"I'm not ready to fight you, but I need to take these three people, I can follow you, but I hope you can let him go and let him take those three people back to report."

Finally, No. 7 immediately turned her head and said to Ye Wuxiang, "if you drive your car, you will take the path. They will certainly send someone to follow you. Before you get to the farm, you will pass a small room where there are guards. You can drive the car to the guard, and then give your ID card to the guard. They will solve them. They will certainly Let you go. In addition, they haven't found out where the base of Longhua club is. So, you have to go and let them follow. Let the guards solve the rest. Do you understand? "

Ye Wuqi immediately nodded, but he still didn't want to go. He said, if you were caught by the organization of the ability, what would you do if you left?

No. 7 grinned bitterly: "if I'm not wrong, it's just to dissect it out and study it, because the organization of the powers has always been very interested in the practice, and they have been unable to understand the principle of practice? However, they couldn't catch the practitioners at all, because they seldom moved outside, let alone came to the United States of America. The only one they could meet was meeting in Longhua. Before I came out to carry out tasks, there was a monk with relatively low accomplishments who was caught by them, but they were soon rescued by us, and they had not had time Do any research, but this time, I'm afraid I'll be caught again. It will be more difficult to rescue. They should be prepared. Don't worry about me. They always care about me. They can't cause more trouble. This smelly woman is after me. He didn't catch me several times in front of him. It's estimated that it's against me. This time, they have ambush. We can't make any more trouble If you can't run, you can go quickly. "

No. 7 little beauty directly pushed Ye Wuqian into the car. Ye Wuque gritted her teeth and said, "I'll go back to the base as fast as possible, find Mary, or find the old Mr. Han. Maybe, you can save me. You can hold on. I'll go to the base to call people.

After that, he directly backed up and broke into the middle of the forest path. As expected, it was not as expected by No. 7. As soon as ye Wuqian drove into the forest, a car followed him. Unfortunately, ye Wuque didn't know the way to go there. I can only grope, rely on my memory to drive in a fixed direction. After driving for more than ten minutes, I left the forest and entered the road. After I got on the road, I looked at the road signs all the way. I quickly drove to the Longhua Hui base. I saw a small house when I was still half a mile away from the farm where I entered the base. As expected, as I said on the 7th, I sat in the hut Several guards, ye Wuxiang quickly stopped by the hut, went in and took out his ID card. He gave the guards a brush. He said that there was the United States of America behind him. The people of the association of the powers asked the guards to help them solve the problem. The guards immediately agreed to come down and let ye Wumian go directly.

Ye Wumian had just left for a while when he saw the car passing through the small room. Then those people came out of the small room and stopped the car directly with the power. The people inside the car gave out a cry of heartrending, and there was no sound.

Ye Wuxiang has no heart tube for other things. It is estimated that those powers are dead.

No wonder the base of Longhua club is difficult to find. Sentry stations have been set up far away from the base. If something goes wrong, it will be stopped.

When he returned to the base of Longhua club, ye Wuqian went directly to the tutor's office. However, Mary was not there, ye Wuque had to ask a few people casually. He found Mr. Han at a discount of seven to eight. After explaining the situation to Mr. Han, Mr. Han immediately showed a grim face and asked ye Wuque to go to rest and said that he would handle the matter okay.

Ye Wuque is still very worried, but Mr. Han's orders are not easy to disobey. Ye Wuque, who is extremely distressed, can only leave. Later, ye Wuqian entered the training room of the cultivator and began to practice. In the next two or three days, ye Wuqian entered the training room of the cultivator himself. He didn't see the seventh coming back. On the third night, ye Wuqian saw that No. 7 appeared tired in front of him. As soon as he saw the appearance of No. 7, his heart finally relaxed, and he didn't have any responsibilities He's injury, it seems, should be safe.

