After another week's hard training, ye Wuqian finally cultivated a third light group in his body. The third light group represents a special significance. According to the meaning of little beauty No. 7, this at least means that ye Wuqian's skill has been basically stabilized.

"In that case, otherwise."

No. 7 little beauty, little beauty, little beauty hesitantly looked at ye Wuwu, as if she was thinking about something in her heart.

"What's the matter?"

Ye Wuque has just come back from Mary's class. She is extremely tired. No. 7 little beauty is coming to pick him up and is going to take him to eat something.

"Well, according to the truth, you are now in a stable state. Then I can take you to some basic combat techniques. But I am worried about whether your current strength can withstand the destruction of combat techniques."

No. 7 little beauty, little beauty, little beauty, hey, hey, smile, looking at ye Wuque's expression is a little strange.

"What is devastation?"

Ye Wuqian listened to No. 7 little beauty, little beauty said so, and immediately felt a little angry and funny, and immediately asked.

"The cultivation of combat skills is an extremely long process."

little beauty No.7, with a little critical tone, continued after a pause: "first of all, you should choose the combat skills you practice, because not all the fighting skills are suitable for everyone, so you should teach them according to local conditions and aptitude."

Ye no fault nodded, listening to No. 7 little beauty, little beauty, little beauty continued.

"After you choose the fighting skills that are suitable for you late, you should constantly improve your fighting skills. Although the fighting skills are only some specific actions, these actions need to slowly integrate the strength in your body to maximize the power of the fighting techniques."

No. 7 little beauty, little beauty, little beauty said, leaf no fault nodded, listen to her continue to say.

"You now have three light regiments. In the next practice, you will continue to accumulate more light regiments. However, in the process of cultivating combat skills, you will continue to consume light regiments, which is just a process that must be passed."

No. 7 little beauty said: "while practicing, while consuming, why do you say that cultivation itself is a journey against heaven. If you don't practice, you will reduce the aura in your body. If you practice combat skills, you will gradually reduce the aura in your body. And it's obvious that once you start practicing combat skills, the time you spend cultivating and absorbing Aura will be reduced. You don't have a lot of rest time every day. If you want to practice combat skills, you must reduce a part of your rest time. That said, time is like toothpaste. There will always be a squeeze. "

No. 7 little beauty, little beauty, little beauty, with a playful smile, thought that this sentence was a little funny.

Ye no fault nodded, also know that No. 7 little beauty little beauty little beauty said reasonable.

His time is too tight now. He spends too much time on the cultivation of powers every day. This is not what ye Wuwei wants. Just in terms of positioning, she is a person who mainly focuses on powers. Therefore, in terms of time arrangement, more time is given to the cultivation of powers. Many things are compromised for the sake of powers.

According to Mary, ye Wumian is going to be tested at level F immediately. To be exact, it's the test of ability F. after ye reaches level C, this ability will come to an end. There are several levels between F and C.

The more difficult it is, the more time it takes.

Generally speaking, there is not much rest time for ye wuhui every day. Although there is a dormant warehouse, it can achieve the best rest effect in a short time. In a short period of time, it can make leaf Wuqi rest and return to the best state, but in this time, it seems that it is not enough.

"What do you think?"

No. 7 little beauty, little beauty, little beauty asked.

"I think Let's talk about it later. It seems that my body has not adapted to this kind of high-intensity training

Ye Wuqian also said with a bitter smile.

"When do you want to wait? "

little beauty No.7 asked,

" when Mary's time is arranged, he will arrange me to take the f-level test. After I pass the f-level test and gradually adapt to the training intensity, I should have time. "

Ye Wuxu said.

No. 7 little beauty nodded and continued to say, "let's talk about it then. When I've arranged everything for you, you can come directly to test. "

little beauty No.7 said, ye wudefect nodded, and they went into the room where they practiced together. After three hours, ye Wuqian finished the practice and went back to the sleeping cabin for rest.

Time passed quickly. Three days later, Mary began to inform Ye Wuqian to prepare for the f-level test and the f-level test. There were three assessors in total. Mary was just one of them. There were two assessors. One was a blonde woman in her forties. She should be an American. Her face was more serious. She seemed to look down on Ye Wuqian,The other is a bald old man, a little fat, smiling, the whole person looks very kind.

