"Xiao Feng, give it to you!" Leaving such a sentence, ye Xiao turns around and walks away. Bai choufei looks at Li Yuan's sister and Xiao Feng. He also murmurs a sigh and turns to follow Ye Xiao to leave!

"Xiao Feng, all this is my fault, please let go of my sister, please!" Seeing ye Xiao hand over the initiative to Xiao Feng, Li Shiqin is no longer gentle and elegant in the past, so the whole person pounces on Xiao Feng and kneels down in front of Xiao Feng, full of begging!

Xiao Feng was suddenly surprised by his romantic nature. He has been wandering in the flowers all the time. It can be said that he has countless reading girls. However, he never thought that he would fall in love with a person. He thought he could live a happy life with the one he loves. However, he did not think that the one he loved betrayed himself. If ye Xiao had not been on guard, he might have been from Ji and ye Xiao are dead now!

This kind of harm is extremely important to him, but when he heard what Li Yuan said, he could not hate them at all. In the end, they were just two miserable women!

"You go Xiao Feng sighed. He didn't look at Li Shiqin any more. He turned and walked in the direction of Ye Xiao and others!

Seeing Xiao Feng's figure gradually disappearing into the night, Li Yuan was stunned. Her eyes were confused for a moment, and she murmured: "I'm sorry!"

Li Yuan really did not expect that she planned such a killing. Ye Xiao would let go of her sister and others. At this time, seeing her sister's painful eyes, she already knew that her sister had really fallen in love with this man!

At the thought of deeply separating the two lovers because of her own reasons, her mood, which has been in a stable state of mind for many years, has even stirred waves. What difference does she do with the Li family?

"Sister, I'm sorry for you!" Seeing the heartbroken Li Shiqin, Li Yuan gently walked up to her and helped her up!

"Sister, don't blame you, everything can only blame life!" Li Shiqin shook her head gently, but she knew how much her sister had paid for herself!

"Life?" Li Yuan murmured a sentence, but the heart is a burst of confusion, is this really life?

The villa is still burning in the fire. Fortunately, this generation is remote enough, but Bai choufei has made arrangements for it, which will not cause a big stir. On a road not far from the villa, there is a huge Humvee!

In front of the Humvee, ye Xiao and Bai choufei, still naked, lean in front of the window, holding a cigarette in their mouth and smoking in silence!

"Do you believe it?" After smoking a cigarette, ye Xiao suddenly opened his mouth! His so-called letter, of course, is whether to believe what Li Yuan said!

"I believe, but I don't believe her!" Bai Chou Fei flicked off the cigarette end in his hand and said in a deep voice!

"Ha ha..." Ye Xiao didn't say anything more, just a gentle smile, but his idea was the same as Bai choufei. He believed every word Li Yuan said, but he would not believe a person like her!

"By the way, what about your clothes?" Seeing several scalds on Ye Xiao's body, Bai Chou Fei suddenly asked!

"Burned!" Ye Xiao doesn't understand why this guy suddenly cares about his clothes!

"Burned? What were you doing when the fire broke out Bai choufei continued to ask!

What do you do? Ye Xiao is stunned, thinking of everything before the fire, and then seeing the malicious smile of Bai choufei, he suddenly knows that this boy is making fun of himself! "What do you do has something to do with you?" he said

"Ha ha, it has nothing to do with me, but it has something to do with someone. Here is the car key. I'll lend you the car. But if you play with the car shock, remember to wash the car for me tomorrow!" Bai choufei laughs and throws the car key to Ye Xiao, which makes Ye Xiao angry. NIMA, who has the heart to play with car shock?

However, he still took the car key, and saw Huang lingyao come over. When dealing with Li Yuan and others just now, ye Xiao asked someone to take her away. Now that he has not done anything to Li Yuan and others, there is no need to avoid her!

"Ye Xiao, I..." At the thought that she was actually used by Li Shiqin and turned into such a big thing, she almost killed Ye Xiao. Huang lingyao felt guilty and wanted to explain something, but she was interrupted by Ye Xiao!

"It's none of your business. I don't blame you. Let's go. I'll take you back to the bedroom first." Ye Xiao said, has opened the door, and Huang lingyao Oh, from the other side of the Humvee, the huge Hummer issued a roar, in this silent night rush out!

On the other side, Xiao Feng came to Bai choufei's side. Looking at the Hummer passing away, he was in a daze. He said, "if you said I let them go, would ye Xiao blame me?"

"Yes Bai Chou Fei didn't think about it, he said directly!

"Ah Xiao Feng is stunned. If ye Xiao blames himself, what should he do?

"He will blame you for not leaving Li Shiqin. She is a good girl, anyway!" Seeing Xiao Feng's surprised appearance, Bai Chou Fei added another sentence!"Ah..." This time Xiao Feng is more surprised, and then some unbelievable said: "you said I and she are still possible?"

"It's man-made!" Bai Chou Fei left such a sentence and walked forward, leaving only a surprised Xiao Feng!

Is that what ye Xiao means?

Yuan Shijie's death did not bring much shock to Kyoto. It was just a aftershock of the Tianmen civil strife. For those high-ranking figures, these elders may be in the underworld, but in their eyes, they are just dispensable chess pieces. If the chess pieces are gone, who will pay attention to them?

However, Yuan Shijie's death also brought a wake-up call to those eager to move. Yuan Shijie had planned for such a long time and was easily killed by Ye Xiao. You'd better be honest. At this time, no one dared to fight against Ye Xiao in Tianmen. With Ye Xiao's strong support, Xiao fei'er quickly began to control Tianmen, and her talent in underworld, Also play incisively and vividly, even in many places than their own Laozi did at the beginning!

Time is like this. In the twinkling of an eye, it is approaching the new year. Every new year, Kyoto is the busiest place. Many stars, Group executives and senior government officials will go to Kyoto to attract popularity, give gifts, exchange feelings, and even many entertainment companies will launch their own new year blockbusters at this time!

Star entertainment company, which has become the largest entertainment company in South China, is no exception. The year before last, star entertainment company created a box office miracle with a "hero of chasing the wind". In just two years, it was promoted to a new upstart in southern entertainment. It has dozens of famous stars and a huge lineup. In order to seize the box office again this year, star entertainment company launched one The action blockbuster "solitary" took nearly a year to complete. In addition to the leading role played by Xiao Nan, the popular idol, the other supporting roles are almost all the first-line stars today, and the heroine is a generation of Queen Zhang Xinyu!

Hua YUEWU, the boss of star entertainment company, personally led the original crew of the play to Kyoto in order to win the grand prize again at the Chinese Film Festival. For movie fans, this is a rare event, but for some people who know the inside story, they know that this is the beginning of a new round of war. As the most outstanding person of the Lin family, this is Lin Wuqing One of the insiders

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