This table is the assessor's desk. Put their two things on the assessor's desk. The meaning is just for the examiner to check. If all the instruments are OK, ye Wuqian can start to perform and display. This one is a few grades more difficult than the previous one. First of all, there is no table in front of Ye Wuqian to put the watermelon, Therefore, ye Wuqian must first hand in the watermelon. The watermelon floats in the air, which will consume a lot of mental energy. At the same time, ye Wuqian also needs to control the scalpel well. To cut the watermelon with the scalpel, the size of the watermelon is as big as the head, but the scalpel is not so long. That is to say, ye Wuqian should think about how to connect it before cutting to get the perfect octave,

that golden hair Looking at Ye Wuxiang, the woman seemed to be thinking, and immediately said, "this test is to control your precise mastery ability, because in combat, if you can't accurately control the objects controlled by your mind, sometimes the biggest trouble is not the enemy, but you, because you may use the things you control to hurt your teammates So, this test is very important, do you understand? "

Ye Wuqian nodded his head cautiously. He knew that the blonde woman was right. For this, ye Wuqian also had a lot of training. He had his own assurance of the accuracy of controlling objects. The problem is, how to cut the watermelon into eight grades? If you use a large scalpel, you only need to cut three knives, you can perfectly cut the watermelon to send a message. However, the scalpel is not as long as a normal watermelon knife, and Zuoshan carving can't cut the watermelon into eight equal parts. Therefore, the leaf needs at least eight knives. How can I get this knife? This is the problem. When the pig got married and waved, he slowly floated the watermelon into the air. With the other hand, he began to control the scalpel. The scalpel flew to the side of the watermelon, and first cut a knife around the watermelon. Then, the shallow impression from the ring was turned 90 degrees, and then he was happy to cut a knife. Then, a 90 degree scalpel was formed After finding the 90 degree right angle, we found the middle line of this 90 degree right angle, and then cut a circle of shallow knife. After all the 90 degree right angle knives have been cut, ye Wuque is on the watermelon skin, dividing the dividing line into eight equal parts. Ye Wuqi has not cut off, but just carved the lines on the watermelon skin If the lines are cut down, the eight meals can be cut out perfectly, just like to finish a building. Now, a blueprint has been drawn on the building,

after drawing these shallow lines, ye Wuqi immediately starts to control the scalpel, cuts eight slices on the watermelon quickly, and then he divides the watermelon into eight equal parts and floats in the air,

The bald fat man looked at Ye Wuqian and laughed again. He raised his stopwatch and said, "you spent a total of 1 minute and 12 seconds. The perfect time for our work evaluation is 1 minute 13 seconds and 1 minute 30 seconds. So you have improved by 18 seconds. Strictly speaking, it's almost the same as last time's score. So I still give you 100 points, plus six extra points Ye Wuqian nodded immediately and said thanks in a low voice. Mary said with a smile, "you have finished well this time. I give you 105 points. The blonde woman immediately sneered and said," this time, you are directly prepared. However, in the battle, there is no time to prepare for you. If you are not prepared, do not you Can't we do this well? Are you not confident, or what? Or are there other reasons? "

the blonde shook her head, looked at the eight equal watermelon floating in front of her, and finally said," but this time, the goal is not bad. I will give you 100 points, which is the basic score for you to complete the goal. If you complete the goal within the specified time, you can get the 100 points. Therefore, with a just attitude, I will not overcome it You will be deducted 100 points, but I can only give you one extra point, not more. "

Mary nodded with a smile and said," your total score this time is 100 points, and the average additional points is four points. So, your average score of the second item is 104 points. After Mary finished speaking, she took out her pen and wrote it down on the paper. Fortunately, ye Wuqian thinks that the first test is 105 points, and the second test is 104 points. These two tests make ye Wuqian get 29 points more than the average score, which can make the latter two tests more relaxed. I hope that in the next test, ye Wuqian can also do well. OK, you can do the next local test, "

after Mary finished recording the scores of all the judges in the second test, she immediately raised her head and said," Ye Wuwei nodded. She immediately picked up the paper, looked at the beginning of the third item, and took a breath. The third test was not simple. After reading it, ye immediately opened his mouth and said, "control the two liquids in the bottle, mix them together, and then separate them." Before this kind of training, it is called to shuffle the cards in the air, which is similar to the two kinds of cards It's better to control the playing of cards than water. If the water is mixed together, ye Wuqian can't do anything about it. He turns to the side cabinet and takes out two bottles of prepared ones, one of which is dyed red with red ink, and the other is blue water dyed with blue ink. They are put on the table of three examiners, indicating that they can check,The cold blonde immediately opened one of the two bottles, looked at it, and said with a smile, "it's just common ink mixed water. There's no difference between the two kinds of water. It's easy to mix them together. This test is difficult. Ye Wumian nods with a bitter smile. Why doesn't he know? "