The f-level test begins. Ye Wuqian was taken to a special room by Mary. The room was about 20 square meters, surrounded by walls made of special soft magnetic materials. There was only an iron table and three assessors' seats.

this is where the three examiners Sat.

Mary took ye Wuque to this room, and then two examiners took a piece of paper "Well, you can start to prepare for the assessment. In the file bag on the wall, you can take a look at the file bag. According to the assessment questions, we will score each of your questions. If the average score reaches more than 9%, you will reach the F level. Even if the assessment passes this time, it is not very difficult, Look, it scares you. "It's very simple," Mary asked with a smile.

Ye Wuqian took out that piece of paper from the file bag and looked at it carefully. He found that there were five goals in the exam. According to the five objectives, one was more difficult than the other. If you want to achieve the five goals, and each goal must be achieved, the average score of 90 points is still difficult. If you want to achieve the average score of 90 points, ye All the three or so goals in front of you can get full marks, and the last two are more difficult goals. There is certain room for reduction. Otherwise, you will not be able to achieve the f-level test.

Ye Wuhuang nodded after reading the five questions. Mary immediately sat down in her seat and looked at the blonde woman and the bald one The man and three people looked at each other and laughed, and Mary immediately said, "you can start."

the first question Ye got was to condense the dust in the bottle and form a small sphere in the air. Then she controlled a sphere and rotated it around her body for three times. After the rotation, she put the sphere back into the bottle, which could not be found on the way If the dust in the middle of any bottle falls out, you will be deducted. According to the speed of completion, you can add extra points, up to 10 points.

Ye Wuqian took this piece of paper and read the first question. Mary nodded and said, "you start now."

Ye Wuqian immediately went to the side, took out a bottle of dust from the side cabinet, and pulled out the cork cork As soon as the table was put down, his hands gently carried on his back, and he quickly began to gather his mind. Like a thread of gold foil, he poured into the middle of the bottle. Ye Wuwei felt the dust in the middle of the bottle as much as possible. He slowly formed a thread and flew out of the bottle like a rope, although this is very familiar to Ye Wuxiang However, ye Wuqi did it very carefully.

Ye Wuqi condensed the dust into a string of string like linear objects. After being lifted into the air, he slowly condensed the dust into a ball on the top of the bottle, which took less than 10 seconds to form a ball on the top of the bottle Waving his hand, the little ball began to rotate rapidly around Ye Wuxiang's side. After the rotation, it returned to the top of the bottle, stopped, and turned into a thread again, falling into the middle of the bottle, and there was no dust left out.

"very good." Mary watched Ye Wuqian finish the first goal. Although he knew it in his mind, she still praised it

the bald man laughed, looked at ye Wumian a few minutes more kindly, then picked up the stopwatch, showed him a look at him and said, "you spent 24 seconds in total. According to the regulations, 30 seconds is the complete time. You finished six seconds ahead of time, so I'll give you 100 minutes, plus an extra six minutes,"

Mary said, "you Second, I'm still satisfied with the performance, so I'll give you 100 points, plus five points. "

the cold blonde looked at Ye Wuqian," she opened her mouth and said, "I have nothing else to say about your performance this time. This 100 points is for you, but I can only give you four points for the extra points, because you choose to condense the powder into silk threads and agglomerate them in the air. From this point of view, you greatly slow down the powder The time for dust to agglomerate can only be said that your choice is more cautious. At the same time, it also shows that you are not very skilled in controlling this skill. Therefore, I can't give you 104. "

Mary nodded and said," your average score on the first test was 105? "After finishing this sentence, Mary immediately lowered her head and recorded it on the paper. Ye Wuqian felt relieved when she heard this sentence. It was 105 points, which was 9.10 points higher than the average score, and 115 points more. This, for the later part, will give ye Wuqian more physical space and greater fault tolerance rate,

" OK, you can prepare for the second test, "Mary said Ye Wuqian immediately picked up the paper, glanced at the second test, and then said, "control a scalpel, cut the watermelon, and score the watermelon into eight equal parts. Ye Wuqian immediately went to the side, picked up a watermelon the size of a head, and then picked up a scalpel and put it on the table in front of him

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