Several people entered the villa together, but saw the villa empty, straight let everyone is a Leng!

"Well, what about the others? Why are you alone Ye Xiao didn't ask questions, but Xiao Feng, who deeply understood Ye Xiao's intention, was the first to ask!

"Shiqin is cooking in the kitchen. Xiaoxiao and Qianqian would have come, but Xiaoxiao has something to do, so Qianqian goes with her!" Huang lingyao said with a smile, but her heart is a burst of joy. This time Ouyang Qianqian is not around at all. In this way, can't he get closer to Ye Xiao?

At the thought that Ouyang Qianqian would always be around every time she came out of the party, so that she could not take the initiative to approach Ye Xiao, which made her very helpless, but this time Li Shiqin finally created an excellent condition for herself!

Different from other girls, Huang lingyao has always been a more active girl. Especially for a man like Ye Xiao, she doesn't want to miss it. Such an excellent man can't wait to come, but he has to be robbed!

This time, is the best opportunity!

"Oh, that's a pity. Hey, you sit down first, and I'll help Shiqin!" Xiao Feng said regret, but where there are signs of regret on his face, whether it's Tan Xiaoxiao or Ouyang Qianqian, it's not his dish. Whether to come or not has nothing to do with him. To worry is also ye Xiao's worry. As long as Li Shiqin is there, everything is easy to say!

Leaving this sentence, Xiao Feng turned around and ran to the kitchen, looking at the anxious look, as if to go not to the kitchen but to the bridal chamber!

Soon, ye Xiao, Huang lingyao, Da Pang, Chen danshang and Li Shiqin were left in the huge living room. As the first guest, Huang lingyao became half the host and began to make tea and water for them!

"This is Li Shiqin's home?" Having a look at the decorations around, ye Xiao asks Huang lingyao, who is sitting opposite him!

"Well!" Huang lingyao nodded. She didn't understand why Ye Xiao asked this question?

"Is she alone?"

"Well, she said her parents went abroad and haven't come back for a long time!"

"Have you been here before?" Ye Xiao continued to ask!

"No, this is my first time here. What's the matter?" Huang lingyao doesn't understand!

"Oh, nothing!" Ye Xiao shook his head and indicated that he was ok, but he was puzzled. He didn't know Li Shiqin's family background, but he also understood that in Kyoto, a place with so much land and money, there was such a big villa, which was either rich or expensive. However, it was even if it was not. The house was obviously occupied all the time. Now Li Shiqin even said she was alone? She is usually at school most of the time. How can she come here?

"Dinner At this time, Xiao Feng's voice came. He came out of the kitchen with a big plate in his hand. His face was full of smile. It seemed that he was very happy!

As soon as he heard of the dinner, big pang was the first to jump up and take over the plate in Xiao Feng's hand. Seeing the delicious food inside, he couldn't help but feel the urge to salivate.

There were not many people coming, just a few of them. They set the table one by one, and those who moved the stool moved the stool. Those who came into the kitchen to help carry the food went into the kitchen to help carry the food. In a short time, a table of sumptuous dinner had been set up in the restaurant!

Even ye Xiao was surprised to see the delicious dinner table. Did she make all these by herself?

Now girls one by one only know how to eat, drink and play, how many can cook? Especially for the children of those rich people, it's good to be able to cook. It's really surprising that so many delicious dishes have been made!

In the middle of the dining table, there is also a huge cake, which is prepared by Xiao Feng. Of course, this boy has prepared more than one gift, and I don't know what he has given!

"Happy birthday, Shiqin!" Seeing everyone sitting on the table, Huang lingyao smiles sweetly. First of all, she congratulates her and gives her own gift. It's a beautiful little eardrop!

Ye Xiao, Da Pang and Chen Tan Shang also gave their early prepared gifts. Li Shiqin even said thank you. The scene was a joy!

Soon, all the gifts were given, and only Xiao Feng was left. Everyone's eyes fell on Xiao Feng. He was not shy, but pushed aside his chair and stood up!

Seeing Xiao Feng stand up directly, ye Xiao and others are stunned. What is this guy going to do? Li Shiqin is also surprised to look at Xiao Feng, even if it is to send gifts, do not need to stand up? But when saw Xiao Feng eyes burning light, I don't know why, her heart rate unexpectedly involuntarily began to speed up!

Seeing the puzzled eyes of the people, Xiao Feng raised his mouth slightly and made a beautiful arc. Then he took out a box from his pocket. When he saw the red box, big fat and other people all showed a fanatical look, and even stopped breathing one by one for fear of disturbing the wonderful scene. Even Li Shiqin's heart seemed to be here It was about the throat!

He even wanted to"Shiqin, marry me, will you?" Sure enough, Xiao Feng took out a glittering diamond ring from the box and knelt down to Li Shiqin on one knee!

No one thought that Xiao Feng would propose at this time. After all, they are still studying now, and marriage is a major matter of marriage. For people of this age, there are many people who fall in love, but marriage is something that many people have never thought of!

But now, Xiao Feng, the Playboy, has made an unimaginable scene!

Li Shiqin didn't expect that Xiao Feng's birthday present should be this. For a moment, he was stupidly stupefied there, not knowing what to say or what to do? But Xiao Feng didn't care, just knelt there quietly, waiting for Li Shiqin's answer!

"Shiqin, what are you doing? Promise Seeing that both of them are stunned, Huang lingyao gently pushes Li Shiqin's arm!

Li Shiqin came back to her senses, but she still didn't put out her right hand immediately. However, anyone could see that her heart was constantly fluctuating. Obviously, her heart beat very fast!

Xiao Feng is not in a hurry. He still stares at Li Shiqin quietly and keeps his posture. His eyes are full of soft love!

"Marry me, will you?" Seeing Li Shiqin's indecisive appearance, Xiao Feng once again said in a soft voice, his eyes full of sincerity!

"Shiqin, what are you still hesitating to do? Promise quickly. Xiao Feng has been kneeling for a long time... " Seeing that Li Shiqin didn't agree, Huang lingyao asked again!

Li Shiqin takes a look at Huang lingyao and sweeps Ye Xiao and others. When she sees all the smiles on her face, her heart is tightly intertwined!

Instead of asking Xiao Feng to put it on, she stretched out her hands, took the glittering diamond ring and box, and directly put the ring into the box. Seeing such a scene, people's faces changed slightly, and Xiao Feng's eyes were even more gloomy. Should she refuse herself?

"I'll take this ring and put it on myself when you really decide to marry me?" Who would have thought that after Li Shiqin put the ring away, he didn't return it to Xiao Feng, but said!

Xiao Feng wanted to say that I had already decided, but he thought it might be Li Shiqin who was a little shy, so he said "OK!"

On the contrary, ye Xiao always feels that something is wrong

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