It's really a scare, but it's also a little girl's intention to do it. If you do it in a town, it will inevitably attract the public's attention. It may also be initiated by the United States of America's native powers alliance. Therefore, it should be done outside the town.

After waiting for a while in the coffee shop, I saw a taxi coming by with some plastic bags in his hand. He might have gone shopping. The man looked around in a flustered way. After confirming that no one was paying attention to him, he immediately went upstairs. Before more than ten minutes, the three men came down together with some simple luggage in their hands Box, and on a date red car, immediately drove away.

The little beauty patted Ye Wuqian, took some money and put it on the table. She immediately got on the car and followed her out. The speed of the car was very fast. She left the small town in a few minutes and drove into the forest.

"what should I do? Do you want to speed up? " Ye Wuwei asked,

they would stop. The little beauty confidently said that, sure enough, in a corner,

as soon as the car sped up, it disappeared into the vision of two people. When the little beauty drove her beetle to the corner, she saw that the car had stopped, and three people got down from the car. They looked at this side together. All the three people were small and had different faces Often indifference, seems to have guessed, little beauty and the intention of leaf without lack.

Who are you?

Asked one of the Yellow haired men.

The Yellow haired man was dressed in punk. The explosion of yellow hair, let ye Wuque look very uncomfortable, if not for the Oriental people's logo face, ye Wuque is a little bit unrecognizable.

This person will move in a moment, or you can wait for me in the car. The little beauty turned her head and whispered to Ye Wuxiang,

Ye Wuqian also knows that he can't help in this level of fighting, so he doesn't plan to get out of the beetle's car, but looks out through the window of the car,

the little beauty slowly walks out and smiles: Longhua will do it If you know something, follow me back, so that you will not stay here and cause us trouble.

What Longhua club has never heard of ~!

At this time, the second person who got out of the car said with disdain that the man was the tallest among the three, with a bald head, prominent cheekbones, a very thin face and an awl like chin. The first feeling of the leaf is that this person is afraid to be addicted to drugs and is an addict. If there is no wrong guess, this person should be using mental power, As soon as the addict's words were finished,

the third person in the car had already stood up, looked at the little beauty, and immediately laughed. He said, "how can anyone come out now? Girl, I think you are very good-looking and have a good figure. Why don't you accompany me three times to make sure you are happy? Ye Wumian, please surrender, so as not to waste energy on the three masters.

this man is thinner, just like a paper man. He is wearing a white tight suit. It looks like a bamboo pole stuck on the ground. This man should be hidden.

"don't talk nonsense. You can't fail to know the Longhua club since you are here The people of the Chinese society must have contacted you. Since you don't eat or drink, don't blame me for my impoliteness ~ "the little beauty's face immediately cooled down and said aloud,

the Yellow haired man was too lazy to say anything more. She was in front of the little beauty in an instant and reached for her chest As soon as the yellow man touched his arm, he immediately burst into a transparent air stripe. The Yellow haired man was immediately pushed several meters away, and his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

this person has a little trouble, the yellow hair man said,

is that right? Let me have a try. The man in the white tights, ha ha, laughs, and immediately disappears in everyone's view.

the little beauty gently shakes her head and sighs at the ignorance of these people. When her left hand is lifted slightly, a colorful light immediately jumps out of his palm. The light, like a red diamond, flies into the air and hits directly The air in front of the left of the little beauty made a loud noise, and the man in white immediately flew out and rolled into the haystack by the road, and then there was a scream

"this should break his three ribs, even if you want to resist, don't blame me for my impoliteness, the little beauty said coldly. ”

the addict's brow suddenly wrinkled. His ability was the strongest among the three people. He immediately put out his hand, and the index fingers of his left and right hands respectively pressed against Ye Wuwei's cheekbones. In an instant, there was a sound explosion. The glass of the car behind the three of them exploded into powder, while the trees around him were shaking and countless fallen leaves were blasted After hitting, the fallen leaves suddenly floated over, and together with the branches scattered by the stones on the ground, instantly condensed into a huge ball and blasted at the little beauty,

the little beauty knew Ye Wuxiang could not dodge now, because ye Wuxiang was in the car behind him, so the little beauty directly reached out and gently touched the huge ball, which flew to the little beauty's at a very fast speed In front of her, she stopped at the moment when she was approaching the little beauty, and she gently touched her finger,The huge ball, bang, the ball is directly, in front of the little beauty dismembered into countless scum,

your ability is too weak, or surrender obediently, said the little beauty with a smile, otherwise, let the person behind see a joke?

