said that you controlled the air and formed a wall in front of you to block the knife. Mary nodded with satisfaction and said, yes, you are half right.

What I want to do is actually very simple and complicated. You said to control the air and form a wall in front of me. This wall will block all things that are laid on me. But what is its essence? Its essence is compressed air. It's air. It becomes extremely hard. But can you compress air? After compression, there can only be a vacuum zone, but not a so-called air wall. How can we do that? It's simple. At the moment of this blade flying, it compresses the left and right sides of a blade. The huge pressure will make the air pinch him, just like grasping the blade with a finger. Do you understand the same truth?

It's OK to condense the air into a wall. However, it will cost too much mental power. It's not worth it. It's better to directly compress the air and lock the blade directly, including receiving bullets. As long as you master this ability, nothing can approach you. Next, we need to train this ability, this ability The demand of force is to let you control the most difficult thing to control, which is air. If you can control the air well, there will be nothing that you can not control well. Understand?

Ye Wufa nods. Since the air is so difficult to control, how can we train?

Mary said, "air is made up of many elements. We can't control the air, but we can control the elements and molecules. We can control the impurities in the air, such as dust, powder, and so on. It's just that the more air there is, the easier it is to control. The less dust and powder, the more pure air, the more difficult it is to control. The first step we have to do is learn to control the powder in the air When Mary waved her hand, a bottle of white powder came from the cupboard next to her, which was filled with chalk dust.

I'm going to spill out the chalk ash in the middle. What you have to do is to control the chalk ash without leakage and put it back into this bottle. Are you ready?

Before she finished speaking, Mary picked up some chalk with her two fingers.

Throw it into the air. Ye Wumian immediately urges ye Wumian's idea. Trying to control the chalk.

But he couldn't catch the chalk at all. Can only helplessly look at the chalk ash so little on the ground. Failed!

Mary said with a smile, but there was no expression of disappointment on her face.

Ye Wuxiang looked at Mary awkwardly and said, "it's a little difficult. It's not only a little difficult. During yesterday's training, ye Wuque tried to control the size of a glass bottle. It was relatively easy to control it, and the glass bottle was only one It's just a matter of concentration to deal with one of his goals, and there are so many subtle things that are almost imperceptible, like dust, where ye Wuqi can control now,

it doesn't matter. It's similar to what I imagined. Mary smiles, pinches it up again, a little bit, and scatters chalk dust into the air. Once more. Ye Wuqian immediately concentrated his mind. Before the chalk ashes fell to the ground, he tried to control the chalk ashes, but still failed.

this time, Mary did not speak, or directly picked up the new chalk ashes and sprinkled them into the air. Ye immediately concentrated again and tried to control the closed meetings, but in the end, she failed I've been through this for more than a dozen times. I haven't succeeded in any of them. Do you feel depressed? Mary asked faintly,

Ye Wuque nodded with a bitter smile, saying that it was impossible to feel bitter and depressed.

Mary took a cold look at Ye Wuqian. She said indifferently that it is normal to have depression, which may be a little difficult for you. But if you have been doing things, there are no difficult things, then you will not be able to complete the difficult things in the future. What you need is to challenge ye Wuque, challenge others, or challenge the limit, only in the challenge If you can't overcome such a small difficulty, you can only say that you are not qualified to become a power.


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