On the second floor of the villa, there are three rooms: a master bedroom, a guest room, and a study. The master bedroom is Li Shiqin's. Ye Xiao can't help Huang lingyao to the master bedroom, but he helps her to the next room. The guest room has no balcony, only a semi closed bay window. The room is not very large, about 10 square meters. In addition to a wardrobe, it is a 1.8 meter bed !

The bed had already been covered with bedding. Ye Xiao helped Huang lingyao to the edge of the bed and let her lie on the bed. Then she hugged her legs and took off her high-heeled shoes!

Then she pulled up the bedding and gently covered Huang lingyao. Just as ye Xiao was about to turn around and leave, Huang lingyao, who should have been sleeping, suddenly stretched out her jade arm and put her arms around her. Her squinting eyes slowly opened, her eyes blurred and her breath like blue!

"Xiao, don't go, OK?" Looking at Ye Xiao that some surprised, Huang lingyao suddenly opened his mouth and said, the voice is soft and beautiful, can't speak of tactfully.

Even though her lips are red, there is a reason why she can't resist the red eyes!

Is Ye Xiao a normal man? He is definitely a normal man. If he didn't come to Kyoto for the sake of Tan Xiaoxiao, he would not hesitate to rush forward and put it in the right place. Other girls are like this, and you are still fiddling around. Isn't it too hypocritical? How to say that Huang lingyao is not inferior to tan Xiaoxiao's beauty!

But he clearly understood in his heart, with the relationship of several people now, if he really and Huang lingyao what happened? How should Tan Xiaoxiao deal with that?

"Xiao, would you please stay?" Seeing ye Xiao still hesitating, Huang lingyao pleaded in a low voice. Her eyes were full of entreaties. The pitiful look in her eyes was just sad to hear and cry when she saw her. Even the guy whose heart was like a rock would move, let alone Ye Xiao!

"All right." Ye Xiao gently nodded and stayed. Anyway, she only said to stay, but didn't say what to do. Maybe she thought too much?

Hearing Ye Xiao's promise to stay, Huang lingyao was overjoyed and moved to the inside. Ye Xiao had to take off her shoes and go to bed, but she was lying on the bed, not daring to move. There was such a charming and burning beauty beside her. She was afraid that she would move a little, and it would be difficult for her to suppress the flame in her heart. What if she did not pay attention to the fire?

But ye Xiao doesn't move, which doesn't mean Huang lingyao doesn't move. His body just lies down. Huang lingyao has already turned over, one of his thighs is directly pressed on his leg, and his breath is slightly short!

Originally thought Huang lingyao had something else to do, but she actually propped up her body with one hand, and looked at Ye Xiao so intoxicated.

Ye Xiaoyi Leng, she is not to rely on the strength of wine to eat themselves? But if she really wants to eat herself? What should I do?

Refuse? That's the act of pretending to be forced. It will be struck by thunder!

Accept, that's stupid behavior! After all, what kind of person is Huang lingyao after all? Ye Xiao knows something about it. If it's like this, what happened to her, it can't be undone? Although Ye Xiao is not a gentleman, he is not a thinking animal in the lower part of the body. If it is so easy to get on Huang lingyao, it will not be him!

But seeing Huang lingyao's intoxicated eyes and her red lips, ye Xiao only felt the blood boiling in her body!


At the moment, ye Xiao really wants to incarnate as a werewolf, and directly put her in the right place. However, he has to resist. He doesn't want to be controlled by others. He is about to push Huang lingyao away, but he hears Huang lingyao suddenly say, "Xiao, I like you!"

You like me. Of course I know you like me. Otherwise, how can you seduce me? But what do you like about me? Do you like me or who I am? Ye Xiao's heart turned over a thousand ideas, also know that can't continue to go on like this, otherwise will really wipe the gun off fire!

"Lingyao, in fact..." Ye Xiao was about to explain, but before she finished speaking, Huang lingyao's red lips had already been kissing down!

Rao is Ye Xiao's mind is strong enough. At the moment, he is also a little confused

It is not only Ye Xiao, but also Huang lingyao who is in a daze at this time!

Although she is so active, but she is so close to a man, this is her first time. But she tries to suppress her shyness and continues to kiss Ye Xiao. Yubai's hands begin to remove Ye Xiao's collar. She knows in her heart that as long as she has a relationship with Ye Xiao, with her character, she will never do anything to tear down bridges and bridges. From then on, she will be his Woman!

At the thought of Ye Xiao's powerful background and his mysterious identity, Huang lingyao yearns for her. She also thinks of the figure that she was beaten up on that day. Huang lingyao is totally intoxicated. By now, she has no idea whether she is because of Ye Xiao's identity or has really fallen in love with him, but no matter what, she will succeed For his woman!

Thinking of this rare opportunity arranged by Li Shiqin for herself, she felt a trace of gratitude, but in the blink of an eye, even if he knew that this might be a pit of fire, he did not care about it at this timeHe will be her man, her first man

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