Mary immediately said," it's always a very difficult exam, but her audit is also relatively loose. The better your mixing degree is, the higher the score is. The higher your separation degree is, the higher your score will be. The score here will be 50 points. The remaining 10 points will be added points. We will give you an estimated time of one minute "If you can finish it in a minute, you will get time to speed up." after Mary said this, she raised her hand to indicate Ye Wuqi could start,

Ye opened the lids of the two bottles and controlled the two masses of liquid to float slowly into the air with his mind, thinking about how to ensure that the two masses of water can be mixed together and separated quickly I'm very distressed. I'm afraid that if you mix sugar and water together, you'll have no lack of leaves. There is no way to separate them perfectly. Ye Wuqian guesses that high-end people should be able to directly control the blue color molecules and the red color molecules. He only needs to mix the two kinds of water together, but he uses his mental power to control the molecules of these two colors. When the river is evenly divided, he can mix the color molecules into the water, but ye Wuque is not so powerful Ability, there is no way to control so many and so small color molecules, the leaves without defect can only be replaced by other methods, what method? Zhu Jue frowned. In fact, it was very simple that the man wanted to control the color of the liquid by controlling the color molecules. In fact, his goal was to control the micro single control of the examination. Gradually, the liquid could be mixed together, but in fact, it should not be completely mixed together, because the basic three primary colors, red, yellow and blue, were in the middle When three colors are mixed together, other colors will be formed. Are colors actually mixed together?

No, it's just that when the color molecules are mixed together, the color will change. That is to say, it is very simple to separate two different color water into very small pieces, like water mist, and then mix these two water mist together, then a mass of mixed water can be formed. It is just that there is no lack of leaves and there is no way to control the middle of water Color molecules, but ye Wuxiang can control the water mist. The difficulty of controlling water mist is much simpler than controlling water. Thinking of this, ye Wuqian immediately smiles, his hands tremble, and his mental power immediately disperses the blue and red liquid into two small clouds of fog, which are driven by Ye Wumian's power for two days "Yes, yes, yes," Mary nodded with a smile, obviously appreciating Ye Wuxiang's choice. After simply mixing the two liquids together, ye immediately separated them and put them into the bottle. The bald fat man turned his stopwatch in his hand and said to Ye Wuxiang, "very no Wrong, it took 28 seconds for you to fully interpret this time. Strictly speaking, I can only give you 90 points for your basic score. However, your idea is very good, and your time only took 28 seconds. Therefore, I will give you 10 extra points, so the total score I give you is still 100 points, "

with that, the fat man put down his pocket watch and gave ye Wumian three palms,

after that, the fat man put down his pocket watch and gave ye Wumian three palms,

after that Mary said with a smile, I agree with what he said, so I'll give you 100 points,

the blonde. After looking at the two judges in front of me, ye Wuqian said, "I'm not very satisfied with your assessment this time, but you have achieved the goal. Strictly speaking, I can't say anything about you. I think your assessment deliberately bypasses the subject of the assessment, bypasses the purpose of the assessment, takes a shortcut and completes the goal. Strictly speaking, I can give you zero points However, in the battle of the ability, as long as you can achieve the goal, it's right. So, I also give you 100 points, "horsepower, a little surprised to see that blonde woman. The old blonde is famous for her harshness. I didn't expect Ye Wuxiang to be let go this time.

it's not only Ye Wuxiang who is surprised, but also Mary that is very surprised,

" OK Well, the average score of your third test is 100 points, which is very good. The average score of the first three items is very high. Then, in the next two tests, the scores you take should not have great pressure. This time, you should have won half of the f-level exam, right? "

Mary said with a smile, ye Wuqian immediately nodded in shame and did not speak," OK, go to your next test, "take what you said, ye Wuqian immediately picked up, and only looked at the fourth test,


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