In the woods, Yuan Shijie looks at Bai choufei coldly. He really can't figure out what he wants to do. This time, he and Li Yuan planned to kill Ye Xiao on the occasion of Li Shiqin's birthday. It can be said that in order to kill Ye Xiao, he even took out his last card, and he and Li Yuan even took out their own hands!

Li Yuan knew her sister's mind and was afraid that her sister would intercede with Xiao Feng, so he was the one to deal with Xiao Feng. With the strength of more than 100 people, even if ye Xiao had three heads and six arms, he would never escape death. As for her own side, a small Xiao Feng was not a problem. Whether it was to capture or kill, it was up to him What he didn't expect was that Bai Chou Fei would appear!

How could he be here? Why is he here?

When Yuan Shijie asked Bai choufei what he wanted to do, there was a roar of gunfire in the night sky. With the sound of the gun, Yuan Shijie's face changed.

The gangsters in Kyoto don't have many guns. Even in Yuan Shijie's hands, there are not many guns. He also knows that only a few guns can't deal with Ye Xiao. If you are not careful, ye Xiao will seize the guns, which will threaten his and Li Yuan's lives. So this time, in order to deal with Ye Xiao, he didn't ask people to bring arms, but he did After moving so many people, I'm absolutely sure to kill Ye Xiao. But now there's the sound of a sniper gun in the night sky. This is definitely not my own person!

Do you think ye Xiao has already known everything she has arranged?

"Take him!" Knowing that things had changed, Yuan Shijie said to the rest of them. Of course, the object he was talking about was not Bai choufei, but Xiao Feng.

Now Xiao Feng is seriously injured, and there is no resistance at all. As long as you can catch him, you don't have to worry about Xiao Feng even if something happens to Li Yuan's side!

With Yuan Shijie's order, the remaining few people are running towards Xiaofeng at full speed!

However, Bai Chou Fei chuckled, and his figure flickered. He came to Xiao Feng with one hand and grabbed one man's fist. When he twisted his backhand, he heard a click. The man's arm was directly broken, and then he turned around and kicked another person to fly out!

These guys with some strength in Xiao Feng's eyes are not even able to resist under Bai choufei's hands. They are just breathing time, and these people have been knocked down to the ground!

Yuan Shijie's face changed again when he saw his men lying on the ground in the blink of an eye. Obviously, he also realized that Bai choufei's skill was extremely good. Even if he was not an opponent, he could no longer care whether the villa was a success or not. He turned around and ran to the woods!

He didn't even care about Li Shiqin who was already at a loss. As for Li Yuan, it's important to run for her life. Who cares about her!

"Brother Bai, I'm ok. Don't let him run away!" Seeing that Yuan Shijie wants to escape, but Bai choufei doesn't mean to pursue him, Xiao Feng thinks he is worried about his comfort, so he opens his mouth to drink!

"Don't worry, he can't run away!" Bai Chou Fei is calm and has no intention of pursuing!

Seeing that Bai Chou Fei didn't catch up with him, Yuan Shijie was determined in his heart, but before he had time to be happy, he saw a handsome man appeared in front of him, smiling at himself!

Seeing this man who often appeared on the screen, Yuan Shijie did not stop at all, but rushed to the top. He knew this man. His name was Xiao Nan, and he was now a popular movie star. But he also knew that he was Ye Xiao's younger brother!

Yuan Shijie thinks that he is not ye Xiao's opponent, but he still believes that he has the ability to deal with a younger brother. Maybe he can force Ye Xiao to do something even if he is captured!

Just when Yuan Shijie thought that Xiao Nan could be easily captured, a satirical smile appeared on the corner of Xiao Nan's mouth. Seeing that ironic smile, Yuan Shijie was distracted. Is this guy also a man who hides himself?

However, he has already rushed over, the arrow is on the string and has to send, he has no way to consider other!

He even believes that even ye Xiao can only evade such a blow even if it is Ye Xiao!

But Xiao Nan didn't dodge, even didn't mean to resist. He looked closer and closer to his fist. The smile on his face was just more brilliant!

"Bang!" Just when Yuan Shijie thought he had hit Xiao Nan with a blow, a gunshot rang in his ear. Then he felt a pain in his heart, and a blood arrow shot out of his chest. His body was shocked to retreat and looked back at his chest. There was an extra blood hole. Then he looked up at Xiao Nan and found his hand Zhongzheng is holding a painted black desert eagle!

In the dim night, I didn't see a gun in his hand

"I want to kill brother Xiao without a gun. What a fool!" Seeing the fallen yuan Shijie, Xiao Nan swore in a low voice, and then went up to the villa to mention the body of Yuan Shijie!

Outside the villa, ye Xiao stands on a vacant land, and Li Yuan stands in front of him. Her eyes are full of bewilderment. She never thought that she had planned for such a long time, but failed in the end!And when she saw Xiao Nan twisting yuan Shijie's body, her face became as pale as wax paper!

"Sister!" Li Shiqin is also brought by Bai choufei and others. When she sees Li Yuan standing in the same place, Li Shiqin gives a light cry, and the whole person pours at Li Yuan. Xiao Feng and others don't stop her and let her rush to Liyuan's body!

"Sorry, Shiqin!" Seeing the sadness in Li Shiqin's eyes, Li Yuan sighed softly!

Li Shiqin didn't speak. She just cried and shook her head, indicating that she was nothing. Xiao Feng, who was supported by Bai choufei, felt the same pain!

"Can you tell me how you see it?" When she saw yuan Shijie, who died miserably, Li Yuan knew that this time, she was really defeated, but she had some doubts in her heart, and she didn't understand where she was defeated!

"I didn't see it. It was just a doubt." Seeing Xiao Feng's guilty and sad appearance, ye Xiao's heart is not good. If he can, he doesn't want things to become like this. It's just that someone wants to kill him, so he can't wait to die!

"Doubt?" Li Yuan didn't understand. Did she just rely on her doubts?

"Well!" Ye Xiao nodded, then continued: "she should remember the last time in Buckingham Palace, when we were attacked by Chen Xiang after drinking wine. At that time, I was a little confused. Then I asked brother Bai to help me find out her news. Unfortunately, she didn't find any information about her. If anyone else did, he was in Kyoto This is the biggest problem. After coming here today, she said that her parents were all abroad and lived here alone. However, although it was remote, it was still inhabited by some people. I thought it was inappropriate, so I secretly informed brother Bai that they were living here! Originally, I hoped that I would think about all this, but... " However, ye Xiao did not go on, but everyone understood what he was going to say!

Li Shiqin's face is even more painful, even dare not look at Xiao Feng again!

"I also have a question. Can you answer it for me?" Seeing that people no longer speak, ye Xiao said again!

"Say it

"Why do you want to help yuan Shijie all the time? Don't tell me that he is dead because of love. I don't see that you are a little sad!" Ye Xiao sneered!

"Ask the Li family for justice!" Li Yuan was stunned at first, then almost gnashing her teeth

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