In Ye Xiao's eyes, Li Shiqin has never been an anxious girl. She is quiet and gentle. This is her biggest impression. Otherwise, Xiao Feng, such a prodigal son, would not fall in love with her.

But ye Xiao doesn't feel good about her. He always thinks that there are too many things hidden in this woman. He can't see through her. However, Xiao Feng likes her, and ye Xiao naturally won't do anything like beating up mandarin ducks!

Moreover, since Xiao Zhentian left, Li Shiqin's attitude towards Xiao Feng has improved a lot. She even began to accept Xiao Feng. Now they are close lovers. Therefore, ye Xiao doesn't want to disturb them. However, what she didn't expect was that Li Shiqin would ask herself on her own initiative, and her spirit was a little anxious. She seemed to be looking for herself!

"Of course I'm going to do my own thing. Is it hard to be your light bulb? Now it's still on. I think you need my light bulb, too Ye Xiao, ha ha!

You don't need your light bulb even at night!

Xiao Feng cursed in his heart, but Li Shiqin was so red that he lowered his head shyly!

"Ha ha, OK, just a joke. I have to get out of here. You can keep talking!" Seeing Li Shiqin's shyness and Xiao Feng's dissatisfaction, ye Xiao laughs and says again and turns away!

"Ye Xiao, are you free at night?" Seeing ye Xiao really want to leave, Li Shiqin suddenly raised his head and looked at Ye Xiao and said!

"Well? available? What's the matter Ye Xiaoyi Leng, really do not understand Li Shiqin to find their own business? You know, Xiao Feng is nearby!

"Today is my birthday. If you are free, I would like to invite you and Xiao Feng to join me in my birthday party. Qianqian and they are going to go!" Li Shiqin seems to have plucked up his courage and raised his head directly and said to Ye Xiao!

"Ah, your birthday?" Don't mention Ye Xiao. Even Xiao Feng is stunned. The relationship between him and Li Shiqin is getting better and better. What he didn't expect was that Li Shiqin's birthday was actually Li Shiqin's birthday. He didn't even know it!

"Well!" Li Shiqin nodded shyly when he saw two people looking at him at the same time.

"Take part in it, do it!" How to say that now Li Shiqin is her sweetheart, and now she has invited her two to participate, where is the reason to refuse!

"Qianqian, are they going to go, too?" Ye Xiao pondered for a while and asked!

"Well!" Li Shiqin nodded!

"Then we'll all go, and we won't disturb you?" The evil smile appeared on Ye Xiao's face!

"Go away!" Seeing the malicious smile on Ye Xiao's face, Li Shiqin naturally understood what he was referring to. At present, Yu's face was red again. Seeing Li Shiqin being teased by Ye Xiao, Xiao Feng feigned anger and kicked Ye Xiao directly!

"Ha ha ha, you talk first. See you in the evening." Ye Xiao easily dodges away, then turns around to walk!

As soon as ye Xiao left, Xiao Feng was a bit unnatural. Although he was in the flowers, he always felt uncomfortable when he was with Li Shiqin. He was even more shy than Li Shiqin. In addition, there was still a certain time to go to the evening, and he had not prepared a gift. He didn't say much at the moment. He said a word to Li Shiqin and ran to Ye Xiao immediately!

"What are you doing after me? Is it just that you don't accompany them? " See Xiaofeng chase over, ye Xiao directly scold!

"Shit, I'm not here to ask what kind of gift you should prepare? Nima's, today is her birthday. I didn't know it before

"You idiot

"Go away!"

Seeing the two people scolding to leave, Li Shiqin's shy face slowly disappeared, replaced by a light of distress and hesitation, but soon, the hesitation in her eyes slowly disappeared, and she also took out her mobile phone from her pocket, and slowly input a few words: "one cut OK!" And sent it out!

When the message was sent successfully, Li Shiqin spat out a mouthful of turbid gas and looked at the direction of Ye Xiao's disappearance and murmured: "I'm sorry!"

University life is always very leisurely, even if it is about to the final exam, but for many students, still no pressure, ye Xiao, Xiao Feng, Da Pang, Chen Tan Shang are obviously such a kind!

After school bell rings in the afternoon, ye Xiao, Da Pang and Chen Tan Shang immediately leave the classroom and walk outside. Li Shiqin not only invited Xiao Feng and ye Xiao, but also Da Pang and others. Obviously, she also knows the relationship between Xiao Feng and them. As for Xiao Feng, this guy prepared a birthday present for Li Shiqin, but he didn't even attend the afternoon class!

Out of the classroom, I got through to Xiao Feng's phone. I found that the boy had been waiting at the school gate. Several people didn't stop. They came to the school gate directly. It was a dark red BMW X6 running over. It was the new BMW Xiao Feng bought!

"Why are you alone?" Seeing Xiao Feng sitting alone in the driver's seat, ye Xiao asked involuntarily!

"They didn't have classes in the afternoon, so they went to Li Shiqin's house and asked me to pick you up. By the way, where's your girlfriend? Not with you? " See big fat and Chen Dan Shang didn't take his girlfriend, Xiao Feng also opened his mouth to ask!"My Yingying grandmother is also today's birthday, so I can't go!" Big fat is a little proud to say, since the last time and Liu Yingying together experienced a life and death, but the two people's feelings have improved a lot, every time in the mention of Liu Yingying, big fat is a happy face!

"And you? Xiaoshangzi... " Xiao Feng asked Chen Dan Shang again!

"She She has something to do, so she can't come! " Chen Dan Shang hesitated and looked unnatural, but Xiao Feng or Ye Xiao didn't pay too much attention to it!

"Well, get in the car. They're waiting at home." Xiao Feng didn't think much about it. He quickly opened the door and said to Ye Xiao and others!

Ye Xiao got into the co driver's seat, while Da Pang and Chen tanshang were sitting in the back seat. Before the three people could sit down, Xiao Feng had started the BMW and rushed to the front at full speed. Looking at him, it was like a hungry ghost reincarnated!

After driving for more than an hour, a group of people came to a villa on the outskirts of Kyoto. The villa is not big and only has two floors. However, there is a huge courtyard outside, and many flowers and plants are planted outside. However, the location of the villa is really a little biased. The nearest villa is hundreds of meters away!

And not far away there is a forest, but now to the late autumn, almost all the leaves in the forest have fallen off, looking bare, not decadent!

As soon as I heard the sound of the motor, the door of the villa was opened directly from the inside, and a wonderful figure appeared at the door, but it was not Li Shiqin, but Huang lingyao!

today, though Huang Lingyao is not the leading character, he is similarly dressed up. His hair is in the back of his head. His eyes are lighter and his eyes are brighter. He is wearing a black low late evening dress, and his snow-white neck is bare. The heating inside the villa is not cold, but when he stands at the door, he shivers when he is facing the north wind. When ye Xiao jumped out of the car, his face was full of sweet meaning!

See here, attracted Xiao Feng a burst of envy, how Li Shiqin did not come out to meet himself? I also prepared such a unique gift!

After getting out of the car, ye Xiao glanced at the surrounding environment, but her eyebrows wrinkled slightly. It seemed that something was wrong. However, seeing Huang lingyao standing there in the cold wind to meet her and others, she did not think much about it. She walked up with a smile

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