Ye Wuqian is stunned. She didn't expect that the little beauty would mention Ye Wuqian at this time. The ideation ability of that addict is much stronger than ye Wuqian. At least Ye Wuqian is not sure that he can gather so many things and attack at such a fast speed.

that addict is shocked. He looks at ye Wuque and feels a little flustered, In my mind, there is a person in the car who has not started. Is this person more powerful?

The junkie immediately yells to go! The three people immediately returned to the car. It was the one who moved in a moment. They caught the three people and threw them directly into the car. They drove around and ran. The little beauty missed a wave and flew out of her sleeve. A line of white silk flew by and trapped the car. No matter how she ran, she couldn't run. Then, the silk flew directly into the car, Three people are tied together like zongzi,

Dong, the car fell on the ground, little beauty, light turned around, looked at ye Wuque night said, you can drive, ye Wuque quickly nodded,

the little beauty said, I left the three of them in the back row, you drive that car with me to go back,

Ye Wuque did not have any hesitation, directly from a The shell bug gets up and down to drive the car and follows the little beauty.

After driving all the way for more than ten minutes, Xiaomei's speed suddenly slowed down. Ye Wuqian looked forward in surprise and drove to the side-by-side position with the little beauty. Then she found that she did not know when to stop three cars,

"who are they?" Ye wumi gets out of the car and asks.

The three cars are all black BMW. Beside the car, there are three people, all wearing uniform black suits and black sunglasses. Their faces are cold. Looking at this side,

"mantis catches cicadas, and yellow finches are behind!"

The three men in black suits, the one in the middle, helped the long tailed woman and said,

are they Chinese? Ye Wuxiang immediately said in surprise,

the man slowly took off his sunglasses and coldly glanced at ye wuhui. He looked a little bit like angelababy. Ye immediately said in surprise,

she is a Chinese American, which can be regarded as my old enemy. The little beauty Huanhuan opened the door, walked out of the beetle, took a look at the Chinese American beauty, and yelled She said, "you don't have to worry about our affairs. After finishing this sentence, ye Wuwei immediately understood that these people are the members of the association of the powers. In the territory of the United States of America, all matters are under the control of the United States of America. If it is not in the territory of the United States of America, the United States of America can manage everything it wants.

The American Chinese beauty like angelababy smiles faintly. Take a look at it, little beauty, and continue to say, No. 7, you let you run last time. Do you think you can still run away this time? In particular, there was a burden behind him,

Ye Wuque felt a burst of red, and his face turned red. It seems that ye Wuqian has indeed become a burden. Since he is a member of the association of the powers of the United States of America, he is also a member of the ability. Now ye Wuqian understands why Ye Wuxiang will become a burden, not to say how difficult these three guys are, but to say different things People from the association of capable people will certainly come to obstruct them, and the person from the association of powers is the difficult point to solve. From the fight just now, we can see that these little gangsters who use power to commit crimes are not worried at all. Give ye Wuqian a little time, maybe Ye Wuxiang can solve them.

Why do you always want to obstruct them and do your own thing If you let the three guys steal $3 million in Washington and $7 million in other small towns, all of them will be worth 10 million dollars. Then I will give them up to you and let you do it How about it? If you think you can pay back the $10 million, I won't blame you. You can choose by yourself. If he takes the property of our citizens, we will naturally take care of it.

After hearing this, the little beauty just gave a cold smile, and then sarcastically said, "if you say you don't have the ability, you have to blame others. When you were in Washington, you didn't catch three of them, and then you implemented a plan to arrest them twice? All ended in failure. Do you want to stop me with your ability and execution?

The Chinese American beauty like angelababy laughed and said, "do you think we really can't catch him?"? It's just three bums, but didn't you really think that we didn't come for these three people at all, but for you, but for the mysterious organization behind you.

the little beauty was stunned, she almost forgot this point, what a damn!

"Today, you can't escape," said the beauty of the association of powers. As soon as the beauty waved, more than a dozen people came out of the surrounding forest, all in uniform black suits, black sunglasses, so many powers? The little beauty's face suddenly changed, stepped back a few steps, went to ye Wumian's side and said, "you go first, they won't do anything to you. Their goal is me. Just grab me back."Ye Wuqi immediately shook his head and said, "how can you bring me out?"? No, I brought you out. I have the responsibility to take it back for you.

the little beauty laughed and asked, "I brought you out clearly. How did you bring me out?

Ye Wuwei said, we are out to the amusement park, so I must take you to the amusement park. Is it natural for boys and girls to take you to the amusement park? So, I must have brought you out, so I have reason to take you back. You don't have to flirt there, OK?

No. 7, you don't have room for resistance. Maybe you can beat me, maybe you can beat three of us, but there are more than 20 powers here. Can you fight against 20 powers? The beautiful woman immediately said with a smile,

that sentence like angelababy

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