How about being rescued by the people of Longhua club? Have you suffered anything these days? Ye Wumian immediately asked little beauty No.7 with a bitter smile and said, "fortunately, the people of Longhua Club passed by early. I was loaded in a container car, crossed the intercontinental highway, and drove all the way. I left the United States of America directly and entered the territory of Australia. I didn't expect that they would use this method to transport me. Fortunately, Longhua People who can find me are strong enough to find me, otherwise this time I will be really miserable

After practicing for another day or two, ye Wuwu felt that the vitality in ye Wuwu's body had turned into a thick mist, so he immediately found No. 7 and asked what was the matter? On the 7th, he was surprised and said, "you are going to break through the first level of this new development. We have to prepare well and help you to go through the customs. The three hours of practice this evening will be used to clear the customs. I will give you a list later. You can go to the logistics department to get all the things on the list, and come back to me at 8:00 p.m,Ye Wuxiang takes the list from No.7. It's all pills and potions. Ye goes to the logistics department and takes all these things. He doesn't go to No.7 until 8:00 p.m., probably because she knows that ye Wuxiang is going to have her crown flushed this evening. Mary didn't let ye Wuque get too tired during the day. Now ye Wuxiang is very good, He controls chalk, gray, blade and even pistol. Ye Wuque can control the pistol and shoot at any angle in the air. Although Ye knows that this is a piece of cake, he is very pleased to see such a big progress.

At 8:00 p.m., when little beauty No.7 came back to find Ye Wuxiang, she did not bring ye Wuqian into the place where the practitioner practiced. Instead, she led Ye Wuqian to another room. On the floor of this room, countless arrays were carved with metal seal, which were very impressive.

this is a special place for crossing the customs, and the aura ratio is very strong The room we used to practice in should be more rich. Now you sit down and listen to my instructions step by step.

Ye Wuxiang does not dare to slack off. He immediately sits down in the middle of the array and quietly feels the thin white fog in the middle of your mind with his mental power.

"how big is the white fog in your mind now?"

No. 7 asked in a low voice,

it's about as big as a cloud of white clouds. Ye Wuqian replied,

"that should be almost the same. Now you try to make them compress as small as possible. Ye Wuwei nods, immediately gathers the essence and works hard to imagine that the white fog is shrinking little by little, as time goes by A little bit of circulation, the white fog began to rotate. There was a whirlpool in the middle. As the whirlpool was spinning, the aura around the Western Zhou Dynasty was absorbed several times faster than usual, and the Baiwu itself began to move towards the middle, and the whirlpool condensed away. OK, now, start to operate the skill, and the internal mental skill can be operated faster according to the original method 。”

The little beauty reminds her that ye Wuqian immediately separates some mental spirits and starts to operate the mental method. With the operation of the mental method, the whirlpool rotates faster and faster, and the white cloud becomes smaller and smaller. Finally, it is completely sucked into the whirlpool, and the world is completely static.

What to do?

Br > "

" since the old beggar can not hear the voice of the old beggar, I can only hear the voice of the old beggar in the system I think of it like this.

Why? I don't understand the truth. The old beggar didn't disappoint Ye Wuxiang, so he responded immediately.

Can you hear the number seven? If you can hear the 7th, you can convey it to me. Ye Wuqian said anxiously,

and the old beggar said with a smile: "I have been listening to the words of the 7th. She told you that you are now in a state of absolute tranquility, which is also called entering into a state. There are many levels of entering into the state. The higher the level, the less you can accept When it comes to the external interference, you can't hear the outside voice and completely eliminate the external interference. I'm afraid it's the highest entry level. Moreover, I don't think you know that you've been in for three hours. In your opinion, maybe it's only two or three minutes. Xiaoxiaoxiaomei has been in and out for several times. It seems that you haven't woken up and he hasn't disturbed. It seems that you will be tomorrow The old beggar laughed and said, "Mary will be very angry. Your workload will increase in the past few days. Ye Wuqian is very tired for the next few days. Ye Wuqian smiles bitterly. I didn't expect that at this time, the old beggar is still killing him. That's enough! The key is that ye Wuqi enters this state, how to get out?

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