Faced with more than a dozen men in black with swords in their hands, Xiao Feng has no fear in his eyes. He knows that he killed Ye Xiao. If it wasn't for himself, ye Xiao would never have come to such a birthday party. If he didn't come, there would have been no such thing. The thought that ye Xiao might have been buried in the sea of fire would have made his heart as miserable as a knife!

Body full speed toward the front, three men in black have stopped in front of his body, in the hands of the blade lightning on him to cut!

"No!" At this time, Li Shiqin exclaimed, but no one would pay attention to her words. Instead, they made their swords faster!

In the face of the roaring sword, Xiao Feng's eyes twinkled with hot light. His body, which had been rushing forward, was suddenly turned around and rushed towards yuan Shijie instead!

Several people in black were surprised. They thought Xiao Feng only wanted to rescue Ye Xiao as soon as possible. Everyone's attention fell on the front, and they only wanted to stop him. They didn't think that he should rush to Yuan Shijie!

It's obvious that Yuan Shijie's two men are trying to cut off Xiao Shijie!

In the face of the fast two knives, Xiao Feng didn't have any fear or even the slightest intention of staying. He rushed at full speed, and even his speed suddenly accelerated at this moment!

"Hiss!" One of the machetes left a long bloodstain on Xiao Feng's back shoulder. However, Xiao Feng's body had already rushed to him. He clearly understood that with Ye Xiao's skill, if he escaped from the sea of fire, he did not need to rescue himself. If he did not escape from the sea of fire, even if he did not escape from the sea of fire, he would be useless!

In this case, it's better to kill yuan Shijie and avenge him!

The guilty Xiao Feng only wants to kill yuan Shijie, and even ignores those chopping knives. At his almost desperate speed, both of them have not stopped Xiao Feng, and his body has come to Yuan Shijie's body!

Seeing Xiao Feng rush forward bravely and fearlessly, Li Shiqin's eyes show a trace of surprise. How can Xiao Feng be so reckless about his own life? In his eyes, is brotherhood really so important?

"Go to hell!" Xiao Feng didn't know that Li Shiqin was still thinking about these things at this time. He only wanted to tear yuan Shijie into pieces. Even if ye Xiao had any accident, he would be able to avenge him!

Xiao Feng rushed directly in front of Yuan Shijie and threw a fist at Yuan Shijie. Such a scene made the faces of other people in black change greatly. They were all loyal to Yuan Shijie. If yuan Shijie had something wrong, what would they do?

But now even the two people who intercepted Xiao Feng just now can't stop Xiao Feng. They can only see him attack Xiao Feng with a fist.

In the face of Xiao Feng's powerful punch, Yuan Shijie's mouth appeared a sneer. Just as Xiao Feng's fist was about to fall on his face, his body suddenly moved. With a flash of his body, he had avoided Xiao Feng's punch, and then directly hit Xiao Feng's abdomen!

An inch force suddenly broke out, and the force of terror even blew Xiao Feng upside down!

Xiao Feng was shocked. Obviously, he didn't expect yuan Shijie to have such a skill. He could even use an inch of strength. His body fell heavily on the ground, but he had no time to remove the power of the fist. Several machetes had been cut. Xiao Feng was shocked. His body rolled several times in succession to avoid the cutting of the machete, but there were still two knives that cut his body!

Finally, Xiao Feng got up again. He thought he could avoid other people's attack. However, when he fixed his eyes, Yuan Shijie, who was still a few steps away, had already rushed to him. Another punch hit him and hit him on the chest. Suddenly, another force burst out, and the force of terror blew him away again Up, directly hit the back of a locust tree, on the spot is a mouthful of blood spurt!

As for yuan Shijie's body, Yuan Shijie's body was shocked to see him go out with his hands. However, Yuan Shijie's eyes were not so shocked that he could not escape!

"What? Surprised? Ha ha, master Xiao, don't forget that I followed your father to build the foundation of Tianmen. This strength was taught by your father. I haven't fallen behind these years! " Seeing Xiao Feng's startled appearance, Yuan Shijie laughed. His smile was more proud and arrogant than before!

Seeing that Xiao Feng was seriously injured by Yuan Shijie, Li Shiqin's face changed again. He pleaded with Yuan Shijie!

"Brother in law, please don't hurt him!"

Yuan Shijie took a look at Li Shiqin and thought that she was Li Yuan's sister after all, and if she had not been whipped and helped by Li Yuan over the years, she would not have been her present self!"Xiaofeng, I will not be embarrassed to ask for you for several times. As long as you promise to help me sit in the seat of the Lord, I will spare you a life today. How about it!" Although Xiao Feng is not in a high position in Tianmen, he is also Xiao Zhentian's son. If he can get his support, it should be easier. At least after ye Xiao dies, Xiao fei'er will not be hard for himself!

"You are delusional!" Xiao Feng spits out the blood in his mouth and snorts cold!

"What do you say?" Yuanshijie was furious, originally thought Xiao Feng had been taught, with his Playboy's character should know to be soft, who knows that he dare to fight against himself, and now he is furious. As long as Xiao Feng dare to say more, he even wants to wipe it off directly!

"He said you were delusional!" Xiao Feng had not spoken yet, but a lonely, proud voice sounded from the forest. When they heard such a voice, the faces of all people changed, only because they didn't realize that someone came!

As the people looked in the direction of the voice, they saw a man in white walking out of the woods slowly. He was so alone. But I don't know why, including yuanshijie, they feel a heavy pressure. When they see the face with the help of the light, Yuan Shijie's face becomes even more pale in a moment!

"White sorrow flies? How can you be here? " Seeing the leisurely white sorrow flying, Yuan Shijie only felt his heart beat unexpectedly accelerated!

When Bai Chou Fei was only a teenager, he made a lot of noise about the black road in Kyoto. Many people thought that Bai Chou Fei was there. But yuan Shijie knew that it was the power of baichofei!

But what surprised yuanshijie at this time is not Bai Chou Fei's own strength. Here is his territory. He has buried hundreds of good hands here, or he wants to kill Ye Xiao. What he really worried about is the purpose of baiqifei appearing here!

"I said I was passing by here, do you believe it?" See the face of the dramatic change of Yuan Shijie, white sorrow fly light smile, smile can not say the breeze!

I believe it, I believe in your mother!

Yuanshijie almost broke out and scolded him, but when he thought of the identity of the other party, he turned his words into this sentence: "white is less, the Ming people don't say dark words, what do you want to do..."

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