This I don't think that's what happened?

Ye Xiao murmured to think!

Of course, if such an idea is known by Xiao Feng and others, they will definitely scold him for being shameless. People have served you like this. What happened to you? Are you still a human being?

When ye Xiao was still thinking about this problem, a strange smell suddenly filled the air, and ye Xiao's eyebrows wrinkled!

"Yao Yao..."

"What's the matter? Is it uncomfortable? " Hearing Ye Xiao suddenly calling her name, Huang lingyao raised her head, a pair of attractive eyes looked at Ye Xiao, full of love. Judging from ye Xiao's address to her, what she has done has achieved results!

"Well, no, do you smell anything special?" Ye xiaodajiong, he has long been comfortable to fly to the sky when people serve him like this. How can he be uncomfortable? Just seeing that Huang lingyao is so gentle, even if she knows that she may be because of her own identity, ye Xiao is also happy. Don't men like women's tenderness?

"Special taste?" Huang lingyao was stunned and then blushed.

Seeing Huang lingyao's blushing face, she was stunned at first, but then she reacted. Obviously, she misunderstood something!

"I'm not talking about the smell, I'm talking about other odors!" Ye Xiao quickly explained!

"Other odors? Yeah? It seems that there is a smell of gas... " Huang lingyao a Leng, and then forced to smell, now some of the uncertain said!

"Gas? Not good... " Ye Xiao suddenly woke up and sat up directly from the bed.

"What's wrong?" Huang lingyao was stunned and thought Ye Xiao was going to leave on this pretext. Suddenly, she heard a loud noise. The whole building was shaking, as if an earthquake had come!

Ye Xiao is shocked. She has already quickly put on her belt. She pulls up Huang lingyao and rushes to the door. However, as soon as she opens the door, she feels a heat wave coming. A fire rises from the sky and burns directly from the hall. All the stairs are covered by fire!

Seeing the fast burning fire, ye Xiao's eyebrows are tightly wrinkled together, and Huang lingyao has already woken up. Looking at the boundless fire, her face is pale with fear. What's the matter? How could it have caught fire? Did Shiqin forget to turn off the gas?

By the way, the fire is burning below. What about Shiqin?

"Go Ye Xiao thinks too much. In his opinion, even if the gas leaks, the fire can't be so fast. There is not only the smell of gas, but also the smell of gasoline. This is definitely an arson. Thinking of Li Shiqin's abnormality these days, ye Xiao's eyebrows are tightly twisted together. If it's really her, what about Xiao Feng?

At this time, facing the huge fire, ye Xiao could not care so much. She grabbed Huang lingyao's thin hand and ran back. The stairway was covered by the fire. They had no way to go. The only way was to jump down from the window!

Body rushed into the room, rushed to the window, a direct blow to the half closed bay window!

"Clang..." A crisp sound, the glass window was smashed directly, but the fire below was more fierce, almost in the blink of an eye, rushed up, even forcing Ye Xiaochao to retreat.

He had great strength and skill, but he was helpless in the face of the flames!

As for Huang lingyao, who was behind him, she was stunned with fright at this time. Her mind was blank. She completely forgot what she should have done and what she should do now!

Seeing that the whole villa was on fire, ye Xiao's face was extremely ugly. The other party obviously wanted to burn them to death in the fire. However, it is not the time to worry about these things. Ye Xiao stepped back, grabbed the bedding on her bed, and then directly put it on Huang lingyao's body and wrapped it up!

"Ye Xiao, what are you going to do Seeing that she was soon wrapped into a cicada pupa, Huang lingyao's face was stunned!

"Get you out of here!" Ye Xiao said as she held Huang lingyao to the window!

"But you..." Huang lingyao still wants to say, but what do you do? He was wrapped up in bedding, but he was naked. But before she finished her words, ye Xiao had already pushed hard, and the whole person jumped directly from the second floor!

A sea of fire rose from the sky, and instantly swallowed Ye Xiao and Huang lingyao's words. Their bodies came straight out of the fire and landed on the ground. Ye Xiao hugged Huang lingyao for a while and rolled over to get rid of the huge impact. However, Huang lingyao had already been burned by the fire, and it was not flat There are a lot of broken wood and red wood dregs. Huang lingyao is a little better. Her whole body is wrapped in bedding, and she is not hurt. However, ye Xiao's upper body is naked, and all of a sudden her body is scalded with Taoist scars!

But at the moment, ye Xiao obviously didn't care so much. He rolled out of the fire for several meters and stopped.

Although Huang lingyao has been protected by Ye Xiao all the time, she has not been hurt, but suddenly she has experienced such a dangerous thing. After rolling for several times, she is already dizzy and can't tell the southeast, northwest and northwest clearly!Fortunately, there is Ye Xiao beside her. Once she opens the quilt and pulls up her little hand, she will continue to run towards the outside. But at this time, a figure suddenly comes out of the darkness and cuts directly at Ye Xiao!

Ye Xiao had just stood still. He didn't expect that someone would attack at this time. However, he was very skillful. He pushed Huang lingyao forward, but his body turned to the left to avoid the fatal knife. Then he turned around and kicked him fiercely in the abdomen of the man. The huge force kicked the man upside down, Flying into the fire, the moment came a sad cry!

However, ye Xiao hasn't had time to get excited. A huge pillar of fire has fallen down on him. Ye Xiao could have easily avoided it, but the scope of this pillar also covers Huang lingyao. Although Ye Xiao and Huang lingyao have no deep feelings, how can he watch her disappear!

She pushed her right foot hard and rushed at Huang lingyao at full speed. Huang lingyao was dazed, but she was pushed aside by Ye Xiao. She thought she had escaped a robbery. But who knows that a huge pillar of fire has fallen down. When she sees the pillar burned by the fire, Huang lingyao stays there. Is she going to die?

Just when she was almost desperate, ye Xiao's figure came to her again. Before she exclaimed, ye Xiao had already embraced her and rushed forward!

At this moment, Huang lingyao only felt that ye Xiao's figure was so great. It seemed that as long as he was there, there was nothing to be afraid of, but it was at this time that a dark shadow suddenly came out of the soil, and a bright knife light was so bright under the light of the fire!

"Xiao, be careful!" Huang lingyao exclaimed, her body instinctively went to meet the knife light

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