In the woods hundreds of meters away from the villa, there is a small path repaired. The path is paved with green stone slabs. It looks like a long snake and twists and turns. Although most of the trees and flowers around have withered, the road is full of fallen leaves. In the dim light, there is a different scene. Xiao Feng takes Li Shiqin's hand and walks on this dreamlike path I just feel that the whole soul is going to fly!

He has a romantic nature. He does not know how many girls he has harmed and how many girls he has taken a walk with. However, he has never felt this kind of sweet and peaceful feeling!

He even hoped that this road had no end, and could lead Li Shiqin's little hand all the time!

But when Xiao Feng felt happy and happy, there was a huge explosion behind him. Xiao Feng was shocked. Looking back, he saw a fire rising from the sky, which was so striking in the dark night sky!

"What's the matter? That seems to be the direction of the villa? " Xiao Feng exclaimed in his mouth!

"Well!" Li Shiqin took a look and seemed to have known it for a long time. She nodded her head gently, but the pain in her eyes was unspeakable!

"Come on, ye Xiao and Shiqin are still inside. Let's go back and save them!" As soon as he heard Li Shiqin's affirmation, Xiao Feng didn't notice the color in Li Shiqin's eyes. He took up Li Shiqin's small hand and ran to the villa. However, he found Li Shiqin standing still!

"Shiqin, what's wrong with you? By the way, it's useless for you to go. Call the fire engine quickly. I'll go and have a look first! " Seeing that Li Shiqin didn't move, Xiao Feng also said that she thought it was useless to go. Now she came back to her mind, but he wanted to leave, but was caught by Li Shiqin!

"Xiao Feng, it's no use. You can't save them if you go!" Li Shiqin has tears in her eyes, but her hands hold Xiao Feng's hand tightly!

"No use?" Xiao Feng was stunned, and then he found that Li Shiqin didn't have any panic on his face. It seemed that she had known it for a long time. When she looked at her eyes, she was full of guilt. Such a scene made Xiao Feng's head grow huge. What's the matter?

"Of course, it's useless. Even if you're not afraid of the fire, it's useless if you go. Young master, you'd better stay where you are!" At this time, a burst of complacent laughter sounded in the forest, and then saw a figure slowly came out!

At the sight of the figure, Xiao Feng's face changed dramatically.

"Yuan Shijie, you Why are you here? " Looking at Yuan Shijie who suddenly appears here, Xiao Feng's eyes are full of horror!

"Why am I here? This is my place, of course I am here! " Yuan Shijie faintly smile, face unspeakable complacency!

"Your place?" Xiao Feng a Leng, then look back to Li Shiqin, but found that her whole person is low head, dare not look at themselves!

"Shiqin, what's going on?" An ominous premonition appeared in Xiao Feng's heart. When he thought of Ye Xiao who might be buried in the fire, he felt a sharp pain in his heart, but this was not the main one. Thinking that all this was probably done by Li Shiqin, he felt that a knife had been inserted into his heart. It was such pain, but he could hardly believe that the gentle and kind Li Shiqin would be with yuan Shijie, come together!

"Ha ha, master Xiao, don't you understand now? All this is arranged by me. The purpose is naturally to leave Ye Xiao's life here! " Li Shiqin didn't speak yet, but yuan Shijie gave a faint smile, full of contentment in his smile!

Even if ye Xiao's skill is stronger, what? Don't say that such a big fire, he can rush out, even if he really rushed out, he left behind those people are enough to kill it!

This time, ye Xiao is dead, even if he has three heads and six arms, he is also dead!

"Shiqin, is this true?" Xiao Feng is not a fool. Although he has guessed everything, he still refuses to admit that no matter what yuan Shijie wants to do, he doesn't want Li Shiqin to be with him!

It is hard for him to accept the fact that he has finally found a person he loves, but how can he accept that he has led himself and his brother into the abyss?

"Sorry, Xiao Feng!" In the face of Xiao Feng's question, Li Shiqin felt guilty. She didn't even have the courage to look up at Xiao Feng. She just lowered her head and whispered.

"Pa..." Xiao Feng was so angry that he slapped Li Shiqin in the face. He couldn't accept that Li Shiqin would do such a thing. The palm full of his anger directly fanned Li Shiqin to one side and fell directly into a large number of fallen leaves, and there was a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth!

"What are you doing? Don't protect the young lady quickly!" Seeing that Xiao Feng started suddenly, Yuan Shijie was stunned at first. Obviously, he didn't expect that Xiao summit would start suddenly. He immediately started to drink!

With the fall of his voice, in the woods, a dozen men in black suddenly rushed out and surrounded Xiao Feng directly.

Seeing more than ten men in black suddenly appeared, Xiao Feng's eyes were full of anger. He didn't expect that he and others would be calculated by Li Shiqin, but he still didn't understand why Li Shiqin and Yuan Shijie were together."Brother in law, you promised me not to hurt Xiao Feng!" At this time, Li Shiqin had already got up from the ground, but without any complaint, he said to Yuan Shijie!

Brother in law? Xiao Feng's face suddenly changed. How could Li Shiqin call Yuan Shijie's brother-in-law? Does yuan Shijie's wife still have such a sister, why don't you know it at all?

"Ha ha, you can rest assured, as long as he does not move, I will not hurt him!" Yuan Shijie light smile, smile is very warm!

"Hum!" Xiao Feng didn't care about it. He turned around and ran to the villa. Although he knew the fire was burning, he still didn't believe that the fire could kill Ye Xiao.

"Xiaoshi, it seems that your boyfriend doesn't cooperate!" Seeing Xiao Feng want to leave, Yuan Shijie sneered, and those people in black also surrounded Xiao Feng!

"Xiao Feng, would you like to stay here? Even if you go, you can't save Ye Xiao! " Seeing that the two sides are about to fight, Li Shiqin's face burst of sadness and pleaded to Xiao Feng!

Xiao Feng did not pay attention to it at all, but went straight to the front, and the man in black in front of him pulled out his sword directly!

"Get out of the way!" Xiao Feng snorted angrily, his eyes were full of killing intention!

"Little poem, you see, this can't blame brother-in-law!" At this time, Yuan Shijie on the side once again said with a smile!

"Xiao Feng, you said that no matter what, you will like me. If you really like me, you can stay here, OK? If you go, you will only die! " Seeing that Xiao Feng was about to start with Yuan Shijie's men, Li Shiqin pleaded again!

On hearing this, Xiao Feng was going to rush forward for a moment. He thought of what he said not long ago. He thought of his attachment to Li Shiqin these days. He thought of the sweet feeling of being with her. However, he thought of all that she had done and felt so painful in his heart!

"Even if I die, I will go!" Put everything in the mind out, Xiao Feng said this coldly, and then his legs forced a pedal, full speed toward the villa!

"Kill!" Seeing that Xiao Feng was going to rush out by force, Yuan Shijie sneered and gave the order to kill him. In a flash, several swords were drawn out, and under the light of the light, a cold light came out

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