Anyway, Li Shiqin finally accepted Xiao Feng's gift. As for why she didn't put it on immediately, people didn't think much about it. Now that several people are still students, it's not a good time to get married at this time. However, after taking the ring, she agreed to Xiao Feng, and I'll talk about it later!

Several people waited for Li Shiqin to make a wish, blew the candle, and then began to eat. I have to say, Li Shiqin's cooking skills are really good. Moreover, this table includes North and South cuisines, even boiled fish. However, except ye Xiao, other people always have hot saliva when eating this dish.

Of course, you have to drink. Except ye Xiao, almost all of you grew up in the north. When you drink wine, you naturally drink liquor. Li Shiqin takes out a bottle of Maotai which has been in the past eight years. Several people even enjoy it!

After a while, he even finished drinking it, which made Ye Xiao admire the capacity of these guys, especially Huang lingyao, who kept clinking glasses with Ye Xiao!

Later, Li Shiqin went to get another bottle of wine. Several people continued to drink. However, Huang lingyao still drank the most. When the second bottle of wine was about to finish, Huang lingyao was already flushed and fainted on the table!

"Ye Xiao, Yao Yao can't do it. Can you help her upstairs to have a rest?" Seeing Huang lingyao lying on the table, Li Shiqin began to worry!

"Yes, yes, yes, ye Xiao, help Yao Yao up first." Xiao Feng and others also continued to coax, one by one to Ye Xiao cast that kind of man understand the look!

Ye Xiao has a bitter smile on her face, but she also knows that this matter must be her own. She grabs Huang lingyao's arm with one hand and puts it on her shoulder. With the other hand, she walks upstairs with her slender waist!

There is heating at home. Huang lingyao only wears that thin evening dress and holds her arms around her waist. She only feels that her waist is delicate and soft. How refreshing!

However, ye Xiao resisted this impulse and helped Huang lingyao to walk upstairs step by step. Huang lingyao seemed to be really drunk, and her whole body was leaning on Ye Xiao's body. The aroma was so strong!

"Shiqin, we've had enough to drink. It's time to go." Seeing ye Xiao and Huang lingyao go upstairs, Chen Dan Shang stands up and says to Li Shiqin.

Everyone is in the same bedroom. Naturally, they understand what they are thinking about. Ye Xiao doesn't want to talk about it. Huang lingyao is willing to devote herself to her life. Xiao Feng in front of her is eager to wait for her to leave early. She and she are not good enough to continue to be light bulbs here, aren't they?

"Ah, don't you want to wait for ye Xiao to come down and continue drinking?" Li Shiqin looks surprised!

"Ha ha, with such a beautiful woman around, do you think that boy can come down?" Chen Dan Shang showed an ambiguous smile!

Li Shiqin was dumb for a while, but a strange color flashed through her eyes!

"Ha ha ha ha, what I said is that, Shiqin, don't persuade them. I'll send them off!" Xiao Feng, as the master of Xiaofeng, had already sent him a laugh!

Of course, this is also a kind of trial. If Li Shiqin agrees, she is willing to stay here by herself!

"Come on, your boy has drunk so much wine. Go to bed early. I'll go out and fight with the fat man." Chen Dan Shang is a wave of hands, the heart way you ya'd like us to leave early, now in this hypocritical do what!

"Well, be careful on your way." Xiao Feng secretly to Chen Dan Shang up a thumb, heart, good brother, enough brothers!

At present, Chen Tan Shang and Da Pang got up together and walked outside. From the beginning to the end, Li Shiqin didn't say anything. Obviously, he also acquiesced to Xiao Feng's existence. However, they didn't really refuse to send fat and others. At least they sent them to the gate. When they got on the taxi, they looked at each other!

"Shiqin, we..." When there were only two people left, Xiao Feng felt a little nervous. This kind of feeling had never been felt before, but before he finished his words, Huang lingyao interrupted him directly!

"Xiao Feng, shall we take a walk together?"

"Good!" Now Xiao Feng's mind is tied to Li Shiqin. How can she refuse her request!

With a sweet smile, Li Shiqin took Xiao Feng's arm and walked along the road outside the villa towards the woods!

Seeing that Li Shiqin took his arm, Xiao Feng was overjoyed. He felt as if he had eaten honey. The soul of the whole person would fly out. He never thought that there would be such a day between himself and Li Shiqin!

"Xiao Feng, do you really like me?" They walk in silence. Xiao Feng, who usually has countless beautiful words, seems to be a teenager who doesn't know anything. He just walks in silence. On the contrary, Li Shiqin breaks the silence first!

"Of course, I can swear..." Xiao Feng said that he would stretch out his finger and swear, but was pulled by Li Shiqin!

"What do you like about me?" Li Shiqin took Xiao Feng's arm and continued to ask!

What do you like? Xiao Feng is stunned. What does he like about Li Shiqin? Is she beautiful? Such a beautiful woman, as long as a man will like, but can you say so? Isn't it too vulgar to say so?Besides, what I like is her beauty? Thinking of his own feelings for her and other girls, Xiao Feng was confused for a moment. In the end, where did he like her?

"What's the matter? Don't tell me you don't need a reason to like someone! " Seeing the silent Xiao Feng, Li Shiqin chuckled.

"Well, that's not true. In fact, I thought you were pretty at first. Don't stare at me like this. I'm telling the truth. But then your gentleness, your quietness and your kindness have deeply moved me, and I can't extricate myself from you unconsciously!" Xiao Feng saw Li Shiqin staring at himself all the time, but he still said what he thought in his heart.

"Goodness? Do you think I'm kind? " Hearing Xiao Feng say that he is kind, Li Shiqin's mouth even appeared a sneer, but the sky is dark, Xiao Feng did not see!

"Of course, you are the kindest girl I have ever seen!" Xiao Feng definitely nodded, such a quiet girl is not kind, who is good?

"Xiao Feng, if one day you find that I am not what I am now, or what you imagine, will you still like me?" Seeing the firm look in Xiao Feng's eyes, Li Shiqin murmured!

"Of course, no matter what you become, I will like you and I will always like you!" Seeing Li Shiqin's slightly sad and beautiful voice, Xiao Feng also said that she was worried that she would change her mind later. She said firmly at the moment, and her voice couldn't say for sure!

"Ha ha, thank you, Xiao Feng!" Hearing Xiao Feng's resolute words, Li Shiqin whispered, but his eyes flashed with gratitude!

"Silly, you and I say thank you!" Xiao Feng shook his head, his eyes are full of love!

"Oh, well, I won't say thank you. Let's take a walk over there, OK?" Li Shiqin smiles, but her smile is indescribable desolate. However, she points to the front and says that Xiao Feng, who is in a state of excitement, does not notice this!

"Good!" Without any refusal, Xiao Feng took Li Shiqin's hand and walked towards the front step by step. However, he did not notice that with their departure, several dark shadows were running towards the villa from all directions

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