Ask Li family for justice?

Ye Xiao and Bai Chou Fei look at each other and see the doubts in their eyes. What she said is the Li family, but the Li family in Kyoto?

She waved her hand and let the people around her disperse. Then she looked at Li Yuan together. Li Yuan didn't talk nonsense and directly told her and Li Shiqin's life experience!

Ye Xiao and Bai choufei are right. The Li family in her mouth is indeed the Li family in Kyoto, and the Li family was also a famous family. However, since the death of General Li, the Li family has no successor and has gradually declined. However, the lean camel is bigger than the horse. Judging from the strength of Yuan Shijie, it is undoubtedly a fool's dream to fight against the Li family!

However, in Li Yuan's description, she and Li Shiqin are biological sisters. Her father is Li Zhennan, the eldest son of Li Xiongfeng, the contemporary leader of the Li family. At that time, the Li family, eager to seek allies, originally hoped that the eldest son of the Li family could welcome the gold of another rich family. However, Li Zhennan fell in love with a girl of ordinary family background and insisted on marrying her For his wife, Li Zhengfeng angrily drove Li Zhennan out of the Li family.

However, Li Zhennan did not care. He still loved the woman deeply and gave birth to Liyuan with her. Originally, they thought that as long as they could be together, even if there was less honor and wealth, Li Zhengfeng drove Li Zhennan out of the house, hoping that he could understand the cruelty of reality, so that he could change his mind, where he could easily stay with a woman!

With the strength of the Li family, it is not difficult to create some obstacles for Li Zhennan. Under the dryness of the Li family, Li Zhennan has encountered difficulties in finding a job. Not to mention creating a career of his own, even if it is difficult to support his family, Li Zhennan is really infatuated. Even so, he refuses to bow down to the Li family, instead, he takes his mother and daughter away from home, but the Li family Unless they leave China, how can they escape from the control of the Li family? Under the pressure of the Li family, the life of Li Zhennan's family is extremely miserable. The eldest son of Li Zhennan's family even went to clean the toilet. Even so, Li Zhennan did not turn back, and he still stuck to his wife and daughter!

After ten years, Li Zhennan's wife was his second child, that is, Li Shiqin. However, due to long-term malnutrition, Li Zhennan's wife was very poor. When she gave birth to Li Shiqin, she passed away because of dystocia. Li Zhennan was deeply hit, and she died of illness a year later, leaving only two daughters!

At that time, Li Yuan was only 11 years old, but she had to run for her own and her sister's life

When talking about this, ye Xiao and others don't even need to listen to it any more. They already know that she has suffered a lot over the years, but Li Yuan just says it lightly, while Li Shiqin on the side is already crying!

The dream is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. At that time, Li Yuan was just a helpless little girl. It was difficult to support herself, not to mention a younger sister who was still in her infancy!

However, she still relies on her own efforts to do housework for people, to be a nanny, to raise her sister step by step.

Although the days are hard, Li Yuan is still strong and alive. She knows that she can't give up. In any case, she will raise her sister!

Although it was a hard day, Li Yuan was able to stick to it. She was intelligent. She was still self-taught when she was supporting her family. Although she had never been to school, her academic performance was always good. However, when she was 14 years old, the male host forcibly deprived her of her body while the hostess was away!

At that time, Li Yuan deeply felt despair, and from that moment on, her hatred for the Li family for the first time reached an unprecedented peak. If it was not for the aggressive comparison of the Li family, she would not have lost her father or her mother. If it was not for the Li family's indifference, she would not have suffered such a thing. All this is caused by the Li family, From then on, she began to think of revenge on the Li family!

In order to learn more, to grow up as soon as possible, and to make her sister's life better, Li Yuan sold her body. As a 14-year-old, she has started to mingle in various entertainment places, relying on her body to please one man after another!

Earn money, in addition to life, the rest is used for reading, relying on the money to sell her body, she went to school, admitted to high school, and finally entered the University, but throughout her reading career, she has been subject to the ridicule of her classmates, all of which are counted on the head of the Li family.

Later, a chance, she met yuan Shijie, and was yuan Shijie's eye, and finally became yuan Shijie's woman. Then, relying on what she had learned over the years, she gave advice to Yuan Shijie. She only hoped that one day, Yuan Shijie could accumulate enough strength to avenge the Li family and seek justice from the Li family!

Later, Lin ruthlessly went to Yuan Shijie and promised to help yuan Shijie take the position of the Lord as long as he killed Ye Xiao. Yuan Shijie knew that his opportunity was coming, and Li Yuan also knew that his opportunity was coming. At least, she saw the hope of revenge on the Li family!

But who knows that when they met Ye Xiao, their calculations were all resolved by Ye Xiao one by one, and in the end, they were defeated!

Li Yuan's voice was very flat, but all the people present were shocked. No one thought that she would have such a miserable childhood. As for Li Shiqin, she had already cried to tears. Only she deeply understood her sister's sufferings over the years. Because of this, when Li Yuan asked her to cheat Ye Xiao and others to the villa, she agreed without hesitation!"Ye Shao, I know that you are a person who does great things. All these things are arranged by me. I don't ask you to spare me. I just hope you can let my sister live. All these things have nothing to do with her!" Seeing the silence of the crowd, Li Yuan opened her mouth again and said that it was just different from the plain just now. At the moment, her eyes were full of sincerity!

"Sister..." Li Shiqin has been crying like an adult. Seeing that her sister has to plead for her at this time, her heart is even more moved. At the moment, her legs soften, she directly kneels down to Ye Xiao: "Ye Xiao, I cheated you. Everything is my fault. I hope you will let my sister go. As long as you let go of my sister, I will be willing to be a bull and a horse!"

Although Xiao Feng was seriously injured, Xiao Feng was shocked by Li Shiqin and Li Yuan's life experience. At this time, Li Shiqin suddenly knelt down to Ye Xiao. He moved and seemed to want to say something. However, he almost killed Ye Xiao at the thought of this time. He stopped his pace and showed a puzzled look in his eyes!

Although he hated Li Shiqin a moment ago and hated her deceiving himself, he was completely relieved when he heard Li Yuan's statement and thought about the feelings between them. What is she doing for her sister? In the end, it's not true!

If they really only aimed at themselves, Xiao Feng had already forgiven her, but this time it involved Ye Xiao and almost killed Ye Xiao. He could not consider himself, but he could not consider for his brother!

Xiao Feng's action is naturally in Ye Xiao's observation. Seeing the appearance of Xiao Feng's desire to speak and stop, he has already known Xiao Feng's mind!

Seeing Li Yuan with a plain face and Li Shiqin with tears on her face, ye Xiao sighed softly. How could there be such injustice in this world?

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