When Bai Xiaofei appeared, outside the villa, ye Xiao took huanglingyao to avoid the attack of the pillar of fire. However, a shadow of a man came out of the ground and cut it to Ye Xiao. Huanglingyao even ignored his life and safety, and he went directly to the light of the knife.

Such a scene let Ye Xiao heart surprise, obviously he also did not expect in this most dangerous time, huanglingyao unexpectedly can ignore his own life.

But as a man, how can a woman die for herself? Quickly extend his right hand, a pull to Huang lingyao, directly pull her to her own bosom, then directly kicked on the fallen column, the huge column was kicked by Ye Xiao, hit the man!

The man was so frightened that he didn't expect Ye Xiao's strength to be so huge. Facing the burning cylinder, he could not kill Ye Xiao again. His body could only be turned back at full speed!

It has to be said that this guy has excellent toughness and quick reaction. The whole person unexpectedly avoided the impact of the cylinder. But when he stood still again, ye Xiao had come to him, a wrist that grabbed him holding the knife, and he twisted hard, and ate pain in his wrist. The knife fell down and was inserted into the heart of the man by the other hand of Ye Xiao!

A knife killed a person, ye Xiaola Huang lingyao's small hand and rushed out, only a few breath time, he has rushed outside, but his pace stopped, only because outside do not know when to be surrounded by a group of people in black, everyone's hands are twisted a machete.

Seeing that bright chopper, huanglingyao was scared and pale. How could so many people come here? Are they all here to deal with Ye Xiao?

Ye Xiao glanced at the group of black men, and finally, she fell to the most central woman in black leather. The woman was about thirty years old, charming in appearance and in a beautiful figure. She made the impression of mature women in her thirties vividly!

"Li Yuan?" Seeing this woman, ye Xiao asked in a whisper that he had not seen the woman, but he studied the situation of elders in Tianmen and knew that she was a woman of yuanshijie, but he didn't expect her to appear here!

"Ha ha, I am honored not to think that the famous Ye Shao also knows the name of the little woman!" Hearing Ye Xiao directly called her name, Li Yuan was surprised in her face, and then smiled at her. In the light of the fire, the smile could not say all kinds of manners!

"What does lishiqin have to do with you?" Ye Xiao did not have a friendly relationship with Liyuan, and asked again, this is also his biggest doubt in his heart!

"She's my sister!" Li Yuan also did not conceal, told ye Xiao directly!

"That's what it was!" Ye Xiaodian nodded, he had seen that Li Shiqin was wrong, but he had not found out who she was connected with, and couldn't understand why Li Shiqin would stand on the side of yuanshijie. Now he has such an answer, and everything will be solved easily!

"The question of leaf Shao can be asked?" See ye Xiao in such a situation can still maintain such calm, Li Yuan's heart is also a little admire!

"Well!" Ye Xiaodian nodded.

"Ye Xiao or just take it with his hands. If you hold your hands, I promise not to hurt the sister around you. How do you think of Ye Shao?" Li Yuan smiled, and did not immediately call for a hand!

"Do you think I am a man who can't get it?" Ye Xiao sneered, smile can not say the irony!

"No, but ye Shao is a man who is very passionate and righteous. If you are the only one, you will not be caught by yourself. But there is such a sister around you. I don't think ye Shao will let him ignore it?" For ye Xiao's sneer, Liyuan didn't care. This time, in order to kill Ye Xiao, yuanshijie pulled out all the elite of his secretly training, and there were hundreds of people. Even if ye Xiao means all day, it was hard to escape to die today, let alone that there are such burdensome things as huanglingyao around him. Li Shiqin is sure Ye Xiao has no care for her!

"You threaten me?" "Ah, ah, ah, ha!"!

"You can think so!" Li Yuan whispered!

The Yellow lingyao wants to say something, but is pulled by Ye Xiaola, to show her not to speak!

"No one in the world can threaten me!" Facing more and more people around, ye Xiao still has no fear in his eyes, but a smile?

"Since that, don't blame me for not reminding me, do it!" Li Yuan's face was cold, and she wanted to use huanglingyao to make ye Xiao throw a mouse. Then she could lose a little bit of human horse, but who expected him didn't care at all. In this way, she could not help a hard fight!

The voice fell in the moment, two black shadows have been full speed towards Ye Xiao, and Liyuan's body is backward, she does not want to be accidentally caught by Ye Xiao!

"Ye Xiao, you......" Facing the man who came to the spot, ye xiaomovable did not move, but huanglingyao on the side knew that he became a burden of Ye Xiao. Just to say ye Xiao, you don't care about me, but heard a gunshot coming from the night sky, and then saw the two people who put their heads burst into a blood mist, and the body fell down directly!After this change, all the people present were shocked, especially Li Yuan's eyes, full of horror. Did ye Xiao still ambush people?

Just as he exclaimed, the sound of the sniper gun continued to ring, and then saw one after another men in black directly fell down, almost everyone was a shot in the head!

"Come on, back to the shadows!" Li Yuan's heart was shocked. Now, even a fool knows that ye Xiao has ambushed experts around. In the night, they stand in front of the fire one by one. Isn't this a living target?

In fact, there was no need for Li Yuan to tell them. When they saw their companions being hit one by one, they had already quickly retreated to the back. As long as they retreated into the darkness, the hidden sniper would lose their target!

However, the front man had just been out of the dark, suddenly there was a scream. Waiting for people to react, they saw that his body was thrown out and directly fell on the ground, motionless. His body was lying, but his head was facing down, and the whole person's head was forced to turn around!

Seeing such a scene, people's faces were startled. What's going on?

At this time, a tall man came out of the dark, followed by a group of men in black Zhongshan suit. Each man's collar was embroidered with a dragon pattern. All of them were members of the Dragon Yao club!

"Coming?" Ye Xiao asked softly!

"Coming!" Ye yubai came out and said softly!

"All but this woman have been killed!" Ye Xiao pointed to Li Yuan and murmured!

"Yes, do it!" Ye Yu nodded his head and waved his big hand. A man in a Chinese tunic rushed out of the darkness. Only a few breaths had exceeded hundreds of people. They were all holding bright Tang knives. They rushed to the men in black beside Li Yuan. They saw that the people they brought were surrounded in a blink of an eye Together, Li Yuan's eyes are full of despair. She never thought of it. She calculated everything herself, but finally she calculated herself into it

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